Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 418 The Snake King Explodes

Crisis awareness, this is what Chen Qiang has been instilling in everyone. And in his plan, the welfare of the people should be very good, but he has forgotten the laziness of human beings. According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Government Administration Council, less than 50% of men between the ages of 20 and 30 go to the wilderness to make a living, and the rest of them are drunk in the game. Moreover, the military service training camp that the military recruits every year has gradually begun to recruit less than its own personnel over the years.

You must know that the military's so-called military service training camp can really advance into the ranks, and even if they complete the training after one year and don't join the military, the training in this year will allow them to gain some experience in killing mutant beasts in the military , and if the training results are relatively good, you can also get support from some resources. These resources are things that money can't buy. But now there are not enough recruits every year, and the upper echelons of the military even have the idea of ​​canceling this training camp.

This policy of the Government Council really aroused the dissatisfaction of the people after it was issued. In their view, it is depriving them of their right to live. However, the Government Affairs Council inherited the strength of the Star Group and did not give these people a chance at all. In the second month, the Government Council issued welfare funds immediately in accordance with the policy. The welfare of 300 star coins per person is just enough to guarantee a person's survival needs for a month, but if you want to eat better or buy various products to improve your strength In the case of medicine, it is not enough.

As a result, a large number of people with families and houses began to go out of their homes to look for jobs. In fact, it is not difficult to find a job now. Especially in the space mining industry, the demand for the population of various mining companies has reached its peak, especially after the five major space ports were sold to private companies, the human team for space exploration is also getting larger and larger, and now the entire asteroid belt It has become an active area for human beings.

From the point of view of the overall size, the size of the entire human race is larger than at any time before, and the top ten of the world's top 500 companies are each larger than the previous five major countries' economic size, so It's too easy for them to run a spaceport. And they have also completed the idea that none of these major powers have completed, that is, to establish a series of supply bases among the five major space ports and the asteroid belt.

Now the scientific and technological strength of these companies is almost the same as that of the Star Group before the cataclysm. If they develop a meteorite now, they have enough technology. The transport ship is still on the blueprint.

In the end, the people gave in. They started to go out of their homes into the wilderness to find a lucrative job. What’s more, these people were a little scared that the Government Affairs Council actually let go of the real estate transactions in the fourth- and fifth-tier residential areas. It was a bolt from the blue. People in their 30s and 40s have all experienced that period of soaring housing prices, especially Chinese people, who feel it more, so a sense of crisis in their hearts makes them have to go out to find a job that makes money.

In fact, there is another job to make money, and that is to collect medicine in the wilderness. Medicinal materials are now the most valuable thing in the world. Everyone's strength is accumulated with these medicinal materials. Almost everyone in the world will use various medicines when increasing their strength, so the medicine market has become The third largest industry in the world after finance and space. Especially after Starry Sky Bio released some drug formulas for sale, this market has been cultivated.

There is nothing in the world that is not dangerous at all, and the people have few choices, so more people have entered the wilderness. The influx of human beings into the wilderness has also led to a large number of mutated beasts being hunted down. The mass hunting of mutant beasts was discovered by the Three Emperors and Ten Kings, but they still had some scruples, so they remained silent all the time. But after the Snake King's egg was stolen, the situation changed completely.

"It is reported that snake kings hunted humans on a large scale in Australia, and some hunter camps have been destroyed." The military department of Starry Sky City received such a message.

"Snake King? Are you sure." MacArthur turned pale. The military and the Snake King have confronted each other many times, but nothing has been gained at all, especially the venom of the Snake King, which is said to be able to dissolve all substances. As long as human beings touch it, it will turn into a piece of ashes within three minutes .

"Reporting to the Chief of Staff, it is the Snake King. According to our information, it may be that one of our hunters accidentally broke into the Snake King's spawning ground and took away the Snake King's eggs." Chen Junhui, who is in charge of intelligence, reported.

"It looks like we are really going to fight the Snake King." Zhukov next to him sighed.

"General, why don't we return the egg?" A blond woman suddenly said.

"I'm really sorry, this is my little granddaughter, and she is now my life secretary." MacArthur quickly apologized. It is allowed in the military to bring his own family's descendants into the army, but they had to start from the military. Starting from the bottom, no one can escape from this track. Therefore, Chen Jun and the others didn't have much interest in this woman. The right of senior officials in the army was only to decide the transfer of positions at the same level, and the soldiers could not directly change the level of a certain person.

"Little guy, remember, human beings can have the current living environment because of the blood of soldiers. We can't admit defeat or compromise. This will make those soldiers who have sacrificed will not rest in peace. We human beings can only die standing up, not live on our knees." Zhukov was very firm after saying this.

As a result, the first-level alert alarm that the world has not raised for a long time began to sound in all cities. No one will think that this is a joke, because the city guards in various cities have already begun to go up the city walls, and the humans in the wilderness have also received notifications from the military, and everyone began to rush towards the nearby cities crazily past.

At this time, in the Southeast Asian military region facing the Australian region, Dak has put all the troops under his command on the highest alert, and sent one-third of the troops to cleanse the mutant beasts in the entire Southeast Asian region. This is something that must be done before the war. Do things, otherwise the army will face a situation of two-sided attacks.

This was a disaster for Dak. As a general who fought against the tide of mutant beasts, he had a very strong understanding of the tide of mutant beasts, and this time he knew that he was going to face the Snake King. Spicy Mutant Beast. Among the Three Sovereigns and Ten Kings, this one is the closest to the Three Sovereigns, and even surpasses it in terms of large-scale lethality.

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