Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 430 Three Kings

In the planning of the Government Council, the gathering place in Western Europe is actually not good. Even with the Alps as a barrier, it is not safe. However, Europeans who have never been nostalgic for their hometowns rarely showed their hometown feelings at this time, so billions of people in Europe were crowded into such a small place. It also formed the second largest human gathering place except the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

"White Fox King, you finally came out, can you tell me how many of you there are?" Dong Xiuwen asked calmly looking at the falling high-speed transport plane.

"I remember you human beings. We met in Alaska and fought against each other." The White Fox King was funny with his hands behind his back.

"It seems that the key area of ​​your attack is Europe. The Fox King and the Eagle King are here. Why do you plan to keep us?" Dong Xiuwen also confronted the White Fox King with his hands behind his back. He has no hope of surviving at this time. . The Fox King has never been known for his strength, but for his cunning. So now that it shows up, it means that these people will definitely die.

"As one of the most powerful human beings, wouldn't it be nice to keep you here to have an impact on your human morale, and to avenge the Snake King?" Talking is already common for all high-level mutant beasts They don't have human vocal cords, so they use the control of Qi vibration to simulate human vocal cords.

"Then come on, let's see whether you will die or I will live today." Dong Xiuwen took out a spear and rushed towards the White Fox King as he spoke.

The so-called "Eighteen Weapons" are knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, battle-axes, hooks, forks, whips, maces, hammers, grasping, boring, sticks, lances, clubs, crutches, and shooting stars. Now, the first three are the most used by the common people, because these three have the most inheritance of traditional weapon skills in China.

General Dong Xiuwen's high-level strength is one of the strongest among human beings, and the mutant beast kings may have gotten the news, so there was such a siege. After all, the loss of a high-level combat power has a huge impact on the entire war.

The white fox king is always cunning, it knows that it is not the opponent in front of it, so with a wave of its claws, dozens of beasts of the same level rushed towards Dong Xiuwen. The remaining people saw that their captain was besieged by mutant beasts and were about to rush over to help, but another large wave of beast generals rushed towards them.

Fighting, fighting without any reason. Dong Xiuwen's clothes turned blood red at this time. He didn't know how many mutant beasts he had killed, but the many corpses under his feet were enough to prove his strength. Hit from the sky to the ground, the small mountain bag was already stained red with blood, and there were only twenty or so people left beside Dong Xiuwen who came out with him.

No one backed down, everyone was trying their best to kill the mutant beast. And the level of the mutant beasts is also getting higher and higher, from the first level three to the current level seven, this is a change in strength. The mutant beasts' attacks became more and more fierce, and they did not give Dong Xiuwen and other humans a chance to rest.

In addition, the eagle king in the sky will make a dive from time to time, and every dive will take away a person. So now the remaining twenty people are already the elite of the elite.

"Continuing like this is not an option. Let's form an arrow-shaped attack team to go straight to the location of the White Fox King. We will definitely not go, but we must leave a Beast King to be buried with us today. Brothers, are you afraid?" Dong Xiuwen He opened the communication channel and said after killing an eighth-level mutant beast general.

"Captain, we've already made enough money. We've earned a lot of money by pulling a Beastmaster." Gunter said with a heroic smile in the channel.

"That's right, Captain, we didn't intend to go back alive after we came out this time." Another team member continued.

"It's all good. Brothers listen to my orders, use me as the tip of the arrow to form an arrow, and target the White Fox King." Dong Xiuwen took a step back, and the remaining twenty-three team members also began to form two sides at this time.

In fact, Dong Xiuwen still has another trump card. In his backpack is a small hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of 10 million tons of TNT. He felt three powerful auras in the entire battlefield, but only two appeared at this time, so he interrupted and used this opportunity to force the other one out, and then detonated the nuclear bomb all at once, and the three mutant beasts collapsed. Losing here is also worthy of my own trip.

The formation with Dong Xiuwen as the tip of the arrow rushed towards the White Fox King in the crowd of mutated beasts like no one else. During this process, the Eagle King launched an attack again, but this time it did not get any benefits. The huge white phosphorous bomb exploded directly on his body, a flame that could not be extinguished with water. So at this time, the Eagle King could only fly up and down in the sky in pain.

But the team member who released this white phosphorous bomb has become the food of many mutant beasts at this time, and no one feels sorry for the sacrifice of his teammates, because they are now facing a more powerful opponent, Tiger King. This is a lunatic on the battlefield, and I don't know how this lunatic endured for so long.

Dong Xiuwen was not surprised to see King Tiger appearing in front of them, but smiled instead. But he was still a little far away from the white fox king, so he turned over and passed the tiger king to the middle of the tiger king and the white fox king. The Tiger King saw that Dong Xiuwen's target was the White Fox King, so he quickly turned around and rushed towards Dong Xiuwen.

When people are dying, they always think of the best things in the past, and Dong Xiuwen is no exception. He remembered the very warm family he used to have. Parents, wife, and children sat together and ate dinner while talking and laughing. From time to time, the wife taught the children who put the food and vegetables on the table, and he was an accomplice beside him.

A mushroom cloud rose, and everyone in the Fourth Battalion who came to support burst into tears.

"Okay, don't cry. Captain Dong Xiuwen has fought for us for such a long time with his life. Now it's time for us to act. Remember that this time when we arrived, there was no grass at the beginning." Qin Lang, the captain of the fourth brigade, said at this time He also said with red eyes. He has been the captain of Longya for so many years. He was the one who created Longya in the past, and he has seen a lot of deaths around him. The heart was once again torn open.

"Yes, captain, there is no grass growing anywhere." Everyone replied loudly, and at this time everyone's eyes were full of hatred.

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