Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 45 Guess

Chen Qiang will not be so stupid as to think that the world is so bright, even if the society is harmonious and stable now. Marx once said: Once there are appropriate profits, capitalists will become bold. If there is a 10% profit, he will be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, he will be active; if there is a 50% profit, he will take risks; If there is no profit, he dares to trample on all human laws; if there is 300% profit, he dares to commit any crime, even risking hanging his head.

And the technology in Chen Qiang's mind not only has a profit of more than 300%. A piece of knowledge that does not belong to this world, knowledge is priceless, this is not nonsense. If Chen Qiang announces this news, even in modern civilized society, various assassinations and kidnappings will follow. In addition, every country will not let Chen Qiang go. Chen Qiang does not believe that the country will protect him. You must know how eager the country is for unknown civilizations.

Like the largest radio telescope or space telescope, these are examples of the detection of alien civilizations in the world. Although Chen Qiang doesn't know where the knowledge in his brain comes from, Chen Qiang knows that there are only two sources of this knowledge: one is from alien civilization, and the other is from prehistoric civilization.

The first possibility is easier for Chen Qiang to accept, because Chen Qiang believes in the existence of alien civilization since he studied biology. Because biology is a very miraculous thing, the fact that it can adapt to the environment alone is enough to make all scholars who study biology believe that there are alien creatures.

We all know that microorganisms are widespread, but in terms of biology, human beings and their various creatures are all differentiated from an algae cell. Since this process occurs on the earth, why does this evolution process not occur on other planets? Human beings have discovered many earth-like planets in the starry sky. The Milky Way contains 120 billion stars and a large number of star clusters and nebulae. With such a huge number, there must be a system like the solar system, and life in this system is also very difficult. No surprise.

But if the knowledge in Chen Qiang's mind comes from prehistoric civilization, Chen Qiang will have to study the evolution history of the earth carefully. Scientists have used radioactive element measurements and isotope content determination methods to measure that the earth has existed for 4.6 billion years. On the earth, we can know that the epoch of living beings is after the epoch of the Paleozoic Era, so let's guess whether there was no life born in the time before the Paleozoic Era. We have no way to verify this, but from a scientific point of view, as long as there is a one percent possibility, then it is established.

Prehistoric civilization, this is a hot topic. Atlantis is a relatively mysterious region. At least in the thinking of modern people, Atlantis has become a representative of prehistoric civilization. And countries are also actively looking for some clues. Those drilling machines up to 10,000 meters in modern society are a good example. Drilling up to 10,000 meters, such a long distance is just to inspect the rock formation? Maybe someone will believe it.

In fact, this is just Chen Qiang's guess, which is also a major characteristic of human beings. They will use some mysterious things to explain things that cannot be explained by their own knowledge, but Chen Qiang's guess is more in line with the laws of science.

The current Chen Qiang is just guessing, but there is no way to verify Chen Qiang, at least for now. The current Chen Qiang is still very weak, so Chen Qiang's current task and goal is to become stronger quickly. A huge company affects something in any country. This is the best shortcut that Chen Qiang concluded to make himself stronger. Now Chen Qiang's company has 3,000 people, which means that there are about 3,000 families in Huaguo that are tied to the starry sky creature ship. If this number reaches 10,000, 100,000. By that time, Chen Qiang's golden body had already been molded.

Moreover, Chen Qiang still has conditions when recruiting, and fresh graduates are preferred. This is also some talent reserve that Chen Qiang has made for his company. Except for a few senior executives in Starry Sky Creatures, the rest of the staff are basically fresh graduates. Although fresh graduates are not very proficient in business, Chen Qiang believes that fresh graduates are very malleable. The current Xingkong Biotech was founded not long ago, and the company is still in the start-up stage. It is allowed to make mistakes, and it is relatively easy to correct them. But if the company enters a mature stage, then stability is the biggest requirement.

Coupled with the existence of Nuwa, a quasi-artificial intelligence, the supervision of the entire company is in place, so Chen Qiang is also very happy to recruit some outstanding fresh graduates. Chen Qiang's company is getting bigger and bigger now. On this basis, Chen Qiang plans to recruit a group of people, mainly scientific researchers. In the company, the salary of scientific research personnel is higher than that of management personnel, even in the cultivation center.

As a technical boss, Chen Qiang has no experience in managing companies, but he is very clear about the importance of scientific research. Although Chen Qiang has some knowledge beyond this era, Chen Qiang does not think that he can fully stimulate the potential of these technologies, so Chen Qiang established the Starry Sky Biological Research Institute, intending to use this platform to transform the memory of his brain Develop all potential.

Don't underestimate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers for new technologies. The term "technical geek" is a compliment for scientific researchers. In particular, Chen Qiang has put the cell fusion technology on the laboratory's internal website. This website is directly controlled by Xiaolong, but in name it is controlled by Nuwa. However, the level of openness is very high, and now only the heads of a few laboratories can learn.

Now even Kong Ruo, an old man, seemed to have found a second spring, and started working in the laboratory, which caused the teacher's wife to have a lot of resentment towards Chen Qiang. Of course, Chen Qiang won't stop Kong Ru anymore. Except for a few heads of comparison laboratories in the entire research institute, everyone else is basically undergraduates, although the foundation is relatively solid. However, in the undergraduate education stage, there was not much contact with experiments, so Chen Qiang used nearly 200 million yuan to buy the instruments in the laboratory, and some people could not use them.

Chen Qiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The laboratories Chen Qiang bought were all the latest instruments in the world. The instruments used in many schools are very old instruments. So Chen Qiang had to conduct an instrument operation training in the research center. But fortunately, Chen Qiang didn't need to do it himself, someone would do it after Chen Qiang ordered it.

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