Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 451 Make a Mistake

Carlo finally left, and left the earth with all the fleet that night. Zhukov and Wu Aiguo were very happy when they got the news. Because they have seen a long-term distributor and distributor, and this person seems to be easy to get along with. But what they didn't expect was that their boss messed up the matter, which made the relationship between Carlo and the earth tense again.

The next day, Chen Qiang showed up in the meeting room on time. He is in a terrible mood now. So when entering the office, everyone felt very uncomfortable.

"Ka and I tried it out last night, but we seemed to have broken down the conversation, so it's time for you to make up your mind." Chen Qiang said directly after sitting down.

"Mr. Chen, are you joking with us? Let's talk about the collapse." Everyone present was a little incredulous, because this time they gave benefits directly to Carlo, so Wu Aiguo asked directly.

"Carol wants the distribution rights of the Mutant Earth Beast, and he also needs to sign an exclusive contract. I will never allow this because we can't fall on a tree, so we are waiting to die." Chen Qiang first introduced himself and Ka Luo. Luo's negotiation process, and then said angrily.

"Oh, my dear Mr. Chen, we originally planned to give this right to Carlo. Because we have no other channels at all, and another advantage is that the exposure time of the earth will be greatly reduced." Wu Aiguo really can't understand his boss. He may be a hero, but what he did is not worthy of scrutiny. But now he is indeed a hero of mankind.

"But in this way we have no pricing power at all, which is a naked harm to our interests." Chen Qiang still didn't understand Wu Aiguo's words, so he directly refuted.

"Mr. Chen, we are not qualified to set prices. It has always been recognized that all the rules are made by the strong, so what we have to do now is to strive for the best conditions under the squeezed situation. We shouldn't have the qualifications to raise conditions." Zhukov said this in a very unwilling tone.

Chen Qiang didn't expect this matter to be like this. Originally, he thought that this matter should be a matter for both parties, so he raised some conditions very high, so that there would be room for maneuver. After all, bargaining is normal in the world. But he ignored the current situation of the earth. At this time, the earth can only be slaughtered as a lamb, and there is no chance of resistance at all.

"Zhukov, if you hand over all the military power of the Star Group to you, how sure are you to fight Carlo's fleet? I don't need you to win, just a draw." Chen Qiang was still a little unwilling, so he went directly to the side asked Zhukov.

"Mr. Chen, no. The current human society simply cannot support such a big war. The elites of the human race on the ground have already lost almost all of them. At this time, if the elites in space also lose more than half, the loss outweighs the gain. "Wu Aiguo burst into tears before Zhukov could speak.

"Mr. Chen, it's less than half of it. It's all done with human lives. Our staff and research institute have analyzed this fleet. According to our current technological development speed, it will take at least five thousand years to build such a spaceship." Time, this is still a relatively conservative number.” Zhukov also disagrees with his boss’s approach, the war with mutant beasts has exhausted the war potential of human beings, and now all human beings need to rest and recuperate.

Everyone is against it, because monopolistic business is like this, and it is basically a victory for one side. Everyone present understands this, and no one thinks that this alien named Carlo will let the earth go, after all, his occupation is a wandering businessman.

At this time, Chen Qiang also slowly understood the current situation of the earth, and the current human beings simply cannot bear his toss. Moreover, the Earth, which has just entered the second-level civilization, and Carlo, who has more than a fifth-level civilization warship, are of the same order of magnitude.

"Maybe I took it for granted." Chen Qiang said secretly in his heart, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face. Then he said to everyone in the conference room: "Leave this matter to Wu Aiguo and Chen Jun. Wu Aiguo's opinion is the main one. Come to me after an agreement is reached."

No one understood Chen Qiang's mood at this time, and now his mood is not far from those of ancient emperors. They all want to take all aspects of the entire society into their own hands, but human energy is limited, so they can't take care of all aspects at all. If this happened to the ancient emperors, a large number of people would start to die, and only blood could wash away the confusion and anxiety in their hearts. But at this time, Chen Qiang couldn't and would not do this, so he could only suppress this emotion through his own will.

"Chen Qiang, are you distressed? Do you think you can decide the fate of the entire human race? Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It is every human being who decides the fate of mankind, and you are not qualified. So don't let yourself go Look at these things from the perspective of a ruler, let go of the obsessions in your heart, and be an ordinary person." At this time, an abrupt voice appeared behind Chen Qiang.

"Dad, why are you here?" Chen Qiang quickly turned around and asked.

"Hey, silly boy, if I don't come, you will fall into a strange circle. Don't think about ruling a country. This is the most barbaric social structure in human history." Chen Shun handed a cup of coffee to his son and said.

"But the news I got during the chat with Carlo is that if a civilization does not have centralized power, it will slow down the development of this civilization. And according to some development data on our planet, the centralization of power should not be decentralized. Well, when a lot of resources are concentrated to do a big thing, the centralization of power is often faster than the speed of power, and what humans lack most now is time." Chen Qiang took a sip of coffee before saying.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with centralizing power, but it is a bit wrong for you to understand centralization as mastering power. Human society has made great progress, and the application of artificial intelligence has pulled human society down to a society that will be a hundred years later. So You don't need to personally grasp the development of human society, you just need to set a direction, do you understand." Chen Shun's task today is very difficult, so he explained it in detail and patiently.

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