Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 461 Organization Establishment

Fifteen vitality nodes were quickly allocated, and the university began to take root in various parts of the earth as an independent institution, and the universities of each local vitality node also had the responsibility to assist the military in the management of the region. Of course, as the earliest reformer in the world, West Lake University got its wish to get the vitality node located in Leifeng Pagoda, Hangzhou, and as the first batch of universities to establish campuses at the vitality node, the military has given great support to this group of universities, for the purpose of I want to use the strength of the university students to suppress the mutated plants in this area.

After these years of development, those who can enter the university are all the elites among human beings. Both strength and brain development are higher than peers. Moreover, the cultivation of universities is no longer a universal education, but an elite education model, so only tens of millions of the hundreds of millions of students in the world can go to universities. But in terms of structure, a current high school student is better than a former college graduate, so basically finishing high school is enough. Whether it's going out into space or pioneering the wilderness, there's a job for sure. As for the danger, human beings have long been psychologically prepared for this.

When graduating from high school, all families will prepare a space suit or combat uniform for their son. They all knew that it was time for their sons to fight hard. Of course, before graduation this time, the military would take these high school students to a place where the mutant beasts are relatively mild for a trial, so basically all high school students People who have seen blood after graduation.

"Chen Qiang, the vitality node really doesn't leave us a place. I think the vitality node on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia would be a good one." Chen Shun found a special time to ask after dinner.

"No, we don't need to compete with the people for these places. The starry sky creatures can already compress the vitality initially. The compressed concentration is similar to the concentration of the vitality nodes. Although the price is relatively expensive, we don't Lack of money." Chen Qiang explained that he didn't have any ambiguity about his father's question, because now the entire Chen family is attached to him.

"Then why don't we build a university funded by our Chen family foundation, and choose the location on the vitality node of NMG." Chen Shun suggested, after all, he is also for the good of the entire Chen family. The temptation of a vitality node is really a bit big, not only the vitality but also some nearby plants. There are even some plants whose value is very high, which can be met but not sought after in the market.

"Okay, let's leave this matter to the family fund." After thinking about it, Chen Qiang agreed, because even if he disagreed, it would be useless, because many companies and families in the world have already started to establish universities. Or acquire some private universities to participate in the competition for vitality nodes. In this way, many people in this family can occupy this area in a legitimate way. Although some people are trained every year, it is not worth mentioning compared to the benefits obtained from the vitality node.

Even though these actions were all done privately, they still couldn't escape Chen Qiang's eyes, so he planned to use this opportunity to legalize the whole thing, which might be much better on the bright side. After all, it is impossible for the vitality node to be in the hands of the Xingkong Group forever. The Xingkong Group is going to be denationalized in this year, so some things are a hot potato in the hands.

After a year of preparations, the National Founding Committee has completed most of the nation-building matters, and it is completely possible to choose a date for the nation-building. So Wu Aiguo, Zhukov, Kong Ru, and Anderson, as the heads of the entire committee, came to Chen Qiang's office to report.

"Mr. Chen, this is our preliminary state organization setup. You can take a look first." Wu Aiguo is in charge of this part, because he is the only one among the four leaders who has worked at the top of the country. As for the high-level organization setup Still have a deep understanding.

"There are three institutions under the emperor, the military, the Government Affairs Council, and the Procuratorate; the military has three major departments under the Staff Department, the Equipment Department, and the Logistics Department; There are nine departments in total including the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Construction.” Chen Qiang frowned when he looked at the institutional setup of this department, and he felt that the organization of this department was too ordinary and not suitable for human civilization to survive in space.

So he said: "The Ministry of Science and Technology among the nine ministries of the Government Administration Council will be directly taken out, and the Ministry of Commerce will be added. Then, a scientific research institute will be established to parallel the three major institutions. A strategic research institute will be established to formulate laws and carry out strategies for the future of mankind. Sexual research, this department belongs directly to me, and it is also a consulting institution, and the central bank is incorporated into it”

"Mr. Chen, there is no need for the Academy of Sciences to be independent at all, and after the independence, the scientific research funds of the entire Academy of Sciences will still be allocated by the Government Affairs Council." Kong Ru raised his own objection. The Academy can conduct research in the era of Star Group It is independent, because in name it is the company's research institute, but now that the country is established, there is no need for this.

"Then merge the Academy of Sciences directly into the Institute of Strategic Studies, and then form four parallel institutions of the military, the Council of Government Affairs, the Procuratorate, and the Institute of Strategic Studies." Chen Qiang made a decision after thinking about it, because this matter is very simple The purpose of his establishment of the Strategic Research Institute is to make the legislative power independent. In addition, it intends to gather the most elite scientific research forces of the entire earth to promote the development of earth science and technology. Only strong scientific and technological strength can make human civilization feel a little bit more secure. After all, if the power of scientific research is put under the administration, the whole science will become more or less impure, which will be counterproductive.

"That's fine too, but Mr. Chen, I think that since you have merged the central bank into the Strategic Research Institute, you can also merge the Ministry of Finance into the Institute. After all, taxes still need to be formulated by the Ministry of Finance. Financial policies also need the cooperation of the Ministry of Finance." Wu Aiguo was obviously not used to Chen Qiang's behavior of seizing power, so he complained a little.

"Mr. Wu, as for the Ministry of Finance, it's better to stay with the Government Affairs Council. Starry Sky is responsible for all tax issues. The Ministry of Finance can only do its own thing and allocate the financial budget to the Council of Government Affairs every year." Chen Qiang obviously knew him. This kind of behavior has caused a backlash, so I said directly that the taxation was not intended to be manually reviewed. Now that the artificial intelligence of Xingkong has penetrated into all aspects of human beings, such a small matter as taxation is not difficult for it at all.

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