Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 466 Military Parade Ceremony

Even the press conference for the founding of the country was still very simple, which also followed the habit of Chen Qiang, the founding monarch. Although the people were a little dissatisfied, they still accepted the result, although they really wanted to hold a grand founding ceremony. After all, human beings have suffered too much in the past ten years. Now that life has finally returned to normal and is getting better and better, it takes a day to celebrate.

But obviously, the monarch Chen Qiang didn't give everyone this opportunity, even the enthronement ceremony was omitted. So the military parade after the enthronement press conference became the focus of wild celebrations by the people.

Starry Sky City, a city established less than 20 years ago, has already turned into a sea of ​​red, especially in the Starry Sky Plaza. For this military parade, the area of ​​the Starry Sky Plaza has been enlarged by about three times. However, compared to the troops under review, it is still a bit small, but this is already the greatest ability of Chen Shun, the chief officer of Starry Sky City. You must know that this area has always been the core area of ​​Starry Sky City and even the world. There are many institutions and departments, and relocation is a big problem. For this military parade, the headquarters of the Starry Sky Group after reorganization was moved to the No. 1 satellite city of the Starry Sky City that is being established.

"Your Majesty, today's review troop alone has reached 300,000 troops, so I hope you can speak more on the military parade. The soldiers are all looking forward to it." He is also in command.

"Three hundred thousand people, isn't that a lot?" Chen Qiang was very satisfied with the current organizational setup, so he delegated power to many things, so he asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, the troops that are being paraded this time are all fighting in the sea of ​​blood. There are too many troops that are eligible to participate in the military parade. For example, the ten armies to which these 300,000 people belong are the least They have all changed Sancha people, so it can be said that they used their flesh and blood to keep the mutant beasts out." Zhukov's face was very solemn. Because according to the previous rules, if a unit is eliminated by the organizational system, then the formation of this unit will not appear in the future sequence of this country, but in the battle with mutant beasts, it can be ignored so much, so it is There is such a situation today.

"Well, heroes need people to remember them forever. How is the military committee preparing for the Heroic Soul Monument?" Chen Qiang asked.

"Your Majesty, we are here." Zhukov was about to answer when Zhang Jian, who was driving, suddenly said.

"That's it for now, we'll talk about it after today is over." Chen Qiang opened the car door and got out after speaking. At this time, the inspected troops standing on both sides of the road looked at the man who got out of the car with respectful eyes.

Sitting on the review vehicle, Chen Qiang turned on the microphone in front of him. Although there is an anti-gravity flying car now, this sense of ritual still needs to be done, so he followed the car and shouted: "Comrades have worked hard."

"Serve the people."

It takes a long time for the 300,000 troops to review, so an hour passed in the form of your question and answer. Although it can always be like that for an hour, no one feels bored, and that kind of enthusiasm makes all the people watching this event feel hot and proud.

"Hello, gentlemen and ladies. Today is a very special day. In the past eighteen years, we humans have experienced a lot of suffering, and we were even close to the edge of a cliff. But in the end we survived, But we also paid a very heavy price, our former home was almost in ruins, and 135 million people died. So now I propose to observe three minutes of silence for the dead." Chen Qiang lowered his head after finishing speaking , followed by a ninety-nine and eighty-one salute.

Now all this has been arranged long ago, as a person who does not play cards according to common sense. Today, Chen Qiang accepted the arrangement obediently, because at this time, no mistakes are allowed, and the newly established country must give a good influence to the people.

Three minutes passed quickly, and during the whole process, nearly a million people in Star Plaza were silent. Even many people who watched the live broadcast stood up at home and silently bowed their heads. The war in the past is still fresh in the memory of every human being. If it weren't for the last spaceships, human beings might really perish.

Chen Qiang also sorted out his emotions and continued: "Using history as a mirror can show gains and losses. This war has brought people a tenacious character. Although we have survived this disaster, it does not mean that we are Be safe and be prepared for danger in times of peace. This is the wisdom brought to us by our ancestors. According to the statistics of historians and biologists all over the world, the history of human birth on the earth is about 3 million years, but it is really called The time of civilization will not exceed 10,000 years. And our technological explosion is only 400 years old. We are a complete newcomer in the universe, so we will have more disasters in the future .”

The current human beings are too fragile. A wandering businessman with a sixth-level civilization can force the earth to compromise. This makes all the high-level officials who know about this matter feel ashamed. The phrase "weak countries have no diplomacy" has evolved into "weak countries have no room for survival" in the universe.

So now Chen Qiang has reached an agreement with the entire leadership, that is, the entire human race must be mobilized to complete the task of defending the entire solar system in the next hundred years, and if it is possible to exclude some explorers from the universe To open a channel of communication with the outside world, and what he said is doing some advance work.

"Now I announce the start of the parade." Zhukov tried his best to control his emotions and announced the start of the most important part of the entire military parade in a very magnetic voice.

"Let's go!" The guard of honor that started first, compared to the guard of honor of the three services before, is the guard of honor of the space force and the ground force. As for the navy, because of the establishment of the space fleet, it is directly classified into the ground force, and it still belongs to the nature of that kind of garrison force.

This time the military parade is completely copied from the Huaguo military parade. When the first phalanx started with a forward posture, many people's eyes filled with tears, because at this moment, human beings will appear in the universe and history with a brand new attitude. . After experiencing the disaster of mutant beasts, although it gave human beings iron blood and perseverance, it also brought great fear to human beings.

And this kind of fear completely dissipated under the baptism of this military parade, especially when the fleet composed of Beluga-class transport ships appeared in the projection on the starry sky square, the entire human race was completely boiled. Perhaps it was at this moment that human beings truly accepted the emperor Chen Qiang, and also the country of the Starry Sky Creature Empire.

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