Where there are people, there are struggles, especially now that the economy of the empire is slowly beginning to have the idea of ​​consortium oligarchy, so this time the Global Space Symposium sent Lei Jun, Minister of Commerce, to the Government Affairs Council to participate. This is also a signal sent by the government, that is, the current Government Affairs Council has been able to sort out the economic structure of the entire society. This time, your behavior of dividing the cake to the empire is very unhappy.

"Mr. Lei, welcome." It was Lin Bin, an old colleague, who was happiest to see Mr. Lei. Whether it was Xiaomi or the Star Group, the relationship between the two of them had always been very good.

"Not bad, I thought you would crush Xiaomi Aerospace to death in your hands, but I didn't expect you to do this." Lei Jun said with a smile, he knew that his old colleague had no intention of developing into the aerospace field at all. Otherwise, it would not be difficult to directly pull out an aerospace company comparable to Interstellar Aerospace based on his foundation in the Star Group.

"Mr. Lei, as you know, I have always admired the concept of making a single product or a certain type of product the ultimate." Lin Bin is very happy now.

"Minister Lei, welcome to come." Ma Hua interrupted at this time, he had a kind of reluctance in his heart for Lei Jun's arrival. Because this matter was originally organized by non-governmental organizations, now the Government Affairs Council's participation will greatly steal the limelight from Penguin Aerospace.

"Mr. Ma, hello. Your idea is very good. The market now needs certain rules and some degrees of freedom. Technical exchanges between enterprises can greatly increase the competitiveness of the industry. Now the empire is vigorously promoting spaceflight. Domain, this meeting of yours can be regarded as entering the heart of the Imperial Council. I took the liberty to come here this time, and I hope Mr. Ma can take me in." Lei Jun greeted with a smile.

However, after hearing Lei Jun's words, MCA's heart skipped a beat, because he heard the smell of gunpowder and dissatisfaction from the words of the Minister of Commerce of the Imperial Government Council. So he smiled and replied: "It is an honor for Penguin Aerospace that Minister Lei can come here in person, please."

After hearing these words, Lei Jun followed the staff to the conference room. He knew that he was here today to deter these people, so he had a serious face when he entered the conference room.

In recent years, the business community of the entire earth has adopted a barbaric growth method. Although the Government Affairs Council has made many adjustments during this process, because they really don't have so much energy, they can only watch these things. The company sits big.

In fact, the emergence of a large company is what the Government Affairs Council and the empire are willing to see, but these companies that have grown wildly have not changed their wildness after being included in the framework, and they are crazy if they want to make money. This time, the behavior of dividing the cake directly caused Wu Aiguo of the Government Affairs Council to smash the cup. You must know that all the review of the application materials on the Empire's side is now handed over to Xingkong. And the quotations of these big companies for the same project will definitely be lower than those of small companies, which will deeply kill the small companies in the current market.

The empire does not want to see such a situation at all, because this Venus transformation plan is to enhance the competitiveness of small private companies, and when these companies grow up, they can break the monopoly of these industries that will soon become consortium oligarchy. Moreover, this time the technology research and development funds are very rich. If most of the funds are taken away by large companies, then this will increase the speed of expansion of large companies and the speed of demise of small companies.

When Lei Jun entered the venue, he obviously felt that everyone in the venue was stunned, and the whole air was full of embarrassment. However, he didn't show any expression, but followed the guide to his seat. This position is very strange. Looking directly at the rostrum, Mr. Lei knew that it was temporarily replaced, because the nameplate on the chair had been torn.

"Minister Lei, hello, I'm Ma Yun." Although Ma Yun is very familiar with Lei Jun, he still has the necessary etiquette. And he was stunned for a moment just now, but he immediately guessed the reason for this person's arrival. He is still very sensitive to this aspect, so in the past few years he has been slimming down the industry of enterprises, disposing of some enterprises that control the national economy. The most obvious is the financial group Ant, who sold Ant to the central bank shortly after the establishment of the Imperial Bank.

"Mr. Ma, interstellar space is becoming more and more popular now. No matter what field you go to, you old horse is an outstanding person." Lei Jun gave a little compliment. After all, he needs an ally now, and the one in front of him is best allies.

"Minister Lei was joking, and I just caught up with the trend. Our interplanetary spaceflight intends to participate in the transportation project of the Venus Project. What do you think, Minister?" Ma Yun knew that the Minister of Commerce was alone at this time Alone, he needed an ally, so he took advantage of the situation and put forward his own conditions. And he also knows that what is going to happen today is simply impossible to avoid. After all, the behavior of some companies these years is really ugly. If the Government Affairs Council doesn't care about it, it really doesn't deserve the title of "the cleanest and most efficient government in history". up. He is also pushing the boat along the way. After all, the end of going against the empire is generally not good, and it is good to get some compensation now.

"There will be no more than one company in the world that can undertake the transportation part of the Venus construction plan. Mr. Ma's interstellar spaceflight is very likely to win the bid."

Lei Jun still has a lot of information about the Venus Project. After all, his Department of Commerce is responsible for the commercial bidding and access qualification review of the private part of the entire plan. During the qualification review of the interplanetary transportation mission between the Earth and Venus, he found that there were only three companies with this qualification, and Ma Yun's interstellar spaceflight was one of them, but the Strategic Research Institute will build all the Beluga this time. Technology and part of the construction technology of Zvezda were sold to five companies respectively. That is to say, besides the three companies with interplanetary transport missions, there will be two other lucky ones this time, but he will not disclose this information.

Use technology to offset the cost of the entire project, and then invest the construction funds of the entire plan into the private sector in the name of scientific and technological research and development. In this way, the goal of killing three birds with one stone can be achieved: first, the entire construction task is completed with the smallest cost; second, a large number of new technologies will be born in this batch of technical support, which can greatly promote the entire human exploration The process of space; the last thing is to support a group of enterprises to contain the current small number of oligarchic enterprises, and also achieve the purpose of hiding wealth among the people.

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