"What, it's impossible." Hu Yuanji's face was full of disbelief. He had used the artificial intelligence of the test ship to calculate that this operation would require at least two trillion energy blocks. A friend of his from the central bank revealed it after drinking again. There are only more than 4 trillion energy blocks in the treasury, and he also said that if the consortia outside now release a financial turmoil, the value of the star currency will depreciate by at least half in a short period of time, so what he just said is nothing more than It's just to comfort everyone.

"Teacher, it's true. The information is still in the command room. This time the military even sent the rescue plan. According to our calculations, the feasibility is very high." Tang Caiyan finally smiled, because she was finally able to I saw the person I was thinking about day and night. They originally planned to get married this year.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Hu Yuanji was also a little excited at this time, no one was willing to die like this, especially in this era where human life expectancy exceeds two hundred years.

"Mr. Hu, you see, this is the specific rescue plan sent by the military, but I am a little puzzled because we have not made a warship called 'Insect Type'." asked suspiciously.

"Insect type? Are you sure?" Hu Yuanji's eyes suddenly contracted, because he really knew about this so-called 'Insect type' warship. Basically, one-third of the students of the aviation academy in his class were mobilized to a department that conducted research on alien warships, and the name of this alien warship was 'Bug Type'.

"Sure." The captain of the test ship was selected from tens of thousands of pilots, and he was reliable enough in terms of loyalty.

"Then we will be saved. The so-called 'worm-style' warships are a hundred warships that the empire donated after purchasing a large amount of goods from space wandering merchants. These warships are all capable of space shuttle. The empire originally did not Those who intend to use these warships are only as a research object, because no one can guarantee that the businessman has not installed anything on the warships, and now that the empire has taken them out, then we don’t have to worry about our safety.” Hu Yuanji finally relaxed With a sigh of relief, he is actually not that old, and this year he is just over thirty years old. Now he has a child who is not yet three years old. To be honest, he is really reluctant to bear the child.

"We are saved! Long live the empire!" Someone suddenly shouted, and then the entire test ship's personnel boiled up, and shouted loudly. Some people even shed tears again, but this time they wept with joy.

At this time, the transport fleet at the No. 13 long-range early warning radar station received an order from the military to rescue after a short rest, but this time the commander was not the regular staff officer, but the No. 13 radar station. artificial intelligence. Although this kind of rescue is still better done manually, this operation is too dangerous. The military does not see that the person who should be rescued has not been rescued, but the rescuer has become the rescued person. So they plan to let the artificial intelligence of the 13th radar station conduct an experimental rescue. If the rescue is successful, everything will be fine; .

The ten warships left the port slowly, and shuttled away under the watchful eyes of General Staff Officer and others. But no one shouted, because this is a gamble, and it is the kind of gamble that cannot be stopped. As the real experiencers of the "worm" warship shuttle for the first time, they are quite familiar with this kind of warship, so the situation is not very optimistic.

Now everyone is praying for a smooth trip. You must know that even if the worm-type battleship is controlled by humans, it is very dangerous, not to mention that the battleship that can only be controlled by humans still has a delay in receiving information.

Just when the whole plan was being implemented intensely, Su Yan, the governor of the central bank, appeared at the moon base with a livid face.

"Your Majesty, the energy block in our inventory is less than one trillion at all, and this news has been known by some interested people. Now the price of goods on the earth has begun to rise." Su Yan's eyes flashed a trace of fatigue, because in the After the military transported the energy block away, the news has already spread. It has been fifteen days since basically everyone on the earth knows that she has nothing to do now.

"What does the Government Affairs Council do? The police force in their hands is not just for display. Let me tell you about the first batch of hoarders and get rid of them." Chen Qiang said in a cold tone.

"Your Majesty, we are now a country, and according to the existing laws of the empire, these people are not capital crimes at all." Zhukov quickly reminded, because since a country has enacted laws, it must abide by them, otherwise it will break its promise. It is time for this country to collapse.

"Then let's open up the moon and ask the Government Affairs Council to formulate a detailed aerospace industry development plan, defining the moon as a large-scale spacecraft manufacturing base. Now that the folks have money to make wind and rain, it means that the folks still have money. Attracting funds to this aspect also saves them from doing nothing, as for the price problem, it is just a product problem, let the government affairs council take compulsory measures and increase supply to suppress the price for me." Chen Qiang seemed to have thought of a countermeasure long ago. , talking eloquently.

But everyone present understood that this His Majesty did not completely cure the situation but just diverted his attention. However, the attention of developing the moon is indeed very attractive, because the business community has responded to the Government Council more than once with proposals in this regard, and also hopes that the Government Council and the military will open up the construction quota of the airport, but Chen Qiang has been suppressing it.

As for the reason for Chen Qiang's pressure, he still didn't want the outer space of the earth to become crowded, and the moon could not be opened at that time, because the millions of people on the moon base were the scientific research elites cultivated by the Star Group over the years. Let these people live among the people, so he would never consider opening up the moon until he photographed these people.

"Your Majesty, there are still some people in the moon base who have not been transferred. I think this matter should be announced first. As for the specific date, it will not be too late after we settle these people." Zhukov suggested, he came to the moon base city. After that, he was completely stunned. In his opinion, this is a pure scientific research city, and also the hope for the future of mankind. He even had the idea of ​​​​blocking the entire moon, but he still held back.

"Okay, yes. Let the Government Affairs Council formulate a plan for this matter and hand it over to Mr. Lei for implementation." Chen Qiang agreed after thinking for a while, after all, it was just a diversion of attention. Although the outbreak of the large-scale financial crisis this time will make it difficult for a group of small businesses that have just been supported, as long as the Government Council's actions are decisive enough, the loss to the Empire can still be tolerated.

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