Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 481 Delisting

Sometimes a slow step is a slow step, so Abdullah didn't believe it when he heard that Ma Yun's Interstellar Aerospace was going to sell the "Tsar" airport, but he still believed it when he saw the other party's serious expression. Then he asked, "Why?"

Because Abdullah is obsessed with the five major airports, he usually pays attention to these airports. The "Tsar" of Interstellar Aerospace has only recently become truly profitable, and the new phase of construction has just been completed. At this time, selling it is simply not in the interests of a businessman or company.

"Because we are short of money, very short of money. We must take down the land on the moon for our interstellar spaceflight. The construction base on a planet is simply incomparable with the space station. The operating cost of the space station is too high. It is not in line with our current development." Ma Yun said without concealment, since the matter has come to this point, he will let it go, if this transaction is successful, he will definitely add the payment of energy blocks to the final transaction plan Plan, so that the bank can get more star coins through the funds of interstellar spaceflight.

"Yes, is it all for sale?" Abdullah obviously realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to directly control the airport. However, although he was excited in his heart after experiencing the wind and rain, his face was still calm.

"If you sell all of them, you need 50 million energy blocks. How much area do you plan to buy?" Ma Yun gritted her teeth and said her own conditions. This figure is an astronomical figure for the current interstellar spaceflight.

"We want all 30 million yuan." Abdullah bargained, and the relevant agencies in the family have already made price predictions for the five major airports, which are about 40 million to 45 million energy blocks. That's why he made such a bargain.

"Forty-nine million yuan, it can't be lower than this number, or I won't sell it." Ma Yun is going all out at this time. He originally planned to sell part of it to those small businesses. It has a temporary spaceport. But now that Abdullah wants it, things are a little different. The Arabian Aerospace Company is an aerospace company in the first echelon. There must be talents who control an airport. Even if they don't use their financial resources to spend money, they will pull out a team.

In this way, interstellar spaceflight will not have a space port before the successful construction of the moon base, which is indeed a very difficult thing for interstellar spaceflight. But the benefits brought by tens of millions of energy blocks are indeed very attractive, because with the energy blocks, the interstellar space bank can mobilize more funds from the savings funds, which is compared to the interstellar spaceflight itself. Funding is much faster, and it can also greatly reduce the capital chain of interstellar spaceflight.

"Thirty-two million yuan, this is the most price. The relevant personnel of our family have made some evaluations on the five major airports. The 'Tsar' is the smallest of the five major airports, and it is also the one with the shortest lifespan. Although your interstellar spaceflight A huge amount of money has been invested in some renovations, but the core components have not changed at all, so I gave the most suitable price." Abdullah said without hesitation.

In the end, under the scramble between you and me, Abdullah obtained the ownership of the "Tsar" at a price of 41.35 million. And the delivery was carried out in a very fast way, so a very strange phenomenon appeared in the market, that is, the 'Tsar' space station was delisted again at a very fast speed after it was listed, and the means of delisting this time It was very violent, and it directly used the method of purchasing tradable shares.

In fact, Ma Yun did not expect such a change in the development of the matter. Originally, he planned to get some loans from Abdullah to use them as reserve funds. But this time he sold the 'Tsar'. If he had known that, he would not have listed the 'Tsar'. The 41.35 million energy block is indeed a bit expensive for the "tsar" that has already been listed, so Ma Yun only got such a price when she promised that Interstellar Aerospace would delist it.

But in this case, Ma Yun's interstellar spaceflight will lose a lot of star coins this time, because the stock of the "Tsar" has risen by 50%.

"What, delisting?" After the 'tsar' announced the delisting, everyone had a look of disbelief, especially those companies that were preparing to list their respective airports, and they were a little panicked, because such a rapid delisting The only institution in the city is the empire. If it is really the empire that makes a move, it will be a catastrophic event for the business community.

"'Tsar' is delisted, Xiaobing, do you know what's going on?" Chen Qiang asked Mou Bing, who was doing the same thing, while eating breakfast while watching the news.

"Abdullah has been crazy about wanting an airport for a long time, and he will never give up such a good opportunity now. They have more than six trillion energy blocks, and it is reasonable to buy and buy now." Mu Bing smiled. She replied that although she has returned to the scientific research position, she still has some sensitivity to this matter. Besides, the relationship between the Chen family and Abdullah is not bad now, so the relevant news is still very sensitive.

"I see. It seems that Abdullah still has some ideas. Originally, I planned to ask Mr. Lei to go and let them release the energy block in their hands. Now it seems that it is unnecessary." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"It's better not to scare people. Abdullah is relatively timid. Didn't they hoard energy blocks at the beginning to circulate paper money like star coins back to the Star Group, but who would have thought that they hit it by mistake? I made another fortune." Mou Bing glanced at the city wall, then sighed.

"Indeed, if this wasn't the case, I would have asked the Government Affairs Council to send someone there long ago. You must know that Wu Aiguo has mentioned it to me many times, and I have suppressed them all." Chen Qiang took a sip of milk and said , this matter is indeed quite accidental, so it would not be very good if Abdullah's heart was hurt at this time.

There will always be some people with great luck in the world, and the Abdullah family is one of them, and it is also a family with great luck. Abdullah had a deep friendship with Chen Qiang when the Star Group was first established, and he stood by the Star Group in many things in the future. Chen Qiang is a more sentimental person, so after the Star Group took over the earth, the Abdullah family has been doing well, and their family's business has not shrunk much. And Abdullah also supports all the policies of the Star Group very much, and is very low-key, which makes the Star Group, especially Chen Qiang, have more ideas of compensation.

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