Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 484: Successful Rescue

In fact, there is a sense of fear for the upper echelons of the entire cosmic empire. They have no real contact with the outside world, and the only channel to obtain information is the information obtained from Carlo. After sorting out these materials, the empire organized historians from all over the world to analyze them, and got a bloody reality from it, that is, the universe is a world where the weak and the strong prey on the strong, and the earth is only in the second-level civilization. Activities in the outer space of their home planet, this kind of civilization is the lowest civilization in the universe.

Because the situation is too serious, the empire needs to do some preparations in advance, especially in the business world. The current empire needs to train an extremely good businessman who is very loyal to the empire to go outside the universe to inquire about some news. And it is very important for the empire to establish the connection between the empire and other civilizations. If this connection can be established, at least the empire will not be restricted by Carlo. And Chen Qiang gave this plan a period of 500 years, and it was named the 'Spokesperson Training Plan'.

This plan is extremely secretive. Only eight people know about the whole plan, and these eight people will be the controllers of the empire for the next five hundred years. In fact, the empire has formulated many secret plans in response to the possible attacks of aliens, and the organization that implements this plan is the strategic center established within the military. And the direct controller of this strategic center is Chen Jun. Now he is the most powerful person in the military except Commander-in-Chief Zhukov, and controls all the logistics of the entire army.

In fact, some special research departments of the entire Xingkong Research Institute did not leave the Xingkong Group, but moved into the dark. Some things are indeed not suitable for the public to announce, but because of artificial intelligence, all the processes of the empire's government affairs are now transparent to the public, as long as you reach the corresponding level, you can read more information, if your level is higher If it is high, then the budget expenditure of the entire empire can be queried.

But ordinary people don't have such rights at all, because now the entire empire has less than 30 people with this strength, and more than half of these 30 people are from the military.

"We're back." On the starting point space station, a spaceship slowly entered the port, but from the appearance of the engine at the tail of the ship, it was known that the ship was scrapped.

This fleet is the fleet that went to rescue the 300 people in the space shuttle test ship. When the general staff took the fleet away from the starting point, there were 100 "worm" warships, but now there are less than 50 when they come back. Ships, forty-three to be precise. In fact, at the beginning, the ten warships controlled by the artificial intelligence of the No. 13 early warning radar arrived at the position of the test ship very smoothly, and successfully carried everyone on board, but Hu Yuanji insisted on sending all the ships on the test ship to the test ship. The space shuttle device was brought, and he insisted that he would not leave without taking the device.

Sometimes people's stubbornness often kills people. Under Hu Yuanji's insistence, the headquarters still compromised, so the devices on the test ship were dismantled, and then the "worm" battleship was installed. But what everyone didn't expect was that this device produced abnormally strong interference when the "worm" warship opened the shuttle wormhole, although the artificial intelligence of the 13th early warning radar station gathered the energy of five warships. The wormhole was successfully opened, and the remaining warships entered the wormhole.

However, everyone obviously underestimated the interference signal generated by this device under the strong energy field. This time the shuttle did not reach the predetermined position, but was directly thrown out of the wormhole after halfway through the shuttle. Finally, it appeared at a place 0.5 light years away from the starting point, which everyone did not expect. The artificial intelligence also shuttled again, but this time the shuttle was not even half a light-year away, and after this shuttle, the entire spacecraft had lost all power systems, as if the spacecraft was rapidly aging.

Seeing this situation, the military had no choice, so they continued to mobilize some warships to support the fleet. But this time it was not artificial intelligence operation but manual operation. The leader is the regular staff officer, and there are some technicians accompanying him, in order to eliminate this situation, otherwise the military's three trillion energy blocks will not be able to support it according to this progress.

Finally, after inspection by technicians and scientific personnel, it was found that it might be because of the person affected by the detached space shuttle device, but this is just a guess. So after discussing with the general staff and all the scientific research personnel on the ship, they shuttled again. This time, the situation was even bigger. Not only did the distance become smaller and smaller, but also the fight between everyone on the ship appeared to be aging.

The minimum lifespan of human beings has reached two hundred years old, and the highest has exceeded a thousand years old, so the human face will always remain in the same state. And everyone on this ship is around the martial spirit level, and they are at least 800 years old, so after a space shuttle, everyone has a tendency to grow old, which means that this time the shuttle is not just Traveling through space may travel through time.

This discovery dispelled the military's idea of ​​abandoning the shuttle device. We all know that scientists interpret our world as a four-dimensional space, which is three spatial dimensions plus a time dimension. This explanation is similar to the explanation in many materials brought by Carlo, and it also explains that time is something that all ninth-level civilizations are doing their best to study. Now that humans can be in such a close contact time, the military and Chen Qiang will never give up this opportunity.

So the military used up all the three trillion energy blocks and finally brought the 'Chong' battleship carrying the shuttle device back to the solar system. After the battleship arrived in the solar system, it was finally smashed by the powerful energy, so it could only be dragged to the starting point by consignment. The whole process took a month.

"Mr. Hu, are you okay?" Chen Qiang looked at the white-haired old man and said.

"Your Majesty, I'm alright, I'm just a little old, just use a high-grade cell activation solution." Hu Yuanji is very happy now, he didn't expect to discover the secret of time this time, which is very important to anyone Researchers are a very big temptation.

"You have worked hard. The medical staff are already in place. They will give you a physical examination and inject you with top-notch cell activation fluid." Chen Qiang smiled and sent Hu Yuanji to the gathering place of the medical staff. The cell activation solution mentioned here is the complete version. As for the incomplete version that has just been researched, it is now renamed as the foundation solution, but the folks call it star water.

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