Seeing that several old people have signed their names, some centrists have also signed their names, and of course there are some diehards, the five headed by the surname Liang. A share of the lunar land.

"Mr. Han, I won't sign it. You are crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. If we hadn't helped the Pearl Group to tide over the difficulties, would you have your heroic appearance at the auction? We just want to take away the money that belongs to us on the land of the moon. Is it wrong?" The man surnamed Liang never thought that things would develop to this point, and such a forced acquisition made all his calculations come to naught.

"Mr. Liang, I said that the ownership of the lunar land belongs to Mingzhu Group. Now I am officially telling you that the ownership of the lunar land belongs to Mingzhu Investment." Han Rui's words seemed to explode in the eyes of the man surnamed Liang. Ears exploded, and everyone else in the conference room had different expressions. Some admire it while others regret it. The current Pearl Group has just reached a stage of development and is a good investment channel, but now this channel is directly closed.

In the end, the man surnamed Liang had no choice but to sign and leave in despair, and after the last hot signature, 100% of the shares of Mingzhu Group would be in the hands of Han Rui and his brother. The fact that the lunar land held by the Pearl Group does not belong to the group and belongs to the investment company is also quickly passed on.

This stunned those who fought hard, they all understand the difference between an investment company and a group company. The investment company is basically a virtual asset, and it is impossible for outsiders to get involved. But the group company has no such worries. As long as they get more than 30% of the shares, the shareholders can apply for capital injection into the company. If the two foreign shareholders have no capital injection, they can only reduce their shares. In this way, people who originally held relatively small shares will become major shareholders or even controlling shareholders after several rounds of capital injection. Such financial operations are very common in the business world.

"Sister, I don't understand why you care so much about the Pearl Group. Let it go bankrupt and we can just build it." Han Xuan asked with some confusion. Most are missing. And also lost thirteen pieces of land.

"Brother, the Pearl Group is our root, and we can't give up on it now. We must persevere in everything so that we will not lose ourselves." Han Rui said with admiration. It is true that there are not many companies in the world that have survived from the past to the present, not to mention the Zhu Group, which is branded in the hearts of the people. The brand alone is worth so much money.

"Musk, all our actions are now meaningless. The Pearl Group intends to rot the land on the moon." Li Yan looked at Ma Ma, the president of the Space Technology Exploration Company, on the virtual screen with some disappointment. SK said.

"This is indeed a very difficult problem, but we must get a piece of land on the moon. Since we want to compete with interstellar space, we need to compete in various fields." Musk said very seriously.

"Musk, the problem now is that we don't have any chance to get involved in the Pearl Group. The Pearl Group is all controlled by the Han family's siblings. Even if we hollow out the Pearl Group, it will have no effect. After all, real estate and aerospace do not require talents. It’s not very high, and the possibility of us exerting influence on people who can afford such high-priced houses is very small.” Li Yan said anxiously.

Li Yan did have some means. After breaking up with Interstellar Aerospace, he got in touch with his rival Space Technology Exploration Company. In recent years, because Baidu has an absolute market in the wave of artificial intelligence industrialization, Baidu's current cash flow is very huge. So Li Yan began to slowly extend his tentacles into the aerospace field, and after the board of directors forcibly passed the proposal, he integrated several third-rate aerospace companies, which also made Baidu Aerospace slowly enter the second echelon.

However, because the talents in the aerospace field are now snatched away by the first echelon aerospace companies, Baidu Aerospace has very little talent reserves, and it is simply unable to support the research of a spacecraft. So he set his sights on Musk's space technology exploration company, and at this time Musk also urgently needed an ally from the Asian market, so the two were combined.

Baidu opened up the Asian market for Musk, and Musk’s hollowing out technology exploration company needs to train a group of aircraft designers and manufacturers for Baidu Aerospace. Such an exchange is very simple in the market, but it is inconceivable that it happened between a second-rate aerospace company and a top aerospace company.

Because of the cultural differences between the East and the West, coupled with the previous contradictions in the business circles of the East and the West, the world market has always been divided into two parts. The Asian market is the home of Interstellar, while the American and European markets are the home of Space Technology Exploration. However, the competition in the European market is much fiercer than that in the Asian market, because the West is willing to invest funds in research and development because of the concept. Although the concept is changing in the Asian market, the funds invested are still not as good as those in the European and Western markets. As a result, some low-end spacecraft fields in the Asian market have been occupied by Western aerospace companies. Of course, this cannot meet their needs. What they need is to occupy the high-end market.

The empire cannot intervene in the normal competition of business. If the technology is not as good as the people, it will only lose the market. Now is not the era of the past, trade barriers can easily appear. The current empire is shared by all mankind, and there are no such things at all. As for the division of ideology, although the empire is trying its best to eliminate this, some things cannot be achieved overnight.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Han from Pearl Aerospace is looking for you. Do you see me?" Ma Yun's secretary asked after putting a cup of refilled tea on the table.

"The girl from the Han family came to see me. I want to meet you. Tell her to bring her in." Ma Yun didn't expect that she would be the first girl from the Han family to come to see her. After all, although the land on the moon is worth a lot, But there are still many companies that can be eaten.

"Uncle Ma, hello." Han Rui called out kindly after he was in the office, and put a scroll-like thing on the table.

"Girl, I'm terrified to see you showing off your supernatural power these days." Ma Yun took the scroll and unfolded it directly.

"That's right, my little tricks are comparable to yours. This is a painting by Zhang Daqian in my grandfather's collection. I haven't seen Uncle Ma for a long time, and I don't have anything to bring. I heard from my father that you like this painting very much, so I brought it to you." You." Han Rui said with a smile, this was the third time she had seen this legendary figure. As for the previous two times when she was a child, it was just a quick glance, this time she really communicated with this person face to face.

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