Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 505 Participation in the Arena

"Your Majesty, you can't control this matter. The law should not be passed on lightly. This is a rule established since ancient times, and you opened this head. At the beginning, the Star Group distributed the "Basic Exercises" to the public for free, but other The advanced version and higher-level exercises are monopolized by the military and groups. When fighting mutant beasts, there is such a thing as military merit, and then you can get exercises through the military’s exchange website. But now It’s no good, you can’t get new skills from the three major guilds just by collecting various plants and mining.” Wu Wudi ignored Chen Qiang’s roar, but said to himself.

"Then what can you do? We need a powerful force to suppress all ghosts and monsters. If I had released all the exercises back then, the current empire would be torn apart. There is never a shortage of careerists in troubled times." Chen Qiang was listening After hearing Wu Wudi's words, he also calmed down, and said with some helplessness.

"It's not too late, Mr. Chen, we need to add warrior training to the school's curriculum, and promote all exercises through the school channel, so that at least the people at the bottom can have a chance." Wu Wudi directly proposed With his own opinion, he had long wanted to do this job.

"Let's talk about this matter later. Didn't we just talk about space exploration?" Chen Qiang changed the subject. He had promoted this matter at the beginning of the establishment of the empire, but it was rejected by the Ministry of Education and the Council of Government Affairs. Because if martial artist training is implemented on campus, it will greatly reduce the study time of students.

"Your Majesty, it can't be too late for this matter. Only when the students grow up is the luck of the empire. If the high-level combat power of the empire is monopolized by those families later, there will be big troubles. And the people at the bottom It is our reliance, whether it is war or other things, we need these people to rush to the front." Wu Wudi's words were a bit bitter, and now he didn't care about anything.

"Okay, you go down first, I'm thinking about it." Chen Qiang directly interrupted Wu Wudi's tendency to continue, and waved his hand.

"Mr. Chen, think about it seriously. Human beings don't only have a way of science and technology, warriors may be the right way." Wu Wudi got up and left helplessly, and suddenly said this when he was about to go out.

In fact, Chen Qiang had also formulated a plan to walk on two legs for cultivation and technological civilization in the empire's development strategy, but after concentrating 50% of the empire's computing resources and collecting almost all martial arts materials, after a deduction, this time it did not It has no effect, and has not deduced a new generation of cosmic-level exercises. Among the many materials purchased from the wandering merchant Carlo, there are not many introductions to the cultivation of civilization, and there are no exercises at all. Therefore, the path of cultivating civilization seems to have come to an end.

This matter is no longer a secret among the high level of the empire, so when Chen Qiang planned to implement martial arts training courses in all schools, it was rejected by the Ministry of Education and the Government Affairs Council. As for the reason, these students are the backbone of the future empire's technological power in recent decades, so a lot of time needs to be spent on learning scientific knowledge. Expecting to invest huge resources to explore an unknown road that may face a cliff is not as fast as concentrating all resources on a bright road.

In fact, in the end, Chen Qiang was a little disheartened. At the beginning, he also accidentally discovered the unnamed kung fu, and relying on that unnamed kung fu, the human beings who are now have been born. became a minority group. Many tools in history have their own certain historical missions, just like engraving and printing has long been a member of museums in today's technological advancement. And the current warriors may also become something that only exists in history books or in history a long time in the future.

The current martial artist class is still at its peak because of the mutant beast war, and it still has a great sense of trust in the hearts of the people. However, in recent years, warriors have repeatedly killed civilians, which has greatly reduced the popularity of warriors in the hearts of the people.

Just when Chen Qiang was thinking about messy things, his secretary came in and said, "President Ke Lin from the Martial Arts Arena wants to see you."

"Colin Sweet wants to see me, let him in." Chen Qiang was a little puzzled, but he still chose to meet this man. The martial arena belongs to the Chen family in name, but in terms of affiliation, it was assigned to the military during the reform. Moreover, it has developed extremely rapidly over the years, if it weren't for the strong suppression of the three major guilds, it would have been juxtaposed with them now. After the Mutant Beast War ended, the business volume of the three major guilds decreased a lot, while the business volume of the arena increased dramatically. Human beings have no resistance to such violent activities, and coupled with the explosion of fame and fortune and the mentality of gambling, the income and influence of the arena have been continuously increasing.

"Your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you for one thing today. The Arena wants to participate in this construction operation." Colin Sweet said a little bachelor, and he still has the habit of messing around in the rivers and lakes.

"How much money is there in the arena?" Chen Qiang asked suspiciously.

"Almost, when the Jinxing Construction bonds were issued, the arena bought about 500 billion yuan, and now there are still a lot of funds in hand. The main reason is that things like gambling are too maneuverable. We have done statistics on 8 billion people in the world. At least five billion people have placed bets through the Internet, which is an extremely large amount of money. If the funds are kept for more than ten days, a large amount of interest will be generated, and this interest alone is enough to feed us in the arena It's gone." Colin Sweet said without hiding anything, these things couldn't be hidden at all. It's just that the person in front of him doesn't care, that's why there is such a problem.

"How much is the government administration tax, and how much is the military?" Chen Qiang asked directly. Although he had a lot of ideas about the money, the use of the money had already been planned.

"The Government Council is taxed, 50%. The military wants 70% of the profits, the Chen Foundation will get 15%, and the arena will get the remaining 15%." Colin Sweet He explained in detail that he has only one purpose now, which is to join this construction operation, so that the arena will become an existence on an equal footing with the three major guilds in an instant, and he will no longer have to be overwhelmed.

"Then get involved, go find Wu Wudi, and then you two, together with the presidents of the Mercenary Guild and the Adventurer Guild, will discuss and come up with a charter. As for the process, I won't care about it, but I hope that in May Years later, I saw a supply line appearing in a certain position in the solar system. As for the operation, you can handle it according to your needs. However, some things cannot be stretched too far, otherwise I will cut off that hand myself." Chen Qiang warned, He also turned a blind eye to the black-hearted money-making things like the arena. After all, the research projects supported by the military and some research projects supported by the Government Affairs Council all come from this.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will keep an eye on the two guilds with Mr. Wu." Colin Sweet obviously knew that this man was beating himself, so he directly expressed his feelings with the two guilds.

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