Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 508 Participating Crowd

A social group, no matter how perfect the system is, there will always be some flaws. Just like the current human beings, in order to be able to integrate with the entire universe, they have begun to reform their own institutions on a large scale. However, the human beings who have been accustomed to living in democracy in the past cannot adapt to the current imperial system at all. Even if the final effect is the same, it will not be possible for all human beings to pass the test in their hearts.

As for those who oppose the empire purely for their own benefit, they have ulterior motives. The upper echelons of the empire have conducted research on the development trajectory of some civilizations in the universe from the information obtained by Carlo. Without exception, all civilizations that have successfully grown up have concentrated all their strengths from the beginning to develop the aerospace field.

Human cognition is limited because human time is limited. Therefore, after the empire launched a large-scale reform movement, many people opposed it. If it weren't for Chen Qiang's absolute prestige, the entire human race would be in a state of division now.

This large-scale hunt has caused an uproar in the whole world, and even some right-wing people think that this is the empire's exclusion of dissidents. And the reason is very simple, that is, the empire intends to build a supply line to explore the outside of the solar system, but has no money, so it puts the idea on the three major guilds. The other guilds finally compromised, but the mercenary guild did not compromise, so the empire arrested the shareholders of the mercenary guild on a large scale.

It seems to be very reasonable, and it has also aroused strong repercussions on the Internet and among the people, and let out the backlog of emotions of some people who reject the imperial system from the bottom of their hearts. So a huge demonstration started. In some activities of this demonstration, students actually accounted for a large proportion. This was something the empire did not expect at all.

"Students, the imperial era ended a hundred years ago. Although the current empire is a so-called constitutional monarchy, everyone understands the actual situation. The emperor is wise now, but it does not mean that he will be wise in the future. Accept the imperial system, we want democracy." A student stood on the high platform and loudly carried out the final mobilization activities to the students below.

"Yes, we don't accept the imperial system, we want democracy." The students shouted loudly, and they didn't feel that what they did was wrong at all.

So a group of students followed the leader in front of them and started to go on the route they planned, but they didn't expect how much stain this trip would leave in their lives.

"Principal, don't you take measures when the students leave like this?" On the top floor of an office building, an old man calmly looked at the queue below, and another middle-aged man asked anxiously.

"Director Huang, these children thought they were flowers in a greenhouse. It's time for them to bear the wrath of the empire. If a war between the empire and aliens breaks out in the future, these children will be put on the front line. If they are not mature enough, we will Don't worry about entrusting our lives to them." The old man sighed a little, he was originally the principal of BJ University. After the establishment of the empire, the Ministry of Education re-divided the university, and he was naturally hired as the president.

He has been in contact with the top management of the empire and the Ministry of Education for a long time, and he knows how much the empire has devoted to these children. It can be said that the power of the whole country is cultivating these children to grow up. But what these students did today disappointed him. Students should study hard at school and defend their home and country in the future. But after being instigated by some people with ulterior motives, he will irrationally participate in these messy things. He really has no interest in cultivating such students.

"But principal, they are still children, give them a chance." Director Huang was really anxious.

"If the aliens come over, will they have time to adapt and mature? Do you know how much our Peking University students and students sacrificed in the war of mutant beasts? In the end, less than 43,600 people survived. Three thousand. The current Peking University was bought with the blood of these teachers and students. I can't let these irrational idiots defile the entire school. Immediately issue the principal's order, all those who participated in this demonstration will be expelled, and all Universities cannot accept it.” The old man finally said these words with his eyes closed, he must guarantee the purity of Peking University, he must not forget the sacrifice of 40,000 teachers and students, and Peking University must not forget.

"Principal." Director Huang still wanted to work hard, but was stopped by the old man: "Go quickly, don't forget those colleagues you sacrificed."

Everyone in the world makes mistakes, but some mistakes are unforgivable. The empire's investment in education accounted for 40% of the entire empire's income, and university education also accounted for 40% of the entire education expenditure.

"You're going there, why don't you stay at home and study well." A boy was about to go out when his father stopped him.

"I went to participate in the demonstrations outside. We are so disappointed that the Empire has done this." The boy said while packing.

"What happened to the empire? Do you know how you were born? It was an empire company that snatched you from the mutant beasts. They sacrificed a total of five people including the company commander. Do you have any conscience? The empire has provided you with food, clothing, and schooling all these years, and all kinds of cultivation resources are endless, why are you still dissatisfied with me, don’t bother the empire.” The man stood up directly, and then exposed his lower limbs of metal limbs.

"Dad, the empire is indeed very good to us, but you say that the life and death of more than 8 billion people are in the hands of one person? We have to control our own destiny." The boy was still afraid of his father, so he quickly explained.

"What's wrong, that man gave us the life we ​​have now. If he orders me to die now, I will definitely go. You will give me a bedroom and stay well. Today I will put my words here. If you leave this Don't come back home, I don't have a son like you who is like a white-eyed wolf. Also, don't insult my motherland." The man was a little uncomfortable with the metal lower limbs, so walking was very awkward.

As long as they are people with mature minds, they have the basic ability to judge some things. Therefore, there were very few non-governmental participations in this huge demonstration. Basically, some companies or families were dancing there, and there were students from various universities. Because students are very competitive at this time, they seem to make their voices heard in society. But they do things impulsively and recklessly, so college students are the most easily incited group.

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