"Teacher, the empire has been established for ten years now, and now the empire is going all out to enter the space field and cause the currency to depreciate. Will this cause the economy of the entire empire to bubble." In a class at the School of Economics of Star University, a student was watching When the teacher was talking about the previous real estate bubble, he suddenly stood up and asked.

"This is indeed a question. I wonder if classmate Chen has the answer?" The teacher was gray-haired, but his body was extremely strong, and his strong voice spread throughout the classroom.

"I don't have an answer, because I think the current economy of the empire is so strange that we can't use the current economic theory to build a model. Teacher Chu, do you have an answer?" This classmate Chen shook his head.

"This problem is a huge problem. The reason for the birth of the market is the change of supply and demand. And many light industrial products on the market are not profitable, not because of the addition of the empire, but now the productivity has changed. Since an industry has already If it disappears, another field will be needed to consume these labors. So the empire has supported the fields of agriculture and space. However, with the change of the environment, the added value of agricultural products has become very high, which has led to the current market The price of agricultural products is very high, but you found that it would be much cheaper to order vegetables from the ecological garden of the empire, why do you think this is?" The teacher Chu obviously did not answer positively, but started a big discussion class.

"I think this is because the Government Council is guaranteeing people's minimum living needs. Moreover, the vegetables produced in the empire have no vitality, but the people now are very thirsty for vitality. That's why the prices of agricultural products are very high now, and many agricultural products Ordinary people can no longer afford it." A girl stood up and said.

"I think it's because the empire gave up the people at the bottom in order to concentrate superior funds to start the space age." Another man stood up and said directly.

"Fart, if the empire gave up on the people at the bottom, would you fucking come here to study?" Student Chen stood up and retorted.

"Chen Yi, if the empire hasn't given up on the people at the bottom, why hasn't the minimum living allowance in the empire been raised up to now. Now the prices of many products on the market are ten times or even dozens of times higher than before, but the minimum living allowance is still the same as before That standard." The man directly refuted with an example.

"Wang Li, the empire's minimum living allowance is calculated according to the empire's production materials, and these prices have not changed at all. Therefore, there is no problem of rising product prices. As for the products on the market, they are capable People eat, if you become a monk and hit the clock for a day, you deserve it." A woman stood up and retorted directly.

"An Ning is right. In fact, people's living standards are now much higher than before. It doesn't matter that the products containing vitality are not easy to grow, and the price is a bit higher. Moreover, the empire does not need to popularize such products." Chu Chu The teacher interrupted at this time and said that the current topic has gone a bit off topic.

"Teacher, the economy of the empire is indeed very dangerous now, just like the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s. The heavy industry is extremely developed, but the quality of life of the people has not improved." Wang Li said a little quibble.

"Hehe, Wang Li, economics is abstract and cannot be analyzed on a one-sided basis. All analysis needs to be carried out in the context of the big era. Students, please remember that this era is an era of the jungle. Those with skills can have special rights, while those without skills can only linger at the bottom of society." Teacher Chu said with a smile.

"Teacher, don't you think that the empire's division of human beings into three, six, and nine classes is turning back the wheel of history?" Wang Li is now at odds with this teacher.

"Students, remember that you may deal with aliens in the future, and human beings must have wolf nature if they want to survive in space. Now the empire is cultivating this kind of character among the people, and the empire is announcing the so-called Everyone’s life has not changed at all after the civil hierarchy system.” Teacher Chu is now very afraid that these children will have problems in their thinking. The whole life is completely ruined. Therefore, many university professors will definitely correct the students' thinking if there is something wrong with them when they are in class.

The classmate Chen Yi above is the child you think of, and he is already eighteen years old now. Because Chen Qiang has the control over Xing Kong, he directly said that Chen Yi and Chen Lu directly raised the age of the two children to twenty years old after finishing high school, and then let them go to college. It is up to the child to decide which school to take, and which major to choose.

But what they didn't expect was that neither of the two children had the idea of ​​inheriting their father's career. Chen Yi entered the economics major of the School of Economics of Xingkong University, while Chen Lu entered the space command major of Imperial Military Astronautics University. Although Chen Qiang and Mou Bing did not expect this result, they still accepted it. Originally, according to the ideas of Mu Bing and the two parents, Chen Yi should join the military, while Chen Lu took over her father's career to study biology.

"Mom, I'm back. Do you have crystal elbows for today?" Chen Yi heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen as soon as he got home, and then ran over to ask. But what he didn't expect was that Chen Qiang was the cook today, so he hurriedly called out, "Dad, how did you cook today."

Chen Qiang is a lazy person who seldom cooks before, even if he returns home very early, he would rather take it with him and wait for Mu Bing to come back to cook than do it himself. Of course, sometimes one or two meals will be done, but such times are really rare. He looked back at his son and said, "I can't cook anymore. Today there are no crystal knuckles, only water noodles. Do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, I really like eating noodles with water." Chen Yi quickly flattered him.

"Then why don't you hurry up and make some preparations. When your sister and your mother arrive, we'll serve dinner. I'll fry the shredded potatoes." Chen Qiang gave Chen Yi a white look and then ordered.

"Okay, pickles, peppers and salt, right?" Chen Yi hurriedly came to the refrigerator and took out these things one by one and put them on the table.

"Hey, have noodles today, do you have anything else?" Chen Lu said a little unhappy when she saw the arrangement on the table after returning home.

"Sister, please be content. His Majesty of the Empire cooks the food himself, which is not available to anyone outside. It is an honor." Chen Yi said while placing a plate of shredded potatoes on the table.

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