"Report, the orbit has been adjusted." An operator reported in a trembling voice, such an extremely simple plan, but it succeeded in the final madness.

"How much has the speed increased?" Dang Yanlong was not happy, but stared at the light spots on the screen.

"One hundred and thirty-three percent, an increase of 25 percent, we need to slow down immediately." Another operator reported that the red light in front of him had been flashing for a long time.

"Immediately detonate the No. 35 and No. 57 nuclear bombs..." These two nuclear missiles are located directly in front of Ceres, so Dang Yanlong issued such an order.

"Yes." So two more fires flickered in front of Ceres, and at this time the crowd on the earth could finally see all this through astronomical telescopes. At the moment when the fires flickered, many people burst into flames. The sound of wonder.

"Report, the speed has been reduced to 105%, and the speed reduction has been successful." After the operator reported this number, all the staff present began to celebrate excitedly. This is their success and successful completion. The transformation of the first human colony planet.

Chen Qiang also saw the changes in Ceres, and combined with the information sent earlier, he judged that the most difficult period has passed, and the rest can only be left to God. Three hours later, Ceres officially came into contact with Mars, and a large amount of gasification occurred after it made contact with the atmosphere of Mars, but in the end it collided fiercely with Mars.

The atmosphere of Mars is extremely thin. The density of the atmosphere is only about 1% of that of the earth. It is very dry and the temperature is low. The average surface temperature is minus 55°C. Water and carbon dioxide are easy to freeze. The main components are carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen, argon, oxygen, etc. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is only 1/200 of the earth's atmospheric pressure, and the water vapor is only 1% of the water vapor in the earth's atmosphere.

Humans simply cannot survive in this environment, so an atmosphere similar to the earth's atmosphere is needed before the real transformation of Mars. To form such an atmosphere, an ultra-high temperature environment is required, and there is only one way to form a high temperature environment covering the entire surface of Mars, and that is a good volcanic eruption.

However, because the crustal activity of Mars ceased activity as early as 100 million years ago, all volcanoes are in the form of extinct volcanoes, and the high-speed meteorite impact will cause the crust to move violently again, which will lead to volcanic eruptions. A large number of volcanic eruptions will bring a large amount of material and gas, so after nearly ten years of transformation, the atmosphere on Mars has gradually thickened. Although it still does not meet the requirements for living, it is almost the same as the atmosphere of the earth. .

Ceres hit the crater of Olympus Mons very accurately, and the huge impact directly wiped Olympus Mons from Mars, leaving only a deep crater in place. And Mars also ushered in a new period of volcanic eruptions, and a large amount of magma began to rush into the sky.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, mom, let's go to space to see Mars, shall we?" A boy said coquettishly, pulling a woman who was still charming next to him.

"Okay, let me ask your father, and I will take you to see it. It is really beautiful. Maybe in a few decades we will be able to live on Mars." The woman also expressed some yearning, but she is not actually a She likes An Yi very much. The team she formed was famous on the battlefield in Australia, so she still yearns for the exciting life in the past.

Of course, the entrepreneurs are the happiest, because they have seen a huge project, and this project may bring them more powerful than the Venus construction plan. The Venus construction plan, which took three years, can be said to have concentrated the top scientific research strength of all mankind.

The private enterprises that have benefited the most during the entire construction process, not counting the science and technology released by the Imperial Institute of Strategic Studies, and some of the social benefits generated by it alone have made each company a lot of money. Not to mention the help given by the empire in the construction of the moon because of this operation.

To build a city on the moon, you must first build an ecosystem. This is still very difficult for the current technical strength of the people. After all, the technological content of maintaining an ecosystem of millions of people is not ordinary. However, the Star Group has already completed the research and development of this technology and put it into practical application. Mastering this technology is not only mastering the construction technology of space cities, but also indirectly mastering the construction technology of super large spaceships.

Because there is no problem in building a giant warship with the current human technology, and the engineering problems are not a problem at all for the current human beings. But it is a very difficult problem to make this giant warship move and assemble various equipment, and the biggest difficulty is the problem of the power system.

"Mr. Lin, have you ever asked if the land on the moon will be sold? I heard that Musk already owns a small island." The day after Ceres hit Mars, MCA came to Tianshan Base City to find Lin Bin went to talk for a while.

"I don't know about this, but you should just give up. Mars is the second inhabited planet in the future of the empire, so it is impossible to sell the land. At most, sell the permanent property and management rights like the earth, but the ownership It belongs to the empire." Lin Bin sees this very clearly, the empire will have more and more immigrant planets in the future, but there is only one earth. So he started to make Xiaomi hoard a lot of land on the earth on a large scale.

"Now our Penguin Aerospace needs to be laid out in advance, otherwise we will be abandoned by the entire echelon." MCA said with some concern.

"Based on the current strength of Penguin Aerospace, it is more than enough than the top, so you are too greedy. Interstellar Aerospace and Space Technology Exploration Company have monopolized the top position in aerospace technology, and the strength of Penguin Aerospace is simply not enough to support it. Any one of them will challenge you." Lin Bin said with a smile, he really didn't understand why the person in front of him, with so many years of experience, was in such a hurry now.

"Yeah, I really don't have the forward-looking vision like Ma Yun, but I believe in strength. As long as the strength is strong enough, it would be great to crush us directly, but now others are crushing us. In fact, it is on the basis We are all the same, so I plan to use the opportunity of Mars construction to make Penguin Aerospace a very strong progress, so we can get more shares." MCA is very dissatisfied with the current development speed of Penguin Aerospace.

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