Some powerful men have even started to have a harem. Although the law does not approve it, as long as there are no problems, the empire has nothing to do. Some people began to openly hope that the empire can end the monogamy system in various media.

In fact, whether it is polygamy or a couple divorces after many years, it is unfair to the woman. Even now, all women can freeze their faces at a certain time through practice or drugs.

It has been an unchanging law since ancient times that the weak eat the strong, and it is normal that the stronger the force, the more resources it will occupy. Moreover, a powerful man gave a woman a strong sense of security, so there were scandals such as a certain general's high-ranking strong man meeting a certain star at night. But everyone knows that this is not a scandal, he is real.

Since it is impossible to improve the status of women in the cultivation world, it is also a good idea to complete this idea directly through administrative means, so Chen Qiang directly gave a position of secondary assistant to a woman, and greatly increased the number of women in the upper echelons of the empire . In this way, no matter who they are, they belong to the management of the empire in name. With so many women listed on the top, many people should restrain themselves. And this will also allow women to have a good view of their own way out, and finally be able to control their own destiny.

"Mrs. Thatcher, I didn't expect that she would come out of the mountain again. It seems that the empire has paid a huge price." Ma Hua looked at the blond woman on the screen and said.

"The status of women in the empire is a bit low now. Maybe His Majesty intends to use administrative means to improve the status of women." Zhang Long also said with emotion. When their penguins entered the European market, they were stopped by this man.

"Indeed, the issue of improving the status of women has reached the point of urgency. Although His Majesty's move is a palliative but not a permanent solution, it can at least reverse the current trend. Wait until more than half of the imperial government's personnel are women. At that time, this situation should change greatly.” MCA is very happy to see this happen.

Sure enough, after Thatcher became the second assistant of the imperial cabinet, it caused a huge sensation on the Internet, especially among women. The official recruitment of the empire was not deserted, and large-scale registrations began to appear. Perhaps this is the power of role models, but some people still have complaints about Mrs. Thatcher's taking such a high position all of a sudden, but they saw that in this high-level adjustment, the chief post is an Easterner, and the deputy is a Westerner. The situation is accepted.

Because this is the only high-level leader that can be produced in the West. As for the fact that Anderson is no longer a Westerner, many people have selectively forgotten it. Now Chen Qiang has mastered the game of balance, but this arrangement has been criticized by others, but what does it have to do with him, after all, he has already started to rest now.

This time the adjustment of the military did not take any action, so now the empire has formed two major departments, the military and the cabinet. Of course, the artificial intelligence starry sky is also a large department, but it is hidden in the dark as a deterrent existence.

Of course, Chen Qiang didn't take a complete rest. He just let go of his powers in government affairs, but he didn't relax in other fields, especially after he put in more energy and became tighter. And the first thing he wants to do now is the alien microorganisms in the supply station above Jupiter's orbit, so he came to this place directly in the spaceship.

"Your Majesty, welcome to the Jupiter supply station for inspection. I am Mao Yuan, the commander of this fleet." With the expansion of the army, many personnel have never come into contact with this legendary man. He doesn't want to make His Majesty unhappy because of his crazy admiration.

"Major General Mao, long time no see, how is the situation now?" Chen Qiang asked with a smile, shaking hands with the soldier standing straight beside him while asking.

"Director Wang said that he had made a huge discovery, but he didn't tell us. He also extended the siege to three years, but he still didn't let go of the restrictions on free entry and exit. There may also be some contradictions. So far, the situation is still It's under control." Mao Yuan actually didn't know the situation inside, so he could only give a brief introduction, after all, he didn't know very well.

"Get ready, we are going to go in, let the people inside know." Chen Qiang said to Mao Yuan after shaking hands with everyone.

"Your Majesty, this is too dangerous." Mao Yuan became a little anxious, this is his jurisdiction, if there is any problem here, even if he dies a hundred times, he will not be able to make up for it.

Chen Qiang finds it very boring, because his current status prevents him from doing some things he wants to do, and he plans to return to the field of scientific research after giving up his government affairs rights. But now it seems that he still takes it for granted. Biology has always been a relatively dangerous field, and no one wants him to study it. Even if his strength has reached the high level of King Wu, it will not help, because for the entire country, his life cannot have any fluke.

"Why don't you go with me?" Chen Qiang said as if joking.

"If Your Majesty must go, then I will definitely go." Mao Yuan was very solemn at this time.

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm just here to get a closer look at the situation of the people inside. You also know that long-distance communication consumes more energy, and now even the emperor of my empire can't afford it." Chen Qiang sighed a little.

The problem of this kind of communication has not been solved until now. The Imperial Academy of Sciences once planned to use quantum communication to establish millions of link nodes throughout the solar system. But because the investment is too big, I put it down first, because it takes a huge amount of manpower and material resources to arrange these nodes one by one, and the positions of each node are fixed. If there is a problem with one node, then Communications may be interrupted in many places. So some spares are needed on each node, which also doubles the entire investment amount.

So far, all the space shuttles that go to the asteroid belt for mining teams are silent in communication after leaving the spaceport, and only turn on the emergency communication button when there is a problem. Because if a space shuttle turns on communication from time to time, the profit earned from mining may not be enough to pay.

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