Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 541 Cabinet meeting

"Mr. Ma, we have put all our eggs in one basket this time, and it is too late to regret it. In about a year, we will go back to the path traveled by the first batch of expeditions, so the risk will be relatively small." Penguin Aerospace President At this time, the manager reported with some concern that the second batch of expeditions was about to set off in a week. This was the result of Penguin Aerospace's desperate gamble, and it could only succeed but not fail.

"No, we can't wait anymore. This time Interstellar Aerospace and Space Technology Exploration Corporation also participated. Their fleet is larger than ours. This angle is very good. It is in the direction of eighty-nine degrees, and it is also when the distance is the shortest. Save fuel and have the highest chance of success." MCA directly chose to refuse.

In order to have a specific positioning data in space, the Imperial Academy of Sciences established a coordinate system with the sun as the coordinate center point. Among them, when humans celebrate the New Year, that is, at midnight on the first day of the Lunar New Year, it is set to zero degrees Celsius. This is a 360-degree coordinate on the plane of the entire solar system. Although it is still a bit crude, it is enough for humans to use in the solar system.

This coordinate uses the sun as the coordinate center point, so the position of the earth is different every day, and the coordinates of each planet are also different. The energy consumed to go to the same location is also different. For example, during the construction of Venus, a material base was built outside Venus. When the distance between the earth and Venus is relatively close, the construction committee will collect all the materials at once. transport to the base, and then stop the transport when the distance is relatively long.

The second batch of expedition fleets did take a shorter time than the first batch of fleets, because the first batch of expedition fleets only encountered two planets, Jupiter and Uranus, but the second batch of expedition fleets could encounter four planets. planet, which makes the time for the fleet to accelerate even shorter. In fact, until now, human long-distance exploration activities are still inseparable from the acceleration of the slingshot effect. Even if the current engine is enough to accelerate to the required speed, the acceleration time is too long.

The fleet is finally about to set off. This time the fleet has a total of tens of thousands of people, so there are many members of the expedition fleet who are separated from their relatives on the bridge of the assembly port 'Elizabeth' space port. What everyone didn't expect was that Wu Aiguo, the chief assistant of the empire, was also sending these people off on the bridge at this time.

"Shoufu, this is the letter from Ouyang, the commander of our expedition fleet this time, and also the deputy commander of the first batch of expedition fleet." Although Ding Sanshi, Cheng Yu and Wu Aiguo are now in a state of confrontation with the high-level bureaucrats of the empire , but since the chief minister of the empire is coming to send these heroes off, they can't stop them, so they can only introduce them one by one with a smiling face.

Wu Aiguo was kind at this time, patted Ouyang Chengwen on the shoulder and said: "Young man, come on. The future of the country belongs to you, and this country needs people like you who are not afraid of life and death to carry it."

"Yes, Your Excellency Chief Assistant." Ouyang Chengwen is now in his forties, but he feels awkward being called a young man, but he still accepts this title.

This was Wu Aiguo's gesture of goodwill, in order to let Chen Qiang know that he actually attached great importance to the empire's spaceflight, otherwise he would not have come to participate in this not the first expedition departure ceremony.

In fact, before human beings have completed the exploration of the entire Kuiper belt, all the expedition teams that set off are facing the first danger. But to Wu Aiguo, these are not important. What is important now is to ease the relationship with Chen Qiang as soon as possible, otherwise he may not even have a chance when the next term changes.

"Shoufu, this is the manuscript for tomorrow's cabinet meeting. Please take a look." After sending the second batch of fleet away, Wu Aiguo returned to Star City by space shuttle. His secretary interrupted.

"Oh, let me take a look." Wu Aiguo took the document and said, he knew that he couldn't have any rest now, and this was also the price for him to become a cabinet.

The cabinet meeting was presided over by Wu Aiguo himself, and it was held once a week mainly to resolve some major issues and adjust some policies of the empire. All his policies were passed at cabinet meetings, which is why many people complained, but did not expressly oppose them.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start now. The first issue discussed today is the tax relief policy for the empire's space sector. The Minister of Commerce will explain this matter to you in detail." Under the auspices of Wu Aiguo The cabinet meeting has begun.

Su Yan, as the Minister of Commerce, has long been angry with Wu Aiguo, the chief minister of the cabinet, so she said directly: "According to our statistics, there are hundreds of thousands of aerospace companies in the world with more than 100,000 debts, and the debt ratio exceeds 100%. There are more than 50,000 companies, and the bigger the company, the bigger the debt. And with the rise of imperial exploration again, this debt ratio may become even bigger, so I hope that these companies can be given a bond through tax cuts .”

"I think it's okay. According to the forecast, the fiscal revenue of the empire this year will exceed 8 trillion trillion stars. If the fiscal budget for this year is increased by 30%, there will be a huge surplus. Now the empire's main tax revenue is in aerospace. field, so it is still possible to loosen the ties appropriately." Lei Jun made the first speech as the Minister of Government Affairs, and he is in charge of these matters.

This topic was quickly passed. After all, the tax reduction plan had been formulated long ago, and it was just a process to discuss it at the cabinet meeting at this time. Next came the remaining few issues, all of which were passed without incident. These proposals were all investigated and communicated in private, so they were basically passed with a raise of hands.

The next step is the highlight, because it is determined by the interests of everyone present. Today's Wu Aiguo is still on the same topic, which is to establish a government affairs university, and each term of the cabinet's chief assistant will personally serve as the principal.

"I also have a proposal here. All civil servants below the sixth grade will use the employment system, and if these people have not completed the promotion above the sixth grade in each term, they will be directly fired and re-hired." Anderson has not spoken at the cabinet meeting for a long time Well, a lot of the time he's just a humanoid approval machine.

And Wu Aiguo's face changed instantly after hearing this proposal, because it is difficult for government officials above the sixth level to be promoted, and when they are promoted, Xingkong needs to conduct a comprehensive investigation. The system influence plan, and as long as this proposal is passed, his government affairs university will have no effect, but the possibility of passing it depends on the situation on the spot is almost 100%.

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