Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 555 Undersea City

This was written by Duke a long time ago in the plan, and now he is taking it out to deal with some suspicions of mending the past, but he did not expect that the group of big households below would listen with gusto. So here he made a judgment that these people didn't read their company's plan in detail at all. So he started to popularize knowledge, otherwise such a high price might make this business go away. After all, after such a long time, he finally had a substantive negotiation and he didn't want to give up.

The news of the Arab Investment Company's construction of the Ocean City spread quickly. They did not expect that the conceptual thing proposed three months ago would now have entered the substantive construction stage, and even some large companies or major aristocratic families Nor did I expect that the first city would start construction in such a short period of time.

As for the plan of the European company, they also looked at it, but they finally chose to wait because of the price. After all, the funds of each family are relatively tight now, and the team building for space exploration is too expensive. . Tens of billions of energy blocks are equivalent to hundreds of trillions of star coins. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the capital investment of the empire, which loses tens of billions of trillions at every turn, in fact, no company currently has such a large cash reserve. Of course, this Arab investment company is a special case.

"Zhang Yong, immediately announced the news of the interstellar space construction of the submarine city, and sent personnel to get the vitality nodes we had already selected. Since someone has already made a move, the fifty vitality nodes will be divided up soon. "Ma Yun called Zhang Yong immediately after seeing the news.

As a result, major companies and aristocratic families also began to move one after another, and a bunch of press conferences were held, and such an ugly scene was nakedly displayed in front of the public. Capital is always in pursuit of profit, and they can fight for a little profit.

"I'm sorry everyone, this has become the construction location of our interstellar space. We have reported the land contract to the Imperial Council, please leave." A Martial King of Interstellar Space looked at the opposite Penguin Space Martial King and said.

In fact, the best places to build underwater cities are the bays, because three sides of these bays are land, and only one side is connected to the ocean. At that time, a blocking net will be placed at the entrance, and the safety of the underwater city under construction will be greatly improved. Great protection. In addition to the Gulf of Alaska, Baffin Bay, and Hudson Bay, the Gulf of Bengal, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Guinea, the Great Australian Gulf, the Gulf of Carpentaria, the Persian Gulf, and the Gulf of Siam are among the ten largest bays in the world. There are vitality nodes appearing. This is actually a very miraculous thing, because human beings have only fifty proven vitality nodes in the ocean so far, but the major bays occupy seven of them.

Since there is such a good location, these seven big bays have become the first choice for all forces interested in building cities in the ocean. Interstellar Aerospace and Penguin Aerospace are Asian companies, and their first choice is to be located in the Gulf of Asia, so the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Siam have become the main battlegrounds.

"Oh, Interstellar Space and Penguin Space have already arrived, but you are still a step late. We have already won the contract for the vitality node in Siam Bay. You can go and see other things." Just in Interstellar Space When the smell of gunpowder with Penguin Aerospace was very strong, a man who looked more seductive got off an anti-gravity flying vehicle and stood in the air.

Looking at the stamped documents on the virtual screen, King Wu of Interstellar Aerospace and Penguin Aerospace directly boarded his anti-gravity flying vehicle and left. And the two of them left in the same direction, back to the company. Everyone knows that the competition for vitality nodes will be fierce this time, so no company is willing to put all the weight in one place.

"Soon, if not for our Duanmu family who works in the Government Affairs Council, I'm afraid we won't be able to get this vitality node." At this time, the bewitching man felt a deep worry.

There is also a lot of discussion on this matter on the Internet, especially in a post bar called Cultivation of Immortals, where everyone is eagerly paying attention to the distribution of vitality nodes.

The netizen who is the administrator of the entire post bar is called "Quietly Listen to That Song", and is also the person who exposes the ownership of all vitality nodes in the entire post bar.

Listen to the song quietly: "The latest news is that the Gulf of Mexico was taken over by Musk's Space Technology Exploration Company. The process was very difficult. It seems that there was a fight with the Carnegie family, and finally the imperial military mediated."

"Since the fight started, does the lord have any video?"


"Same request +10086."

As long as you listen to the song quietly and post a post, there will be a lot of reply posts to keep up with in the next few minutes. Many people here are actually here to have fun, and of course there are some more rational ones who start to discuss. After development, throw away the impact of human beings.

"I think these vitality nodes should not be developed, because after the vitality nodes on land are developed, the concentration of vitality on the earth has dropped by at least 30%, and even some places have already experienced the phenomenon of vitality exhaustion."

"Indeed, but the number of human beings now exceeds tens of billions, and the amount of vitality these people use for daily cultivation is also huge, and mutant beasts also need vitality. It is normal that the supply exceeds demand."

The discussion was very heated and reasonable, but everyone in the post bar was confused by a post about quietly listening to that song, that is, the vitality node of the Persian Gulf was taken by the Katerin family.

This news directly made the entire post bar boil, because in their view, the vitality node in the Persian Gulf has become the possession of the Arab investment company. After all, they have announced that they will build the first submarine city here. Now it was suddenly acquired by a second-rate Katerin family, and everyone couldn't accept it.

"What's going on? The chief doesn't plan to build an underwater city anymore?"

"No way, although the chief has always kept a low profile, his credibility is still very high, and now there is only such a company in China that is capable of building an underwater city, the lifetime series, why did such a thing happen?" Many people still can't accept it.

"Are there any Arab brothers, ask your chief what's going on, he backtracked, and I plan to go on a day trip in the sea."

While the discussion here was in full swing, Abdullah was furious at home at this time: "Bastard, how could you make such a low-level mistake, contact the Katerin family immediately and ask them what conditions. If If it's not too much, I will agree to them, but if the lion speaks loudly, then don't blame me for being rude." When Abdullah said this, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

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