Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 565 Trade Fair

"I agree, have you completed the factory design? According to the government's move, it will take about three months to relocate, plus the construction of the factory will take about half a year. In six months, we need to increase the current production capacity It is a big challenge for us to improve tenfold." Han Rui took off his coat and sighed.

"It's almost finished, but sister, we really don't want to join the development plan of the moon?" Han Xuan said unwillingly. The Pearl Group’s community on the moon can only accommodate 100,000 people, but it has sent the entire group into the world’s top 500. You must know that the number of real estate properties in the major base cities of the Pearl Group on the moon exceeds one million, but there are no Sending the group into the top 500, so this is a deal without any risk at all.

"No need, the construction of the moon needs to be guided by the military, and the supervision is very strict, which will greatly increase our cost. Our next goal is Mars. The imperial cabinet has sent a clear message to carry out Mars immigration. , that's the home court of Pearl Group." Han Rui explained as he fetched himself a glass of water.

"However, the Mars project is not hindered by earning a fortune on the moon, and the cabinet has not clearly stipulated the time for the construction of Mars. It is impossible for us to have nothing to do." Han Xuan was a little dissatisfied. He is now the entire group If there is no construction on the group's side, the department he is in charge of may face the situation of sitting on the bench.

As long as people exist, they need to be responsible for those around them. Although Han Xuan is only the general manager and does not participate in any specific design, he still wants to fight for an opportunity for his employees.

The Lunar Land Development Fair this time is very different from the previous one. The land that can be sold on the entire moon has been styled into tens of thousands of pieces, and the price of these lands is clearly marked. This makes many companies that have already prepared a large amount of funds somewhat inexplicable, and even some companies think that the cabinet is selling assets at a low price this time.

At this time, Abdullah, the business minister of the imperial cabinet, appeared at the transaction site, and stood on a high platform that had been prepared and said: "Good morning, everyone, welcome to the lunar land fair. Everyone There may be some doubts about the prices of these lands, so let me explain to you here. .

Abdullah coughed and continued: "The land used for trading this time covers a total of 13,174,700 square kilometers, accounting for about 41.3% of the total area of ​​the moon. , divided into 15,200 yuan in total. All land purchases are clearly priced. Of course, if everyone is interested in the same piece of land, they can also compete, and the one with the highest price wins. Every piece of lunar land construction has its own Conditions, of course, the conditions of each block are different, you can pay attention to it later. I will emphasize one last point here, that is, this is the last time that the moon will be developed by the people, and this kind of meeting will never happen again in the future.”

In fact, Abdullah may not come here, but as the newly appointed business minister, in order to open up the situation as soon as possible, he can only come here in person to show his presence. Of course, what he said was also true. It was Lei Jun, the second assistant, who heard that Abdullah was coming to the trade fair and gave it to him. Originally, Lei Jun wanted his secretary to go there.

At this time, everyone understood that the reason why the prices of these lands were clearly marked and relatively low was that there were conditions behind them. All the bosses present took action at this time and opened the document issued by the staff just now. But when they actually saw this document, every boss took a deep breath, because behind each piece of land, it marked the purpose of the land, the model of the building, materials and a series of other things.

"Your Excellency Abdullah, since the empire has completed all the designs and budgets, what do you want us to do? Are you planning to let us pay for the empire to build the moon for free?" Some bosses who couldn't hide the matter asked directly.

"Sir, don't be angry. This is just a reference. Behind each document is the final standard for the buildings on this land, and what you see is a version calculated by the starry sky. If your company has A good plan is also possible.” Abdullah did not leave, he came today to answer questions.

"Your Excellency Abdullah, what do we use to make a profit? The empire has already completed everything." Another businessman asked.

"No, there are not many lands with special conditions. You can build other lands according to your own design. Of course, these lands with special construction needs need someone to build them, but the profit may be a little bit small, but there is always. "Abdullah said with a smile. He had already asked the people from the Ministry of Commerce to calculate the cost. Even with these high-tech and difficult-to-build buildings, the company that acquired the land still had 3% of the net profit.

In fact, all businessmen don't have any resistance to supporting national construction, but they don't like this tough style very much, even if they are used to this style of empire. So they scrolled down tacitly, and when they turned to land No. 51, a land without any construction requirements appeared, so many people began to enter the purchase price on the virtual screen in front of them.

In this way, rounds of purchases began, and the whole process was relatively short and ended in less than two hours. All the land was auctioned off, even those lands with special construction requirements were auctioned off.

"Mr. Ma, do we really want to take over this land with special construction requirements? According to this design requirement, we can at most keep breaking even." After receiving the land certificate he purchased, the vice president of Interstellar Aerospace After returning to the company, I came to Ma Yun's office to report and put forward my own opinions.

"Do you support the construction of the empire? After all, if the empire has a way, it is impossible to entrust us with these construction tasks." Ma Yun laughed directly. Although he had some guesses in his heart, he couldn't say it, because it involved the entire empire. top secret.

"But?" The vice president wanted to continue persuading, but after glancing at the document in his hand, he didn't say anything. After all, the uncooked rice had already been cooked, so no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless. So he put the documents on the table and left the office. He thought he was just going to make soy sauce. And it's not his turn to worry about these things, after all, he is also a part-time worker.

And Ma Yun didn't say anything, he still trusted his employees, he knew what to ask and what not to ask, what to say and what not to say. After the vice president left, he picked up the file bag and took out the files in it. Looking at the three-dimensional design drawing, he was a little dazed, and then murmured: "I didn't expect the empire to be completed."

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