Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 567 Sleeping Human

"Yes, the cabinet will prepare first, and strive to finalize this matter during your first term. With the current scientific and technological strength of the empire, it is still possible to complete the construction and transformation of Venus within ten years." Chen Qiang was not too demanding, He has now let go of all government affairs and put all his energy on scientific research, so he is discussing everything now and will not enforce it.

"Son, the company will be handed over to you. I think you should be familiar with everything, so I won't nag. If you really have any problems that can't be solved, just wake me up. As for the rest, you can figure it out." Yun sat on the wheelchair at this time and said with some reluctance that he was actually very reluctant to part with the foundation he created, but time did not give him any chance.

"Father, don't worry, Interstellar Aerospace will still be the most powerful among the world's top 500 when you wake up." Ma Yun's son Ma Chao said firmly.

"That's good." Ma Yun's current health is very poor. He is more than fifty years old than Chen Qiang. It is also because of his strong strength that he has survived until now. Some of the partners with him have already become frozen people and lie in a special cabin. The main reason he has survived until now is to check on his son. After all, he did not think of making a company into a family at the beginning. The enterprise, but the general environment of the empire is such that he has followed the trend.

Family is not a bad word in the empire. On the contrary, many people are now building their own family, hoping that their family can have their own logo and honor, and have a full house of children and grandchildren. After these years of development, the entire empire has formed ten super families, one hundred first-rate families, six hundred and thirty second-rate families, one thousand and five third-rate families, and countless other small families.

There are four criteria for distinguishing these families, namely the highest combat power, family assets, social contribution, and the honor value of the imperial military. Among them, the super family with the highest combat power has its immediate personnel reach the level of a martial king, the first-rate family is a high-level general, the second-rate family is a low-level general, and the third-rate family is a high-level martial arts. In fact, although the empire has been promoting cultivation in recent years, there are not many high-level combat powers. According to the latest statistics of the empire, there are less than 10 million people with martial arts level in all human beings, and less than three people with high-level martial spirits. One hundred thousand.

Family assets are easy to explain. First-class and above family companies must have one of the top 500 companies in the world. This is a rigid rule. Of course, second-tier and third-tier family companies also need to be top-notch in at least one field. The degree of social contribution is linked to the title, which can be said to be a very important thing for human survival.

For example, if someone wants a loan, if his credit is high but his social contribution is low, the amount of his loan will be greatly reduced. The statistics of social contribution is a very tricky thing, all of which are carried out by Xingkong, so everyone accepts it very well.

The best way for ordinary people to obtain contribution is to have children. The birth of each child will give the child's parents a very high degree of social contribution. If a couple has three children, the couple will directly become Viscount of the Empire. This is also the reason for the large-scale population growth of the empire during this period, but this is taking advantage of the loopholes in the starry sky statistics. Of course, with the current intelligence of the starry sky, these loopholes are quickly blocked, but the viscount of the empire has also increased by several numbers all at once. Ten million.

The honor of the military is not easy to obtain, mainly because each big family accepts the entrustment of the military to do one thing, and then gains some honor. Of course, there is also a more tricky way, which is to obtain one of the five major medals of the empire. As long as one medal is obtained, a family below the first-class will not be able to escape.

"Mao Yuan, is there any result in that black hole?" Zhukov still looks energetic, but if someone carefully feels Zhukov's breath, he will find that his breath is disordered.

"Report to the commander, there is no result, but the detection team thinks this may be a space wormhole. The egg-shaped meteorite we found may be a guard placed by the other party at the door to prevent us from going out." Mao Yuan now He is already the chief of staff of the Imperial Army, and Zhukov has reached the point where he should retire. Now he is 150 years old. If he is not supported by the top-level cell activation fluid, he may have fallen down long ago. .

"Is there a way to blow up this egg-shaped meteorite for me?" Zhukov asked after pondering for a moment.

"Yes, but if antimatter bombs are used, it may cause the entire wormhole to collapse, and there is a great possibility that the black hole will expand." After the sacrifice of all members of the scientific expedition team, the military's exploration of this 'black hole' has It has never been broken. At present, more than 200 expedition teams have come to the black hole and put hundreds of thousands of exploration satellites into it. About 30% of the satellites have reached the side of the egg-shaped meteorite, but Eventually it all crumbles to pieces and disappears.

But these detection satellites also gave scientists a lot of data, and after analyzing these data, scientists came to a terrible conclusion, that is, this'black hole' may be artificially built, and the purpose is to leave the solar system.

The reason they came to this conclusion is that they know from the information obtained from Carlo that the starry sky to which the entire Milky Way belongs is called the turbulent flow domain. The turbulent flow in the universe is not as simple as the turbulent flow in the ocean. The turbulent flow in the universe is space The turbulent flow produced by folding appeared, which was extremely destructive. According to the data, these turbulences are all man-made, that is to say, an extremely powerful country was born in the Milky Way, and in order to resist foreign enemies, turbulence appeared on the edge of the entire Milky Way.

This is a very debatable matter, the three caves of the cunning rabbit. Even if this country has blocked all its borders, it does not mean that the country will not go out. So scientists speculate that this 'black hole' is a secret channel built by the empire to communicate with the outside world, and it was abandoned for some reason.

Regarding the power of antimatter bombs, he once witnessed it with his own eyes. In an area of ​​the Kuiper belt, the first antimatter bomb of mankind was tested. At that time, his ship was light years away from the center of the explosion. Nearly overturned his ship. Moreover, after the experiment was completed, some cracks appeared in the space of the experiment site, which was very unstable. It was not until ten years later that the space gradually stabilized.

Since then, the antimatter bomb has never been tested again, and Zhukov couldn't help but shivered when he thought of the situation, so he said: "Let me discuss it with Your Majesty, you first try other methods to see if you can land on the egg-shaped meteorite. "

"Yes." Mao Yuan actually didn't agree with the use of anti-matter bombs.

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