Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 577 Delay

"Is the civilization behind you the country that created you? How many years have you existed?" Mao Yuan took the tea handed over by the secretary, took a sip and continued to ask. He is just a mouthpiece now.

"Yes, I have existed for more than 100,000 years. To be precise, it is one hundred and nine hundred and thirty-five years and one hundred and eighty-three days. This is calculated using your calendar." The words that came out on the screen unexpectedly It's a bit playful, which makes everyone feel very bad, but Chen Qiang is used to it and even misses it a bit, because that's how the 'Xiaolong' used to be.

"Now tell us your request, what we need to do, and what you can do for us." Mao Yuan asked with a trembling voice when he saw the words on his screen. This person negotiated the conditions. He originally thought that the earth would wait for more than ten days to wait for the construction of the defensive wall here.

"I need enough energy and more than 10,000 tons of obsidian to repair my traumatized body and restore my computing power." Such a sentence appeared directly on the screen, as if human beings were facing a very innocent child Same.

"Your body? Is everything I see is your body?" Mao Yuan asked with some doubts. He maintained the vigilance he should have as a soldier, and Chen Qiang was also very concerned about this so-called body because of this sentence. 'Artificial intelligence' has created some confusion.

"Yes, it's the same as the case of the low-end computing system on your earth before, my current body is the case built by the previous country to maintain the operation of the entire country." Such a sentence also appeared on the screen , but it is this sentence that makes all human beings have an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Because according to the information obtained from Carlo, all the auxiliary systems similar to "artificial intelligence" in the universe are all trending toward miniaturization. Now suddenly a 'chassis' as big as the moon appeared, and everyone had the idea that the person in front of them was just a liar.

So Mao Yuan said directly: "We need to consider your condition. Because of the problem of information transmission, we need at least 30 days to complete it. So I hope you can send me back to the original location. I need to communicate with the other side of the earth. Get in touch."

"You can get in touch now, haven't you been talking all this time?" Such a sentence appeared on the screen, and Mao Yuan was not surprised at all: "Sure enough, your ability is very powerful, and you can actually invade' Worm's communications system."

"Your system is very ingeniously designed. My current ability is actually not very high. If you leave my magnetic field, I have nothing to do, but this is my domain, so everything is under control." Screen This time, there was a hint of shyness in the words above.

"Then you can directly contact the earth, why bother me like this." Mao Yuan rolled his eyes and said, although he knew that he was like a hostage, but he still wanted to get some more information for the earth.

"Although I can hack into your communication system, I can't edit the message and send it out." The words on the screen seemed straightforward and honest, but none of Mao Yuan and the others believed it. For other purposes, I don't believe in the untenable reason that I can't edit and send confidence.

At this time, Chen Qiang was also staring at all the conversations, but he didn't notice anything. Because this so-called 'artificial intelligence' is too abnormal, it seems to have the intelligence of an adult, which the current starry sky can't do.

And even if you analyze these words in a human way, you can see that this person seems to be laying a net, as if trying to cover the entire human race.

Chen Qiang saw that many people below were struggling and arguing together, so he directly ordered the communication personnel in front: "Let Mao Yuan ask how much energy this person needs, and let him calculate according to the energy of the ten antimatter bombs after we exploded. "

After receiving the name, Mao Yuan also asked: "How much energy do you need? We have tested and exploded ten antimatter bombs next to you. Calculate according to the energy of these bombs."

"About 100,000 pieces are needed." The words appeared on the screen for a short time, but after Chen Qiang received this information, he immediately understood that this egg-shaped meteorite was not a so-called 'artificial intelligence' at all, but a wanderer of a mechanical race , may have gone dormant after a battle with others, and absorbed energy from the surrounding starry sky to recover here, but was discovered by humans by mistake and then awakened.

These materials are at the top-secret level of the empire, and the only ones who can view these materials are him, Anderson, Kong Ru, and Mou Bing.

After Chen Qiang figured this out, he immediately ordered: "Use the Morse code to send a report to ask Mao Yuan to return to the location of the blasting fleet, and try to hold this one back."

"Too many, do you know that those ten antimatter bombs are our last inventory, and according to our production speed, it will take about 10,000 years to produce 100,000 bombs." Mao Yuan saw this message After that, he started his own dealings directly, and now it is time for him to play freely.

Not long after he finished speaking, a formula and something like a factory design appeared on the big screen, followed by a sentence: "This is my gift to you. With this formula and the factory, if you If it is done properly, it will not be a problem to increase the output by a hundred times, and of course you can also build a few more factories."

"It seems that you have a lot of good things, so what benefits do we have?" Mao Yuan continued to circle around, and he also asked casually, as for going out, he actually had no idea at the moment.

"I will give you a chapter with a star map of 10 million light years around. If this star map is traded in the universe, there may be more than a hundred life-like planets like the earth." The words that appeared on the screen made Mao Yuan's face was red and his ears were red, and the rabbit in his heart couldn't hide it at this time. If it wasn't for his rationality, he might blurt out his agreement.

Because things like the star map so far the military has only grasped the scope of the entire solar system, and the Kuiper belt is only a part of it, and the military is powerless in places farther away. The formulation of a star map can be said to be forged by the blood of countless people. The military alone sacrificed more than a thousand people in order to obtain the star map of the solar system.

But the military also has to do this, because the star map is very important for a civilization that is going to the universe. Just because he knew the news, he couldn't resist the temptation a bit, but he still tried his best to maintain his demeanor and said: "Send me back to the original place, I need to communicate with the monarch of our country."

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