Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 588 High School Warrior Competition

Time passed quickly, and another ten years passed, and human society gradually adapted to the environment without vitality. Moreover, the latest investigation by the Imperial Cabinet found that the sales of vitality blocks have become a new growth point for improving the economy and expanding consumption. This can be regarded as a surprise, but there are less than a hundred companies in the world that can enter this field, and the military and the cabinet account for the vast majority of vitality nodes.

The military's vitality nodes are almost fully supplied to the army. The cabinet controls relatively more vitality nodes, but only three of them are actually controlled. The others are controlled by various universities under the Ministry of Education. The vitality in the vitality nodes controlled by these universities cannot be sold, but the attraction it brings is indeed extremely huge.

The colleges and universities control a total of thirty-four vitality nodes. These vitality nodes have a certain time limit, and there are now more than a hundred universities competing for these vitality nodes. These colleges and universities are all the top ones. Therefore, the competition for vitality nodes every four years is very important for all colleges and universities.

In fact, this kind of scrambling activity has also greatly increased the competition among colleges and universities, which has a positive effect on improving the strength of colleges and universities in all aspects, and has now developed into a matter of concern to all mankind. And this year is the time for the vitality node to re-compete.

"Son, you are going to take the college entrance examination next year. Today is the first game of the college league. I allow you to watch TV for a day." A woman said to her son who was struggling on the seat.

"Understood, wait until I finish this set of questions." The boy replied without raising his head.

Learning now is actually not easy at all, but because the brain development of newborns is relatively early and relatively large, so learning things is relatively fast. But they also learn a lot more, especially after the establishment of the empire, the entire scientific system is being reshaped, so many cutting-edge things that students learned before are now very basic.

Therefore, the study burden of the students has not only not decreased, but has also increased a lot, but this has also greatly promoted the development of human science and technology. It may be a bit of a distraction, but there is actually no conflict at all. According to a recent survey by the Ministry of Education, half of the hundreds of millions of college entrance examination graduates around the world have published papers during their high school years. Moreover, natural science accounts for more than 90% of these papers.

Of course, there is also the help of the empire, but fundamentally speaking, the entire human race has developed a habit of learning, and has begun to convert what they have learned into actual results or products.

"Hello, audience friends in front of the screen. Welcome to the first round of the Martial Artists Competition of the College League broadcast live on Channel 10 of the National Television Station. I am the host He Xiaoxiao. Today we also invite Zilong Martial Emperor Wu Xinyue and Bei Xiaoxiao Lai will explain this martial arts competition for everyone, and the two seniors would like to say hello to the audience." This is He Xiaoxiao's eighth time hosting the martial arts competition of the college league. She was already at ease.

"Hello, audience friends, I'm Wu Xinyue." Wu Xinyue, Wu Wudi's great-great-granddaughter, is also the most powerful woman in the entire Wu family. After Wu Wudi was frozen, she has become the pillar of the Wu family.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bei Xiaolai." Bei Xiaolai was obviously not suitable for this kind of occasion, and his expression was a little stiff when he spoke.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Bei, what do you think of this college martial arts competition?" Because the competition has not yet started, He Xiaoxiao started to do some pre-match interviews, and interspersed some of the high school martial arts competition this time some specific situations.

"This situation is very good. I was a participant in the second college martial arts competition. In fact, I was not a real student of Tsinghua University, but a temporary symptom. At that time, my strength was only at the level of a samurai, but at that time I still won the victory. I can only say that the Martial Artist Competition was going through a process at that time, but it is different now. According to my understanding, the three contestants from Guang Tsinghua University this time are all above the advanced level of Wuling , This shows that warriors are slowly becoming popular." What everyone didn't expect was that Bei Xiaolai, a person who was not very fluent, would speak first.

"I agree with this statement. At the beginning, the ancestors of our martial arts family had an argument with His Majesty for the promotion of martial artists. The final result was to establish a martial artist university dedicated to cultivating martial artists. However, with the decline of vitality in the world, colleges and universities The thirty-four vitality nodes in her hand have become the sweet pastry, which is why today's situation is here. So this result is not easy." Wu Xinyue said directly, she is actually very happy to see this result, although now Warriors no longer have such a high social status as before, but the final strength of human beings has increased a lot.

In this way, the three of them said one sentence until the martial artist competition started, and at the same time, a large number of families called their children to watch the competition together.

"Hey, it's started, it's started." A boy said excitedly, the high school martial arts competition has now become a competition comparable to the martial arts competition, so all those who have a martial arts dream in their hearts regard it as a kind of belief, just Like football.

"Got it, isn't it just the beginning? Wife, which school did you buy?" The middle-aged man patted his son's shoulder to signal him to be quiet, then turned his head and asked the woman next to him.

"Of course it's Northwestern University. This is my alma mater." The woman replied directly. Where there is a game, there is a so-called handicap, so the empire has strict regulations on gambling. If there is an event that is opened for betting by the arena, the supervision of the entire event will be automatically transferred to Starry Sky for execution.

Of course, because of this regulation, the opening of betting channels in the arena has become a condition for judging the influence of an event.

The so-called small bets are fun and big bets hurt the body. After the arena opens betting on these events, its control system will connect with the starry sky. If someone bets more than his deposit in the bank, then this transaction will not will be executed. This is mainly to prevent some people from putting all their wealth in it in the future.

But even so, the total bets received in the High School Martial Arts Competition this time exceeded one trillion star coins. That is, the Colosseum is such a huge monster, otherwise it is impossible for any other company to have such a large amount of capital reserves.

"Dear mother, it seems that you are about to lose money again. The highest strength of Northwestern University's participants this time is only low-level Wuling. I think this year West Lake University, Cambridge University, and Tsinghua University will continue to defend the top three. Strong." The boy said while taking an apple for himself.

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