Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 602: Real

Chen Qiang had never said a single serious word to these children, but today he actually said all about suicide. This is not to say that he is very domineering, but because these children really pissed him off.

The cloning of human body has always been an area strictly guarded by the empire. Once a company or laboratory is conducting research on related technologies, the empire will know. Then the only way out for this enterprise or laboratory is to be blocked by the empire and all relevant personnel taken away, and then all the first criminals are killed. This is a field that does not allow any reason in it.

But now that Chen Qiang is the monarch of the empire, his employees or soldiers are secretly doing this. He also didn't believe that no one else was involved in this matter, and that the cloning technology with such a high degree of completion must be the participation of star creatures. Because the empire had accepted part of the information on human cloning technology at the beginning, and also conducted research for a period of time. However, all the original participants are now in the various laboratories of Starry Sky Creatures, and it is not an easy task to gather them together.

"Your Majesty, human beings need your leadership." Mao Yuan was at the end of his words at this time, he was afraid of the person in front of him from the bottom of his heart, just like a son feels to his father.

"Fart, if humans are gone, who else should I lead?" Chen Qiang roared again.

At this time, the people in the office were pushed away, and there was an article kneeling outside in between. The leader was the commander of the Empire's First Fleet and the current deputy commander of this fleet, and he was also a member of the orphans. I saw him knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, don't take risks, humans need you."

"Your Majesty, please take it back." Everyone said in unison, and at this scene, Chen Qiang burst into tears. Why doesn't he know what these people mean, and he also knows that all the staff of the entire fleet are orphans from the orphanage he founded and the moon base. After many years, the orphanage is still in operation, but the moon base The task has long since changed.

However, those children have already integrated into all levels of the empire and became his spokespersons. This time, the empire has been stable and gradually prosperous over the years.

"Children, sometimes people have to believe in fate. This is my destiny. In fact, you may not believe that it is a big accident that I can get to this position. I have been passively accepting my responsibilities these years. I have always I think everything has nothing to do with me, I just need to be myself. But then I gradually understood that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, since I brought mankind to this point Yes, then it should be up to me to prop up a free sky for human beings." This was the first time Chen Qiang expressed his feelings, and he hadn't spoken like this for a long, long time.

He has been talking about the origin of the mutant beasts since the creation of the star creatures and why Carlo came to Earth. These things have been buried in the deepest part of his heart these years, and this is the first time he has brought them out to outsiders, and there are even some things that even Mou Bing doesn't know.

At this moment, no one said anything, and even the breathing became very delicate under possible changes. This was the first time they had heard of the monarch, and it seemed so fantastic. However, they also seem to have gradually understood this person's approach. After all, many people at the scene had lived in that era and understood what it is to be a dick and what is to eat and wait to die.

But there are still some things that they don't understand. Their eyes are full of all kinds of admiration at this time, because the occurrence of this series of events also shows that the person in front of them is the protagonist, and they can take them to A very far, far away place then becomes a very powerful and powerful civilization.

Chen Qiang has always looked at the whole world with a small peasant mentality, and he has never had any ambition to fight for power and profit. Everything I did before was for self-preservation. Often the development of things is very dramatic. If he had thought of such a day when he created the star creature, he would definitely not create it. But sometimes the situation is pressing, and human beings need a Chen Qiang to lead them to survive in the entire universe.

After Chen Qiang finished telling the whole story, everyone present forgot to persuade the person in front of him, because it was all futile for a stubborn person. And they couldn't force him to stay in the battleship, because their strength was simply not enough.

"How is it? Mao Yuan and the others succeeded." Mou Bing was always in a room in the command center of the Starting Point, and she asked Chen Qiang about the information transmission of this fleet three times a day on average.

"It didn't work. Mao Yuan said that His Majesty even had death ambitions in his heart at this time, so he didn't dare to have too much stimulation." A lieutenant colonel reported that he was a member of the Chen family, so his face was also worried at this time.

"Bastard, if I had known earlier, we would have done everything here." Mu Bing said angrily.

At this time, Chen Jun also came to Mu Bing's office after getting the information, and then handed a document to Mu Bing and said, "Sister-in-law, please see how many of the things in this document are true."

This is the text version of all Chen Qiang's words. After receiving this information, Chen Jun immediately set it as a super secret of the empire, and only the emperor of the empire has the right to view it. And the recipient of this document was kept secret, and of course it was arranged to be killed, but it was protected and used an information interference device developed by the empire long ago to interfere with this piece of information in this person's brain.

Mu Bing looked at the document for a long time, and finally glanced at the lieutenant colonel standing next to him to signal him to go out. After the lieutenant colonel left, he tapped his bracelet a few times before saying: "It's all true. , Maybe this is what he has to bear. Your brother has been burying this information in his heart all these years, and sometimes he will tell me some, but he is afraid that I will be as frightened as he is, so what he said is very simple, but I A sense of desperation can be felt from his words."

"Sister-in-law, this matter must be kept absolutely confidential. I have already shielded the memory of the receiver. Human beings can't be messed up now." Chen Jun was also a little confused at this time.

"Don't worry, it's still a matter of whether human beings can make it through, so it's not like this. If human beings make it through, everyone will forgive him. And after this time is over, I think he will slowly fade out of people's sight Well, after all, I'm a little tired, and I can't hold on with my age." Mou Bing said with tears in his eyes.

"Sister-in-law, it's really not easy for my brother these years. It's time to take a break." Chen Jun also sighed.

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