Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 617: Start

Because the empire is really using human lives to pile up the progress of all projects, and using lives to exchange time. Chen Qiang said this in more than one meeting, but there is no way to do it. Human beings must do this if they want to survive. Otherwise, there will be no strength to resist at that time.

There is nothing concealed about all the actions of the military and the empire, but there are not many reports on the large media. The people also began to slowly adapt to this tense and busy life. As for those who received news of the sacrifice of their children, parents, or husbands, although the whole family was full of sorrow, no one cried loudly. Because all human beings have seen that huge fleet, perhaps human beings will be wiped out in the next moment, so everyone is doing their best to help the empire win.

Because of the high-pressure notifications of the empire over the years, basically everyone has no extra ambition, including the current situation, no one dares to do things that human beings violate the law. As long as you are caught, you will be executed immediately, and there is nothing to discuss about this.

"Dad, I heard that a kid from Bai's family was hit and killed by drunk driving on the street. Shall we help him?" Li Yan is also very old at this time, and now the entire Baidu company is managed by his son Li Zixiu. Originally, he was supposed to hibernate in the freezer, but now everyone in this big environment has no such thoughts.

"Don't worry about it. Bai Xinyuan didn't take any action on this matter. Why should we take action? Now is the time of military control, so it's better for us to keep a low profile and let those brats in our family go out and cause trouble, otherwise we will be shot dead on the spot. No matter how hard you try, it won't help." Li Yan now sees clearly that human beings are already in the most dangerous time, and the upper echelon of the empire has gone crazy at this moment, and all the disturbances to the order of the empire are at this moment. If you mess with the party, shoot to kill.

"I've told you this a long time ago. You don't have to worry about this matter. At present, the transformation of Vesta is almost completed, and the initial ignition has been completed, and what we need now is to push it into the orbit of the earth. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has already I have issued an invitation letter, and I would like to invite you to discuss the specific implementation plan." After the gossip, Li Zixiu began to talk about today's business.

"Well, your Uncle Ma also sent me a message, and you will go with me when the time comes. Let the family prepare for it, maybe they will need to move in the near future. As soon as the news comes out, let them move there as soon as possible. Human beings are very dangerous now." Li Yan has been paying attention to some changes in the upper echelon of the empire during this time, which has changed many times, which shows that the situation is very complicated and the empire is betting.

But this is the prerogative of the empire, and what they have to do is to use the most effective method to avoid this danger as soon as possible. These days, the construction of Vesta has never stopped at all. When Carlo arrived, they used to look for it together. Chen Qiang, the monarch of the empire, and the message they got was to continue building, the sooner the better.

"Could the situation have gotten to this point?" Li Zixiu was very clear about these things, but he didn't expect that things had developed to this point. In recent years, the upper echelon of the empire has continuously spread rumors that human beings have reached a dangerous point, but the reality The current situation is life is still the same, so many people slowly relax their minds.

"It's even worse than you can imagine. We guess that the empire may plan to let Carlo and the machine clan fight together, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman. But it may be because of something that the whole plan has changed. Now the empire is carrying out the final It's a gamble, as long as you win the bet, everything is fine, but if you lose the bet, the empire will start the escape plan immediately." This information was originally kept confidential, but today Li Yan did everything to let his son understand the current situation. leaked out.

"Dad, is this the only way left for us?" Li Zixiu obviously understood the seriousness of the matter, but he was still reluctant to part with the earth, and he was also full of fear of the unknown deep space of the universe. Even though he manages millions of people now, facing the universe is full of fear.

Li Yan was silent for a long time and said: "There is another way, that is, if the empire's plan is successful this time, we will not have any enemies within a hundred years."

At this moment, there are too many people who have this kind of thinking, because the earth is the most stable existence in their hearts. If they leave the earth, human beings will be like duckweed, and maybe in the near future they will be in the sea. Disappeared in the rainstorm.

Time passed day by day like this, and the black hole advance base was full of joyful atmosphere at this time. When these people evacuated, they did not take away the supplies, so Wu Lei used these supplies to hold banquets in the base every day. Now that everything is clear, there is no need to hide it. In addition, the communication at the base has been taken over by the same party, so many people have nothing to do.

As a result, parties were held one after another, and everyone was desperately filling up the rest of their time, enjoying everything they could enjoy. All the uneaten ones are desperately eating.

Wu Lei and the others, who were looking very happy, were not thinking, but they didn't bother these humans. But suddenly he felt something different. After detailed detection, he turned his gaze to the space of the shuttle area and said, "Shall we start?"

And Carlo, who was eating Lanzhou Beef Noodles with noodles on the earth, also put down the bowl he was holding, looked at the distant deep space and said: "This time it is really going to start, you and I must get it."

It was relatively late for Chen Qiang and the military to get the information, and they discovered it only after the shuttle door was constructed. But it was not too late, a confidential document was sent directly to the black hole advance base. This is the only thing they can do now, and the rest can only rely on the black hole to advance everyone in the base.

As for why he didn't tell humans about Carlo's actions, it's simply impossible. Because now humans are no longer allies, but have formed a three-nation relationship with Carlo and the machine race. It's just that the human side is a little weak, but it can also give the other two sides a fatal blow at critical times.

Therefore, Chen Qiang did not look for Carlo's clone on the earth, because it was not necessary at all. Because both parties knew that making up the knife when they were most dangerous would definitely become a reality, so Carlo bought an anti-matter bomb for insurance.

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