Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 622 The Arrival of the Cosmic Wind

At this point in the war, less than an hour has passed, but the impact of this hour on mankind is huge. Because any kind of attack method that appears here is unsolvable for human beings, so now the military is already considering how to join this war and obtain the maximum benefit.

At this time, the alarm in the entire hall rang directly. At this time, the team leader in charge of cosmic wind detection directly reported through the microphone: "The cosmic wind is expected to collide with the first defensive wall in three minutes. Is it open? Maximum power?"

"Turn on the maximum power immediately, and connect the computing system to the starry sky to ensure that the energy loss is less than 100% of the time. And immediately open the defense shields of Mars and Earth, and immediately open the defense shields of all cities." Chen Jun did not hesitate at all. He ordered that at this moment he was the biggest in the entire venue, except of course Chen Qiang.

As a result, both Mars and the Earth were shrouded in a huge energy shroud, and the sound of an alarm was heard on the two planets at this moment. Everyone is very familiar with this sound. The Imperial Police Department and the military An exercise will be organized. And every child has drilled into their habits in the process of learning.

"Old Ma, now the military has issued a global alert, we should leave." In a large airport on the outskirts of Hangzhou, it was already crowded with people, and there were also a large number of space shuttles parked on the airport at this time. Among them are the "Dragon King" II developed by Interstellar Space and the "Poseidon" II developed by Space Technology and Exploration Corporation.

These two space shuttles are mainly specially designed to solve the transportation of a large number of ground and air personnel. Now each space shuttle can carry 5,000 people to take off. This is the largest ground-to-air transporter made by humans so far, and even the Xingkong series developed by Xingkong Group cannot be compared with it.

"No, we can't leave now. Immediately order everyone to enter the city. I have a hunch that we may be in big trouble this time." Ma Yun was full of irritability at this time, which was one of his subconscious minds. All masters of this subconscious will have it. Of course, some people are more sensitive and some people are not so sensitive.

"What, we have already brought all our family members here, and now let us go back?" Everyone was full of doubts at this time, and some even had some resentment in their hearts. Although this crisis has caused all business people to abandon their previous suspicions and unite, it is only a union of interests.

So someone raised an objection: "Mr. Ma, you are a bit sensational, if there is such a big disaster, then it is useless for us to hide somewhere."

Ma Yun is now more than a hundred years old, and he has seen everything clearly. He just quietly looked at everyone and left directly. As for whether to listen or not, that is other people's business, and his obligation has been fulfilled.

He walked quickly to the place where his family was located and said to his son in front of him, "Lead everyone back to the city immediately and enter the family's underground refuge. If there is no safety message to get in, don't come out easily."


Seeing Ma Yun's anxiety, many families also began to enter Hangzhou for emergency evacuation at the airport. Of course, there are still some people who don't believe in evil, and they just stayed and even clamored to ask the plane to take off as soon as possible to leave this place of right and wrong. But the next military clearance message was released and their willingness to leave was blocked.

In fact, all the people on Earth and Mars whose strength is above the level of the Martial Emperor have felt the crisis this time, but they have not received exact information, so many people are waiting and watching.

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five" Everyone in the control hall above the moon base was staring at the next moment, and the direct blue light curtain seemed to be broken like a layer of paper up. Although no one saw the specific shape of the so-called cosmic wind on the screen, the huge energy contained in it cast a haze on everyone's heart.

At this time, the most elite troops on the earth led by Lei Yuan in the seventh layer of defense are also preparing urgently at this moment. Everyone has entered the deep sleep in the defense cabin, which is also an unavoidable way. These sleeping cabins are the most extreme defense facilities that humans can do now.

The most harmful thing to human beings is the large amount of rays contained in the cosmic wind. The energy level of these rays is very high, and after contact with the human body, it will cause lesions in many places. This is something that humans discovered after they discovered the body of a member of the scientific expedition team who had been sucked into the blocked area when they were exploring the blocked area.

But the current situation is somewhat beyond some human calculations, because the current cosmic wind has broken through the eighth defensive wall and is coming towards the seventh defensive wall, but according to the measured data, it is found that the energy it contains is still huge .

"Your Majesty, Lei Yuan's troops may be in danger, there are still two minutes left, maybe we can let them directly enter the space so that they can survive." Mao Yuan suggested.

"I'm running out of time. It takes at least five minutes to open the space door. I don't have that much time now. Now I can only hope that the sleeping cabin in our place will be useful, otherwise we will have to sacrifice them." Chen Jun directly rejected this. It is suggested that his only hope now is that there are still people on that fleet after this experience, so that at least someone will do the next task.

Hearing these words, everyone present was silent. They were staring at the big screen tightly, and on the big screen were Lei Yuan's fleet and Carlo's fleet. At this time, the cosmic wind detection team also began to report: "The seventh layer of defense wall has been breached, and the energy has been reduced by 30%."

This was the only voice in the entire hall. Chen Qiang closed his eyes immediately after hearing this voice, because the fleet led by Lei Yuan was the most elite in the military, with a population of 150,000. Watching 150,000 people sacrifice like this in front of him, even though he has already experienced bloody storms, he has no way to face it.

As for some emotional people, tears were streaming down their faces at this moment, and even Chen Yi's face was full of grief at this moment, and even tears appeared in the corners of his eyes. As for those old men, they are relatively calm, because they have seen the sacrifice of millions of people. It is said that when the old man Claudy broke through the encirclement because of a king beast in the Amazon forest, he directly sent fifty Thousands of people went to deal with the beast tide. The final number of victims in this war exceeded 400,000, and none of the regiments could be completely rebuilt in the end.

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