Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 639 Family Country

The military also received news that Chen Jun and the other generals were frightened by Carlo's madness, because they never thought that Carlo would break the jar at this time. And the staff officers who made the mission plan were full of guilt at this time, because they hadn't considered this issue at all.

"Can the fleet come back?" Chen Qiang asked the breathless generals below.

"It's unlikely. According to our inspection of antimatter bombs in the left-behind fleet some time ago, we found that the entire left-behind fleet has 36 antimatter bombs. The energy density of these bombs is also extremely high." Mao Yuanhui reported. .

"Then give up on Lei Yuan and the others, immediately launch an anti-matter bomb, and directly blast Carlo and his remaining fleet into pieces." Chen Qiang is a person who protects his weaknesses, and almost all human beings know this. Therefore, it is not surprising to everyone present who is angry like him, and the relevant plan has been made long ago, just waiting for the person in front of him to give an order.

So the artillery unit located in the antimatter factory began to move quickly, and their task was to shoot out the thousands of antimatter bombs currently in stock in the shortest time. As for the destination, it is Carlo's remaining fleet.

Carlo used all the energy of the entire fleet to shoot out all the antimatter bombs in a short period of time, and the retrograde First Fleet where Lei Yuan was located was also among them. In a short period of time, the most elite space fleet of mankind was like this In pieces, not a single person is left alive.

Carlo, who finished these things, slowly calmed down at this moment, and then quietly waited for the last moment.

If someone builds a deep-space telescope in outer space at this time, they can see big fireballs appear and then disappear.

And Carlo pressed a button on his left hand when the first antimatter bomb hit his ship. This button is the self-destruct device of the fleet. You must know that there is a large amount of information in the fleet. He doesn't want it to fall into the hands of humans, so with the idea that it would be better to destroy the jade than to destroy it, he directly hit the target when the antimatter bomb arrived. Time to self-destruct. In this way, the effective information that humans can get will become very little.

The left-behind fleet is huge, and the shock wave generated by the explosion almost shattered the defense wall on the sixth floor. However, this kind of technology obtained by humans can be regarded as very powerful, even though it reached the limit, it finally held on.

At the moment when the earth clone was killed, Carlo, who was confronting the machine race, felt these changes, and he was full of regret at this moment. Although he can make up for all the losses as long as he gets the machine family in front of him, the reality is that he doesn't have the confidence to win this machine family.

And since the human avatar is dead, it means that the human has become a deadly enemy with him, so the shuttle wormhole will also be destroyed, and his way back will be blocked.

Therefore, Carlo is now very distressed whether to withdraw or continue. If he withdraws, it may take him a long time to find the way back, but he cannot guarantee that the way is complete, and the mechanical clan may also chase after him. kill over here. But if he continues to fight until the winner is decided, then the star map in the same core of the machine family may point out a way out for him.

So for this kind of multiple-choice question, Carlo chose to continue with the hard steel of the machine clan until the moment when the winner was decided.

The Mechanics don't understand the situation on Carlo's side at all. He is preparing a whole set of attack plans, and he has also made some changes to his magnetic field. billions or even tens of billions of kilometers, but now he has limited the range of the magnetic field to a range of 100 million kilometers.

Secondly, the strength of the magnetic field has also changed, increased a lot, and the absorption of external energy and rays has also become faster.

The form of the battlefield is such that it ends in an instant. One moment Lei Yuan and others are celebrating for completing the task, and the next moment they are attacked. For the sacrifice of more than 500,000 elites, the military is very heartbroken. We must know that the various resources consumed by a qualified shipboard personnel are astronomical, let alone elites.

But all of them died in less than half a day, which made Chen Jun, the commander-in-chief, very angry. So the anti-matter bombs began to be poured into that place desperately. For a while, many guns of the artillery unit had problems, and some even exploded due to the overheating of the barrels. Fortunately, the anti-matter bombs were not fired. protection, otherwise the entire antimatter factory and artillery positions will also become particles in the universe.

Because of the complaints from the artillery unit, Chen Jun and Mao Yuan also slowly came to their senses. Started to let the artillery units gradually reduce their attack power, and also sent a fleet to inspect the scene to see if they had all been killed. Of course, this is just a testing process, and the military is still very clear about the power of antimatter.

The news of the sacrifice of Lei Yuan and others was announced on the military website at the first time. This time, there are a total of 589,341 people killed in the list, including 530,000 soldiers. The remaining 50,000 people are technicians.

During this period of time, a batch of death lists will be published on the website of the Chinese military every day, but today's announcement is very different. Because this is the death list of the first batch of military space fleets, and the number is so large, this is a point that many people can't figure out.

"Son, if Dad never comes back, promise Mom not to think about Dad, okay?" In a family in a community in Starry Sky City, a young woman said to her son who was playing with building blocks.

"Dad, are you coming back? Okay, this time the parents will let Dad go, okay? My classmates and I told Dad that Dad is the captain, but they just don't believe it." The boy obviously didn't understand what his mother said, and It was after hearing the word daddy that he pestered his mother to ask for daddy.

The mother suppressed her tears and said: "Okay, Dad will go.\

,"The family and the country cannot have both. This is a true portrayal of each family after each war. Even though the military compensation is very generous, the husband of the wife, the father of the child, and the son of the parents are gone. A little material and monetary compensation can't heal the wounds in their hearts at all, but there will always be sacrifices in war, which Chen Qiang understood when he made that decision.

When he chose to abandon the entire fleet led by Lei Yuan, he was also filled with all kinds of guilt, but the reality told him that there was no way for these fleets to come back. And fortunately, the entire fleet was destroyed before the military's anti-matter bomb attack arrived, otherwise he would feel even more guilty.

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