"Old Wu?" These were Chen Hai and Major General Wang's involuntary surprised voices after seeing the satellite image.

"Captain, you mean Wu Wudi, the youngest Wu?" For many martial artists today, Wu Wudi has become the legendary martial ancestor, the person they admire most. The excitement that suddenly appeared in their hearts could hardly be suppressed now.

In fact, Major General Wang has never really come into contact with Wu Wudi. As for why he knew Wu Wudi, it was because in the training camp back then, this person gave lectures. Although it was only one session, it benefited him a lot.

Hearing the team members' inquiries, he smiled and said: "Yes, this is Mr. Wu. I took his class back then." Major General Wang's face was full of nostalgia at this time. It has long been full of envious expressions.

"Does the captain have Elder Wu's signature? Can we have a look?" A female warrior asked enviously. In this era, having a signature of a martial artist is the most worth showing off.

Obviously, Major General Wang couldn't satisfy this requirement, so he could only cough and said, "Look carefully at how Mr. Wu fights the mutant beasts. This is an opportunity that can only be met but not sought after. Don't miss it."

Major General Wang's method of changing the topic was still successful, because it is very precious for every warrior to be able to watch the battle process of a top warrior so clearly. And now that this martial artist is actually the founder of human martial arts, this is an opportunity that cannot be found for thousands of years. Of course, they have to watch it seriously, and some people even started to record videos with their own virtual bracelets, preparing to save it.

Wu Wudi came out this time just to relax his mind, because so many years of closed-door practice made him once again enter a bottleneck. He found that his current practice had really reached a bottleneck, because he wanted to break through that barrier and enter the Martial Emperor level countless times over the years, but he always made mistakes at critical moments.

So he planned to go out to the outside world to see if he could break through this level of barriers through natural perception. For more than ten years, he wandered outside without any purpose. Three years ago, he formed such a hunter team by chance. This time, because I saw the announcement from the Bohai Rim Headquarters, I went straight to the Bohai Rim region to see if I could be of any help. After all, the hunter team needed money for food. Although he didn't need it, the rest of the team did.

"Not bad, little sturgeon." Wu Wudi was a little surprised to see this Beast King-level sturgeon freely shuttle through his mental blockade.

"Hmph, I have the ability to let go of your space blockade." After attacking from multiple directions, the sturgeon fish found that it had encountered a hard stubble, so it used the aggressive method.

Wu Wudi's load is actually very heavy now, because this space blockade is not a real blockade. If it is set according to some fantasy novels, it should be called a field. This is what he obtained in an accidental practice. Domain has very high requirements for mental power, if not for his current physical body has already reached a very high speed, then his mental power would have been exhausted by now.

"Xiao Hulu, how about you come with me, let us study the principle of your shuttle space, or you tell me the principle of shuttle space, I will keep your life safe." Wu Wudi persuaded with a smile, but he didn't say anything It was very full. It just said that life is safe, but it did not say that it should not be supervised.

The sturgeon fish didn't answer, but appeared directly above Wu Wudi's head, and directly stabbed Wu Wudi's brain center with its pointed nose. For creatures on the earth, the brain is the most vulnerable place. Obviously, the sturgeon also knows this common sense, so he directly attacked the brain this time.

But obviously its attack failed, its pointed mouth was directly grabbed by Wu Wudi's hand, and a huge amount of energy was injected into its body, making it feel drowsy. Although it desperately drives its own consciousness away from the brain, sometimes when your tense nerves are relaxed, you can only stop resisting for the rest of the time.

After a while, the sturgeon fish fell into a coma, and Wu Wudi gradually breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Because the hand just now used up 60% of the energy in his body. And all these energies have acted on the lethargic nerves of the sturgeon fish, which is a very risky thing.

If the effect is not successful, then he will suffer a full blow from the sturgeon, and even if he does not die at such a short distance, he will be seriously injured. And if the effect is successful but destroys other nerves of the sturgeon fish, then a silly sturgeon fish will not be so valuable to humans. To be precise, it will not be so important for humans to study space travel.

We know that the nerves of fish are very fragile, so this requires a high level of precision for the driver. But obviously he succeeded, but he also emptied 60% of his whole body's energy. However, as a Martial Ancestor, he does not lack aura blocks, so he took out two aura blocks from his backpack and began to replenish energy in mid-air.

Chen Hai and Major General Wang, who watched this battle through satellite, felt inexplicably disappointed, because they saw the real gap between themselves and Wu Wudi. Although everyone in the world now knows that warriors can only reach the peak of Wuwang, but their strength as Wuwang peak and Wu Wudi's peak Wudi's strength are the same as the sky and the ground.

However, the other warriors who watched together had a deeper admiration and admiration for Wu Wudi after watching this battle. They started to set a goal for themselves one after another, that is to enter the training camp of the 'Dragon' Legion, and then listen to Wu Wudi's class and get his signature.

The fight was over, in the astonished eyes of the beholders. At this time, some warriors who recorded the entire battle video have already started to upload their recorded videos to various websites and start sharing them. This is already a consensus among warriors, and a video of a life-and-death battle with mutant beasts is very valuable information for warriors.

And because Wu Wudi was fighting this time, the spread of the video was extraordinarily strong. In just one hour, all warriors basically collected and watched. Before that, Hu Wenhai, the president of the Martial Artists Guild, held the record for the widest distribution of videos of the life-and-death battle between humans and mutant beasts.

Many, many people are paying attention to the fighting process between Wu Wudi and the sturgeon fish at this time, but a small number of people focus their attention on the weird and changeable movement of the sturgeon fish. And these people are the space shuttle research teams of various research institutions, and even some researchers began to report this matter to the above.

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