Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 654 The battle is in progress

"Then have you ever been on the battlefield, have you ever really fought against mutant beasts?" Chen Yi said without showing any affection.

"Your Highness, I am a graduate of the Royal Military Command Academy. I have won many exercises and have made some achievements in war command." Although Captain Jiang was a little displeased, he restrained his temper.

"That's not there, but I have it. Do you know that the mutant beasts in the sea have a type that can shoot venom, and the venom they spray can reach a distance of two kilometers. It is a weapon of mass destruction. You are such a densely armed soldier. , is to increase the casualty rate of these soldiers, do you know?" Chen Yi's eyes were red when he said this.

The chief of staff next to him saw that Chen Yi's mood was not right, so he immediately said: "Thank you for your reminder, Your Highness, I will immediately re-plan the deployment."

Chen Yi left, he didn't care whether the regiments accepted his opinion or not. Because some things are not what he wants to do, even now he is the royal family of the empire.

This time, he also wanted to see how the front line of defense was arranged. Although there were major flaws in the deployment of troops, the weapons after several upgrades were much more powerful than before. Therefore, this shortcoming can still be made up for. Even if Commander Jiang doesn't listen to the advice, there won't be a big problem, but the casualties will be a little bigger by then.

The war will eventually come. In the live broadcast signals of Empire TV and other TV stations, the people saw a long black line coming at a very fast speed on the sea outside the city-link defense line. As the distance got closer, the black line that the people saw gradually turned into a mutant beast covering the entire coastline.

After the mutant beast approached the line of defense, it suddenly stopped, as if it was waiting for the order to be issued. But at this time, a long howl from behind the mutated beasts resounded throughout the battlefield, and everyone who watched the live broadcast of the battlefield in front of the screen could hear the murderous intent from the long howl.

"Let me come, let me meet this beast first." At this time, a person from inside the defense line jumped into the air, and then stepped on the void to come to the front of the defense line.

"Yang Wuzong?" Obviously, this Wuzong-level powerhouse is still very recognizable in the hearts of the people.

Just after Yang Wuzong stood in mid-air, a snake appeared behind the mutated herd and slowly penetrated into the air. Everyone couldn't help taking a breath after seeing this snake. It looked like a sea snake but it was one meter thick in diameter. Coupled with the gleaming golden scales, many people in front of the screen looked unbelievable. Even the soldiers on the front line were very surprised.

In fact, there are many, many people among human beings who have never seen what a mutant beast looks like, that's why they behave like this.

The battle between masters starts from the moment the two sides meet, and the confrontation of the five elements has already begun. So everyone on the scene and in front of the screen saw the two parties standing quietly in the air. But when they stared at the sea below the opposing sides, they would find that the sea was sunken.

But when everyone was holding their breath for fear of disturbing the two masters, Yang Wuzong made the first move. He drew the knife on his back and rushed over at a very fast speed. At this time, the Snake King was not to be outdone, and directly vomited the venom on the road that Yang Wuzong was about to pass.

Obviously, the two sides are evenly matched. After several rounds of fighting, although Yang Wuzong has caused damage to the Snake King several times, the physical fitness of the mutant beast is stronger than that of ordinary people, so these injuries cannot cause fatality to the mutant beast. However, Yang Wuzong was a little exhausted at this time. After all, the human body can hold a certain amount of vitality, and it will take a certain amount of time for these vitality to recover.

In addition, the vitality content in the current air is really scarce, so the vitality will be consumed quickly when warriors are fighting. Especially when using weapons, the vitality will be consumed faster. After all, fighting with weapons is basically a life-and-death battle, and every move is to try to kill the opponent with all your strength.

"Immediately order the other Martial Sects on the front line to support. The Snake King is really strong now, so we must ensure the safety of Grandmaster Yang." Chen Hai saw that Grandmaster Yang was exhausted, so he ordered immediately. Fighting a war is all about morale. If humans fail in this first battle, it will deal a huge blow to the soldiers, and this time the battle will be broadcast live nationwide, so humans can only win this battle and not lose.

"Yes." After hearing Chen Hai's order, a staff officer directly conveyed it. At this time, another staff officer ran over to report: "Commander, a large number of mutant beasts were found in the QHD direction and began to attack the defense line.:

"Report to the commander, the Jinzhou defense line has been attacked by mutant beasts."

For a while, news of the mutant beast's attack came from all the defense lines of the Bohai Rim Headquarters.

"Old Chen, it seems that this is a test or a slap in the face, we just need to replenish the reserve forces." Zhang Jieming, chief of staff of the Bohai Rim Command, analyzed.

Chen Hai saw on the virtual projection that the entire defense line around the Bohai Sea was under attack, but he shook his head and said, "Perhaps this time the mutant beast is really going to put all its eggs in one basket. Even the garrison troops in various cities will be pulled up."

At this time, a staff officer came to report again: "Report to the commander, the commander-in-chief of Starry Sky City has received news that the Beijing-Tianjin area has also been attacked by mutated beasts, asking if we need support."

"Old Chen, this support is necessary, after all, the coastline we are defending is too long." Zhang Jieming was afraid that Chen Hai would refuse, so he quickly persuaded him.

"I know it even if you don't tell me. It seems that these mutant beast kings have concentrated all the mutant beasts in the entire sea area in this small bay. It seems that we are going to experience another big battle." Chen Hai sighed.

In fact, Zhang Jieming also participated in a bloody battle between humans and mutant beasts, so his lips trembled and said: "There is no way, the bloody battle with mutant beasts was wiped out one by one. At least now we have resistance ability, much better than before.”

Although they were some self-comforting words, they were still very useful to people at the level of Zhang Jieming and Chen Hai.

"Yeah, it's much better." Chen Hai also put away his self-pity and said.

The battle was going on in the entire Bohai Rim area, while the people in other areas only knew that a big battle was taking place in the Liancheng area. However, various cities in the entire Bohai Rim region feel an atmosphere of stormy weather. All the garrison troops in the cities in this range were pulled out, and even the armed police forces in some cities were also pulled out. This made those who had experienced the bloody battle of mutant beasts look worried, but they buried this worry deeply in their hearts, because they knew the consequences of this news leaking out.

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