Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 663 Solidified Class

"Dad, you are finally back. The current situation is not very good. It seems that many people have some opinions on Chen Lu's coming to power. I am afraid that some conflicts will break out." Ma Yun rushed to the earth at her fastest speed, But it also took a full six days. He had just gotten out of the spaceship's door and hadn't adapted to the gravity above the earth when he heard a rather bad news.

"There are many families involved. Are there any close ties with our Ma family?" Ma Yun asked hastily.

"Yes, the Wu family. According to the information I have now, the Wu family may be in deep trouble. And Wu Wei has approached me many times, wanting our Ma family to join them." Ma Chao also said very seriously.

"Quickly break it off, and announce to the circle that we have severed ties with the Wu family. As for all our cooperation that can be broken off, I will withdraw those that have extended cooperation even if the loss will be great. You We should have done it sooner, do you know that if we are one step later, we will have no chance." Hearing Ma Yun yelled at her son in disappointment, he was full of uneasiness at this moment.

Ma Chao also felt the danger of this matter, because he had never seen his father lose his temper before, so he quickly replied: "Okay, I will arrange it right away."

Seeing her son running away, Ma Yun shook her head. Perhaps the stable environment gave many people a relaxed state of mind, so they don't know that everyone has reached the edge of a cliff now, and they only need to take another step forward That is broken bones.

At this time, he gradually became familiar with the gravity of the earth, and originally planned to return to interstellar spaceflight. But the current situation is really a bit dangerous, so he dialed a number that he hadn't dialed in decades.

"Where are you going?" Mu Bing asked as Chen Qiang, who had been reading the technical report of the Academy of Sciences on the recliner, suddenly got up and packed up.

Chen Qiang smiled and said: "Old Ma asked me to meet. I haven't seen each other for many years. It used to be because of the difference in identity and camp. But now I don't have this trouble, so I want to meet."

"Oh? Could it be because of some recent events?" Mu Bing obviously didn't think that Ma Yun would look for her husband for no reason.

"Maybe, that old boy's nose is quite sharp. His second son, Ma Xiaolong, brushed Xiaolu's face once, and now he has a dark tide in private. Can he not be impatient? Sometimes the family can't handle it when it grows up." It's not easy for the people below to do anything casually, and it's not easy for him." Chen Qiang put on his shoes and left.

The two, who hadn't seen each other for more than 50 years, were drinking tea together in a very secret teahouse in Starry Sky City, without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, does the empire have to do this?" Ma Yun spoke first. He was already in a hurry, and the tea he drank had a bit of vitality. At this moment, there seemed to be a fire burning in his chest.

Chen Qiang didn't answer immediately, but picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup and took a sip before saying, "Old Ma, your heart is a little messed up."

"It has to be chaotic, Your Majesty, the empire has been established for more than two hundred years, and it's time for me to go to the ground. I just want to know if the empire has to do this once in a while, these people below us are now I can’t sleep at night.” Ma Yun came here this time just to ask for clarification. After all, he is already over 250 years old and has reached the limit of human life span.

That's why he enjoyed life in space during this time, so that he would not leave with regrets. So at this time, he didn't have any taboos at all, and a person who was going to be buried didn't need to think so much.

"Old horse, don't you know me yet? Actually, I don't want to do this either, but there is no way. People's desires are too strong. If this continues, the entire empire will be eaten by those people. And the empire will last for a while. There will be a big move, so a stable interior is needed." Chen Qiang said with a sigh.

"Then you shouldn't have such a system in the first place. There are no such good things in the world. On the one hand, you need to centralize power, but on the other hand, you have to try your best to maintain the so-called fairness and the rule of law." Ma Yun said a little annoyed, he now The fire in his chest is getting hotter and hotter, as if it is about to burst out from his chest cavity.

"It's not something I can decide, and I know that there is no perfect system in this world, so we need time to adjust, and then let the two sides or even several parties be in a balanced state, but what have you done? Are you the founder of the Ma family? People and the former chairman of Interstellar Aerospace do not know?" Chen Qiang asked calmly.

Chen Qiang's rhetorical question immediately cooled the fire in Ma Yun's chest. After thinking about what he had done these years, his back felt chills for a while.

But Chen Qiang continued to say at this time: "The empire has released so much technology in order to support a group of companies with independent creation capabilities, and then become the support for the empire to go to the sky. But what have you done? Use The market still has capital advantages, and before the empire found out, it directly put these companies in their pockets, resulting in the fact that raw rice is cooked."

"Your Majesty, this is a normal business competition. Moreover, the empire's possession of some huge enterprises will be more effective in helping the deep space strategy." Ma Yun said with some sophistry.

Chen Qiang sneered and said, "Who would believe this? Didn't you promote the family's class classification? Didn't you collude with the high price of vitality blocks in the market? You want to use the method of fixed social class to control and threaten the ruling party of the empire." , you played a big game of chess."

"Your Majesty, this is completely nonsense. Family hierarchy is a law passed by the imperial cabinet. Has our strength reached the point where we can influence the cabinet? Also, the price of vitality blocks is indeed a bit high, but we are at each vitality node. The investment in this kind of development is very high, and there is no way around it. The most important thing is that our family consumes a lot, and there is not much that can be put on the market." Ma Yun has completely calmed down at this time, and quickly Responding to every question from Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang didn't respond to these excuses at all, but took another sip of tea, and then began to close his eyes and meditate. There are some things that can be said here, so why bother to tear your skin apart completely.

But Ma Yun is not so leisurely. Although his expression is very calm, there are various thoughts in his heart. He has already understood that all the high-level officials of the empire understand everything, but the empire is waiting, waiting for a chance to catch them all. Thinking of this, he couldn't help closing his eyes in pain, and when he closed his eyes, his mind was full of the bloody scene before.

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