Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 668 Great Change

"Your Majesty, we are all ready, shall we start acting now?" Cage reported after entering Chen Qiang's office.

Chen Qiang has been working in the office during this time, and has been sitting in charge of this operation, so after hearing the news, he issued an order: "Since you are ready, let's start directly."

"Yes." Cage is full of confidence in his future at this time. After all, not everyone can have such a high starting point. If the task this time is completed better, then the position of chief assistant will be within reach.

Imperial National Television was originally a noon news program at this time, but when many people turned on the TV, they saw the publication of documents one after another. The first is to abolish all laws and regulations that violate the Imperial Constitution, such as the "Regulations on Imperial Political Personnel", and after the second item is announced, all colleges and universities in the country must be under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education.

It can be said that in the entire one-hour program, the current society of the entire empire was reconstructed. And facing this refactoring also made many, many people feel confused. For example, the concept of grading in the current society has gradually penetrated into the hearts of everyone, and the goal of everyone's desperate struggle is to establish a family of their own and then enter this high-level.

But now the entire classification has been clearly canceled, and the empire has also canceled the application for the family crest and the report of the establishment of the family. In other words, the family organization will become a non-governmental organization in the future, and it will no longer be an officially recognized organization.

In addition, the reform of the family system this time has greatly weakened the control of many families on the market. Then many departments of the Government Affairs Council announced a series of measures to reduce the influence of families on the market. For example, the Imperial News Bureau announced that the Imperial TV station will be fully state-run, and private institutions can only be converted into network TV stations, and all programs will be subject to the supervision of the News Department.

In addition, the Imperial National Bank and the Imperial Treasury announced at the same time that the four major state-owned behaviors will escort small and medium-sized enterprises. If the dissemination of news information in the front is a trivial matter, then the four major state-owned banks behind will have a huge impact on the current financial market. After all, the policy state-owned banks are a nuclear bomb in the financial market, and they are not affected by the entire financial market. market constraints.

It can be said that the multiple reforms this time can be regarded as leaps and bounds. The originally rising economy has a downward trend, but the Imperial Government Council has already made relevant preparations. In addition, a new bidding was carried out for the project suppliers currently under construction. This action also greatly boosted the confidence of the market. After all, the current projects in the empire require thousands of materials.

In the past, the suppliers of these materials were monopolized by major families and groups, and there was no share of those small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, most of the funds were earned by these big families, but this time the empire selected a group of material suppliers whose contracts expired through bidding as various small and medium-sized enterprises. Although these enterprises are not very strong in strength, However, there is no monopoly bullying downstream material merchants like large companies, so many individuals looking for ore in space have obtained more funds.

And these people will expand their team after getting the money, so that the circulation of funds will become faster, and the consumption on the market will increase accordingly. This effect cannot be driven by those big companies. After all, they are used to being aloof. Many people who are looking for ore in space desperately pull a meteorite, and finally they can only sell it to these companies at a very low price. After all, it is impossible for these people to take this meteorite away again.

In addition, those small and medium-sized material companies are having a hard time under the pressure of big companies, and can only eat the leftovers left by some big companies. If you don't do this, these small and medium-sized material companies will go bankrupt immediately. You must know that material companies have very high requirements for funds at present. The debt ratios of currently established material companies are basically over 100%, and the banks are controlled by those big companies. No one can deny this.

As for Star Bank, in the face of a huge market, it is impossible for one bank to monopolize it, and Star Bank cannot swallow it. After all, its volume is not very large, and it can only rank ninth among the top ten banks in the world. Moreover, as a market financial institution, it must abide by the rules of the market, otherwise it will be more harm than good if it is jointly suppressed by other banks.

"Mr. Ma, it seems that the Imperial Central Bank and the treasury are planning to smash the plate, and we can't just sit around like this." A man in the conference room of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce said a little excitedly.

This is Ren Zhichao, the boss of Huawei Aerospace. He inherited Ren Fei's violent temper. The first thing he encounters problems is hard steel. get him.

"Are you planning to smash the pot and disrupt the market?" Ma Chao stared at Ren Zhichao. If he really did that, he wouldn't mind locking him up or killing him. After all, if this is really done, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce will officially break with the empire, and there is no possibility of making up for it. At that time, a disaster caused by Ren Zhichao will be the burden of the entire Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

"President Ma, didn't I just talk about it?" Ren Zhichao was a little scared after seeing the strong killing intent in Ma Chao's eyes, so he said embarrassingly

"It's best to be like this. I warn you to put away your thoughts. You must know that the entire empire is in the process of transformation. No one can stop it. If you do, it will be one word-death. I summoned you today This meeting is just to remind you not to do stupid things. Just accept what happens to the empire, and if I hear someone has the idea of ​​revenge or disturbing the market, then don't blame me for being cruel. Our Chinese Chamber of Commerce Now it is a whole, and no one can escape." Ma Chao's eyes were full of murderous intent when he said these words.

This also made the backs of everyone present feel chills, and many people who were full of various thoughts in their hearts gave up their thoughts at this moment. They knew that the person above was not just talking, there was a secret army in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, which was specially used to do these things. Once it is discovered at that time, the entire family will suffer disaster, and the most important thing is that the empire will not be able to find out at all. The incident three years ago is not very long from now, and many people can remember it.

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