Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 673 Foreign Exchange Plan

But this time Yang Yuanqing guessed wrong, because Chen Lu had a more daring plan, which was to use the vitality block as a shuttle device for space shuttle energy.

In fact, Chen Lu didn't have any expectations for this technical route, but after Chen Qiang went to inspect and allocated 10 million Yuan Qi blocks himself. She also slowly began to pay attention to it, and obtained detailed data for inspection. In the end, she found that this is already a very mature technical route, and what made her happiest was that the first test on the ship was a success.

This also hit the last straw in Chen Lu's heart, so the goal she set at the beginning of her tenure was once again opened.

When Chen Lu came to power, she had an idea that was to promote communication between humans and the outside world, and to achieve this goal, a fleet with space shuttle capabilities was needed. And such a fleet was completely difficult for the previous humans. After all, humans have not yet mastered the space shuttle technology, and the lifespan of humans is not very long now, so they simply cannot support such a long space travel.

But now humans have this opportunity, and the technology is still quite mature, so promoting such a plan is going smoothly. As for the price being too high, this is not considered by an empire. For ordinary people, it is quite a luxury to use vitality blocks as the shuttle power, but for an empire, there is no luxury in the face of the general situation, only should or should not.

Moreover, Chen Lu also made a lot of preparations to promote such a plan. For example, she sealed up all the "worm" warships and repaired them as soon as she came to power. The purpose is to prolong the life of this type of warship. If human beings have not developed enough space shuttle devices in the future, then these warships will be used to form the first foreign exchange fleet of mankind.

What's more, the imperial military has been hunting mutant beasts all these years, storing mutant beast meat as commodities for human beings to communicate with the outside world. This is also the only thing humans know that can be used as a universal commodity. As for energy blocks, which can be mass-produced, they are in unlimited reserves.

It can be said that the plan prepared by Chen Lu to promote the communication between human beings and the outside world is almost perfect, the only thing missing is the space shuttle power. And now that she has this impetus, she also intends to promote this exchange even if she pays a high price.

If this plan is announced, there will definitely be many, many people who oppose it. Because this is to lure wolves into the house. After all, human beings have just experienced foreign invasion, and finally survived in the cracks. Moreover, humans have already had some conflicts with the forces of the wandering merchants. Although Carlo may be dead, who knows if he has other ways to pass on the news of his death.

But only those who have really touched the top of the empire's various industries will understand that humans really need to communicate with the outside world. Otherwise, according to the current level of development of various industries of human beings, it is already at the peak, and the consequence of self-preservation is that everyone will be destroyed together.

The one who feels this most strongly is the martial artist. Up to now, the peak of the Martial King has troubled human beings for almost a hundred years. With the current wisdom of human beings, it is impossible to break through this level of barriers. This is the consensus of those who have reached the peak of warriors and have ideas on the upper level.

There is also the technological development of the empire. Although the empire has invested heavily in the field of basic research at present, it has produced many, many results. But on the whole, human beings are still digesting the current technology passed by aliens, and have not developed their own technology.

And because Chen Qiang brought a large amount of alien science and technology to the earth, although it greatly increased the speed of the earth's technological development, it also distorted the development of the earth's science and technology. The current human science and technology context is a hybrid of various technical theories, so many scientists are very troubled. You can think of it as an alien technology, but it is an extremely dangerous thing to use the existing technology theory in the process of use.

Therefore, Chen Qiang also intends to obtain a large number of extraterrestrial scientific theories through foreign exchanges, and then use these theories to supplement the part that human beings lack now, and to form this hybrid through multiple hybridizations to form a very pure scientific development of the empire. the way.

Of course, with the current development level of human science and technology, these alien technologies obtained now are enough for human beings to study for thousands of years. But thousands of years are not very long. If the exchange fleet is really sent, it will be hundreds of years, but it is really short.

"Dad, according to the news from the military, Academician Hu's team has developed a space shuttle device that is sufficient for use. It seems that the sturgeon fish that can shuttle through space is real." Ma Chao came to the hospital after receiving the news. Report to Ma Yunhui in the family backyard.

Sometimes it is true that an old family is like a treasure. If Ma Yun hadn't stood in the way, the Ma family might have come to an end this time. In recent years, the Ma family and Interstellar Aerospace, as the leaders of the entire Chinese merchants, can be said to be in charge of the entire business world, even stronger than the Ministry of Commerce of the Empire. Therefore, a kind of arrogant mentality was gradually developed. If Ma Yun hadn't dealt with this crisis tremblingly personally, I am afraid that the Ma family would really be unable to escape.

At this time, Ma Yun was leisurely watching the news on the reclining chair. After hearing her son's report, she didn't speak immediately, but took a sip of tea and said, "Why, is your heart moved? Did the family's capture team gain anything?"

"No, not only our interstellar spaceflight, Musk's Space Technology Exploration Company, Arab Aerospace and other large spacecraft production companies have sent teams to catch sturgeon, and there are related tasks on the military's mission website. But so far So far we haven’t gained anything substantial, so I think maybe we can wait for the imperial technology to be distributed.” Ma Chao said cautiously.

"Hmph, decentralization of technology? Are you still awake, do you think the empire will open up such important technology to us?" Ma Yun is getting more and more displeased with this son now.

Ma Chao immediately lowered his head, and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Send more teams to collect sturgeon, don't be limited to Shishi's sturgeon, as long as it is sturgeon. If you don't have the ability to travel through space, you can hand it over to the biological company. Aren't they doing some experiments. Tell those crazy people, as long as I breed a sturgeon fish with the ability to travel through space, I can give each of them a life-enhancing potion." Ma Yun said firmly.

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