Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 681 Hidden secrets and the end

"Father, the system of lords has gained a firm foothold in the hearts of the people. As long as the royal family is carrying out a large-scale award, it may be difficult to suppress it." Wu Qi said solemnly while standing in front of the desk.

At this time, an old man on the desk was seriously writing calligraphy, and it took a while before he stopped and said: "Why do you want to press it down? Today is different. The monarch of the empire has changed, so some rules need to be changed. At that time, we had no choice but to make that decision, the Supreme Emperor's charm is too great, even if there is no such system of lords, it would be normal for blood to flow like a word."

Wu Qi also understood what his father said, so he said: "Then you and they decided to weaken the imperial power first, and strive for greater power for the Government Affairs Council?"

"No, we are not weakening the imperial power, but we are telling the Supreme Emperor in this way that you have to be willful. Before doing anything, you need some rules. You should be the one who makes the rules. Just come to us. If you really want to say that it should be an exchange between us, that is to establish some responsibilities of the Government Affairs Council. "This old man is Wu Aiguo, who was the real prime minister at the time, although It was before the establishment of the empire, but there were many old students and old officials.

As the eldest son of the Wu family, Wu Qi has always been active in politics. He is now the mayor of Lanfang Base City in Southeast Asia, and he can be said to be a high-level official of the empire. He was also a little confused after hearing his father's explanation, or he had thought a little too much these years.

"Don't look at me with this expression, this is a very normal thing. You must know that the entire empire was created by that one person, even if there are no people like us through the starry sky, he can still control the entire country. But the consideration at the time was to give the empire A transition, so the cabinet and government agencies at all levels came into being. And those of us intend to make this agency permanent, the kind of agency that even artificial intelligence cannot replace, so there are some conflicts with the Supreme Emperor , but these conflicts are still under control." Wu Aiguo said with a smile, he has nothing to hide about his son now, because the government affairs agencies will make it clear after this term of government.

Wu Qi also really knows what it means to fight at the top and suffer disaster at the bottom. Since he entered the government affairs system, he has never had a peaceful life. If it wasn't for clinging to the name of the Wu family, a political family, he might have gone into business a long time ago. Although doing business with the contacts accumulated by the Wu family cannot become a top-notch business group, second-rate ones should be able to enter.

"Dad, I am so miserable when you are full. You know what I have done these years, so why don't you remind me quickly, I am afraid that His Majesty of the Empire has already put me in her blacklist Right." Wu Qi said with a wry smile.

Over the years, because he knew that his father and others were fighting against the empire, he also organized some people to fight against the empire, and they voted against many policy formulations, and they even cooperated with Wang Qiu to do a lot of restricting imperial power and passing some self-interested laws. It can be said that Wang Qiu's ability to do so many things is inseparable from their support.

Wu Aiguo walked out of the desk at this time, then patted himself on the shoulder and said: "You are doing very well, at least as a son, you are very good. As for the things you did, don't worry, your father It's settled for you, I have worked for the Supreme Emperor for so many years, I can still get this face." After finishing speaking, he left the study and went for a walk outside, but Wu Qi was at a loss at this time, because he made a mistake. Things are that big.

However, after he went back to his study and saw the introduction of the Lordship system on the Internet, he also understood why his father had such great energy. To be precise, it's not that Wu Aiguo has such a tenderness, but that the Star Medal he received has so much energy.

The news of the death of the old man of the Wu family spread the next day, and Chen Qiang was a little bit sad when he heard the news. The trend of old people's death back then was so cold that there were not many people who could talk to him.

Therefore, he also went to Wu Aiguo's funeral. As for the issue of the rule of man or the rule of law, it has come to an end. The current empire has slowly figured out a governance method that combines administrative systems and artificial intelligence, and it no longer bumps around randomly like before, slowly looking for a way out.

This is also the reason why Chen Qiang promoted Anderson and Lei Jun to the position of chief assistant, mainly to build a communication platform between the government affairs system and artificial intelligence, and he needed a person who fully trusted to implement artificial intelligence into the entire government affairs system . Both Lei Jun and Anderson have worked in the Star Group, and they know a lot about artificial intelligence, and they also have a certain grasp of the application.

Therefore, after Mr. Lei leaves office, the position of chief assistant of the empire will once again be returned to the hands of professionals. He will not become a monk by halfway like Mr. Lei and Mr. Anderson, and manage the country in the way of managing a company.

As for the next chief assistant of the empire, that's Chen Lu's concern, and Chen Qiang doesn't have to worry about it at all. As for whether she will help her husband Cage to take office, that is her business. Chen Qiang only used Cage in order to increase his daughter's prestige in the cabinet.

Of course, Cage is not useless. When he was on Mars, the vice-governor was always Cage, and the cooperation between the couple was quite good. But now everything is in Chen Lu's hands. If you need to avoid suspicion, then the best way is to make Cage a Duke, then the position of chief assistant will be gone.

After Chen Lu succeeded, the first thing was to implement the credit scoring system, and sent government officials to conduct on-the-spot investigations and evaluations of some people who could not be judged by artificial intelligence. At the same time, some people whose credit scores have been calculated can conduct self-examination. If there is any problem, they can respond to the relevant department, and then the relevant department will send some personnel to check.

This work has been carried out for half a year. Of course, this is considered the fastest. After all, the statistics of more than 23 billion people are not a small number. Although most of the work is controlled by Xingkong, government officials are also running around during this period.

With the reassessed credit points coming online, many welfare resources that existed before are slowly being exchanged, and these points can even be exchanged for vitality blocks. This is good news for many civilians, because according to the current credit point system of the empire, if a family of four has no faults within a year, they can get points that can be exchanged for one vitality block.

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