Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 683 Master-Apprentice Competition

"Old Hu, are you crazy? One hundred light years, do you know that this is what made His Majesty desperate?" Bai Xin asked first after Chen Lu left.

"Oh, Lao Bai, I don't know that His Majesty has opened up a channel for communication between humans and the outside world. After you just said that, my whole heart is cold. If Your Majesty really wants to carry out this project, then I'm afraid I will be an adult." Such a sinner." Hu Yuanji also said with some fear.

"You are just stupid to study things. When you said a hundred light years, did you think that your majesty would increase the support of our project team's funds and resources. Fortunately, your majesty is not the Supreme Emperor. If it is the Supreme Emperor, I am afraid that this matter has already There is no room for change, and the whole human race will once again enter a tense and dangerous situation." Bai Xin sighed, and he was also full of fear at this time.

"But Your Majesty will not give up. She came here three times in just four months, which shows that she attaches great importance to this matter. We did not achieve the results she wanted this time. Will Your Majesty send our project team The resources are decreasing. If the resources decrease, it will take a long time for us to achieve the goal of being able to use them for a long time." Hu Yuanji said the last words in a very small voice, but Bai Xin still heard them.

He shook his head and said in an unconvincing tone: "You don't have to worry about this, since His Majesty has already formulated this plan, then we, as the only institution currently researching space shuttle devices in the empire, don't have to worry about resources The only thing to worry about is whether you can produce the corresponding products when His Majesty needs them, so we have to work hard."

"However, according to our calculations, it is good that the current materials can support a thousand times at most, and it is impossible to reach the goal of five thousand times set by His Majesty." Speaking of this matter, Hu Yuanji's heart was filled with sorrow. I wanted to report it, but I forgot it long ago after being messed up like this, and it's too late now.

"That is to use the energy that matches the material. If our project team can overcome this problem, it will be a great thing for the entire human race. I am afraid that we will be able to win the Star River Medal by then. As for the Starry Sky Award and so on, we will be able to grab it with our hands. "Bai Xin said a little boldly.

Hu Yuanji has actually been doing related research for a long time, but he can't get out of being dragged by the current project, so he smiled wryly: "This project is already busy enough for me, and I have no time to take care of other things. Unless I stop Work here, do research over there."

"Old Hu, it's time to give young people a chance. I think your disciple Tang Caiyan is pretty good. I've followed you all these years and learned as much as I should have learned. It's time to become a teacher. When the time comes, both of you, master and apprentice, will learn together." It would be a good talk to carry out the research and development of two solutions." Bai Xin said after pondering for a long time.

Hu Yuanji was also a little pondering at this time. Everyone has selfish intentions, and in his opinion, the Yuan Qi technology route has no future at all. After all, the annual mining volume of Yuan Qi blocks is certain. The energy block that can be produced infinitely is the best energy that can drive the space shuttle device, but the accumulation in this area is very little, and it takes a creative moment to make a breakthrough. But as long as you break through, you will be the hero of mankind. At that time, various honors can be added to benefit the younger generations.

"Oh, it's time to let go. Caiyan has been helping me research this matter for these years, and she is capable enough." Hu Yuanji sighed after pondering for a long time.

"Old Hu, you have to look away from everything. Caiyan has not only been your disciple these years, but also your daughter. You must know that she has spent more time with you than with his parents, and She serves you in your daily life, so you should be content with not having the slightest complaint for so many years." Bai Xin said enviously.

"Hahaha, be envious. I think you can also accept a female disciple. With your current status, I'm afraid there will be many people participating, even bed warming." Hu Yuanji joked, then stood up and left the conference room.

Seeing Hu Yuanji's leaving figure, Bai Xin scolded: "You're not serious." Then he also left.

Tang Caiyan was in a daze at the moment. She was just discussing the formation process of the magnetic field of the space shuttle device with the research project team when she was informed by the teacher that she had something to see. She wanted to finish the rest of the work, but was told by the teacher that the sooner the better. So she could only run to the teacher's office.

"Teacher, what do you need from me, in such a hurry?" Tang Caiyan pushed open the door panting, and then asked.

"Come on, sit down, drink some tea and relax." Hu Yuanji was very satisfied with his disciple, and said with a smile as he looked at the panting disciple.

Seeing that her teacher was normal, but dressed very seriously, Tang Caiyan, who knew her teacher well, knew that her teacher must have something to inform her. So I tidied up the clothes that were a little messy due to running, and sat quietly opposite the teacher.

"You have been with me for a long time. You were a little girl back then, and now you are the mother of two children. You have worked hard these years." Looking at the still young disciple, Hu Yuanji thought that this disciple already had two children. The child is gone, and some lament that time flies really fast.

Hearing the teacher's disillusioned tone, Tang Caiyan couldn't help but twitched. She had also heard some gossip that His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire might be very dissatisfied with the progress of their entire project team. So she hurriedly asked: "Teacher, is it true that His Majesty is dissatisfied with the progress of our project team, so he plans to remove you as the team leader and transfer you away?"

"No, I don't engage in these situations anymore. I discussed with Bai Xin. If we follow our current research and development progress, we will not be able to come up with a space shuttle device suitable for the empire, because the number of vitality blocks produced by the empire is too small. Yes. It simply cannot support the use of a large-scale fleet, so we plan to use another technical route." Hu Yuanji straightened his body and said.

"Are you going to take the energy block technology route? We don't have any accumulation on this route at all, and according to some of my research, this route has nothing in common with the vitality block technology route." Tang Caiyan said with some surprise.

"No, we have a real machine and many fragments, so this is a very good condition. So we plan to build another project team to specialize in this technical route, and this project team will be led by you." Hu Yuanji Hearing that his disciples actually did some research, he became even more determined to call this route out.

"I'll lead? What about you?" Tang Caiyan asked in a daze.

"Of course we will continue to take the route of vitality block. Your Majesty needs a result." At this moment, Hu Yuanji's heart was full of relief, and his obsession was exhausted.

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