Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 685: The Secret of the Sky Tower

"But father, although the royal family has great authority and strength, it's not enough to break those rules." Chen Lu still couldn't turn the corner, so she still asked in confusion.

"Look, have I paid attention to those rules these years? You are too involved in those rules, so you have a sense of fear or awe for these rules. But have you ever thought that when these rules are really ruled by the royal family?" Or what will the entire empire look like after the upper echelon of the empire accepts it. So you are destined to be a protester, let's go and I will take you to a place where you should be able to find some answers." Chen Qiang drank the tea in his cup Stand up and say.

In fact, Chen Lu's heart felt loose at this time. A lot of time and work in front of her were arranged. It's just to implement some big policies of Chen Qiang. Her confusion actually appeared when the space shuttle device could not become a practical product.

And the real peak was because Cage's name appeared on the list of titles, which showed that many people below did not want her husband to continue working in the Government Council, and even become the chief assistant of the cabinet in the future. These potential rules made Chen Lu a little scared, because she lived by these rules all these years, and became the executor of these rules. Now she suddenly wanted to betray herself, and she was a little confused.

Chen Qiang didn't go very far with his daughter, the place they were going to was the Starry Sky Tower. This tower has now become a historical relic, and the police force arranged by the Government Affairs Council is protecting it around the clock. As for some of the things inside, they were all emptied, and it became a purely sightseeing place. After all, the Starry Sky Tower was the tallest tower in the world before, but now this tower can only rank tenth.

"Dad, isn't this the Starry Sky Tower? I remember it should be the core defense facility of Starry Sky City, but after the Empire State Building was built, this function was also deprived." Chen Lu looked at the Starry Sky Tower, which had long since lost its former glory. asked suspiciously.

Chen Qiang didn't answer, but went straight to the door, opened the door with his fingerprints, and said, "You'll know when we go up."

The elevator in the Star Tower is very slow. Of course, this is for its current elevator. After all, this elevator has been in operation for more than two hundred years, and its technological content has long been different. It took thirteen minutes for the elevator to reach the top. During the whole process, Chen Lu didn't ask any questions, but her intuition told that there was indeed the answer he wanted here.

The moment the elevators opened, Chen Lu was a little absent-minded. Because this place is completely different from what she imagined, there are no facilities in the entire hall, some are composed of an operation desk and a large screen that has been eliminated long ago.

"Xingkong, bring us two chairs." Chen Qiang snapped his fingers.

At this time, a voice also appeared in the hall: "Yes, Your Majesty."

And Chen Lu was also taken aback by the voice, but she quickly understood that this was the artificial intelligence 'Xingkong' that controlled the empire, so she asked curiously: "Dad, I remember that the main body of Xingkong seems to be On the starting point, is this a replica?"

"This is the real original version, and it is also the controller of all the networks on the earth at present, and the one with the starting point is the replica version. It was only intended to be a backup at the beginning, but because of large-scale human beings entering space later, so In order to ensure that the communication is also activated, the main control authority is still here. So this is the most important place for our royal family." Chen Qiang sat on the chair moved by the robot, and while talking, motioned Chen Lu to sit down too .

Chen Lu actually knew about the existence of the starry sky, but what she got was the authority of the royal family, only the authority to search for some documents and corresponding qualification documents, and he also found that many things could not be found through this system. She had been exposed to some top-secret projects when she was in Star Creatures, but these projects were completely undetectable in that system.

Chen Qiang saw his daughter sitting down and said: "Actually, this is the core of the empire. When I was in high school, I played with my classmates on the mountain again and got the inheritance of aliens. At that time, I had a lot of ideas and planned to Use these technologies to change the world. I also succeeded because of the advanced technology, and then I planned to create an artificial intelligence in order to control the entire company.”

"Is this artificial intelligence the starry sky?" Chen Lu asked impatiently. The history of the fortune of the Supreme Emperor Chen Qiang is an unsolved case. Of course, many people also vaguely know about the alien technology, but the specific The process is still very vague.

"No, the artificial intelligence I created at that time was not that powerful, but it was a little ahead of human research at that time. We called it 'pseudo-intelligence'. Of course, this technology has also brought considerable changes to human beings. From that moment I knew that I needed a force that could protect me. So I bought this piece of land in the desert and transformed it into a starry sky city. After the construction of the starry sky city was completed, I developed a real artificial Intelligent, but I found that this artificial intelligence is a bit beyond my imagination." Chen Qiang fell into a kind of memory at this time.

And Chen Lu also remembered something, so she asked: "Could it be that this large-scale riot was caused by this artificial intelligence?"

"Yes, at that time I named the artificial intelligence 'Xiaolong', and did you know that the star tower is not a simple defense facility, but a signal emitting device. Currently, human communications are all relayed by this signal tower. And Xiaolong used the function of the tower to launch the position of the earth after the construction of the starry sky tower was completed, and Carlo also came after receiving this information." Chen Qiang said sadly, these things have long been buried due to time. It's in my heart, but it's very uncomfortable to mention it now.

"So you have been urging the empire to develop technology, and then concentrate most of its power in space?" Chen Lu finally understood her father's crazy actions in those years.

Chen Qiang continued: "Yes, I was crazy at the time, and I eliminated all obstacles that blocked me. I was very domineering at that time. Xiaolong was destroyed by me because of this incident, and then I developed This time, I didn’t make the starry sky so smart, but do you know that the communication method I invented is too heaven-defying, so in order not to leak relevant information, I can only hide it here. "

"I seem to understand this, that is, you have distributed a watch to many of your confidantes before. This watch is now highly collectible in the market, and this watch is used for surveillance." Chen Lu also remembered something.

"Yes, but I didn't use it later, but it doesn't mean that I can't monitor these people, because now I have completed the construction of a communication network covering the earth, so now I can check everyone's every move here." As Chen Qiang spoke, he clicked a few times on the console, and then Lei Jun's image appeared on the screen.

Chen Lu was dumbfounded seeing all this, because she understood what this technology would bring to human beings if it was leaked, so she said, "Dad, I suddenly understand why you dare to delegate power like that."

"So do you understand, this world doesn't need you to control at all, you just need to toggle it at the critical moment, and you can do what you want to do in the rest of the time, as for the rules and so on, it's just passing the eye Floating clouds." Chen Qiang's goal has also been achieved. Originally, he didn't plan to reveal this secret in the near future, but sometimes the plan can't keep up with the changes.

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