Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 687 Look Away

"Lao Ma, Lao Lin, I would like to ask what people of your age think, all of you suddenly want to go to another world? Haven't we already made some breakthroughs, and the effect is not very good. Although not completely The problem of life expectancy will be cured, but the technology will make another breakthrough in the future.” After Chen Qiang left home, he planned to find two people of these ages to ask their real thoughts, so he called Ma Yun and Lin Bin come over.

Ma Yun looked at Chen Qiang who was drinking one cup after another like water. Although it was normal to drink water after reaching King Wu, this situation could also show the bitterness in the other party's heart. So he said: "Your Majesty, in fact, we people have really had enough. Our life was a leisurely retirement life, but everything that happened later forced us to take up arms or dedicate ourselves to human beings again. Many comrades-in-arms have left, and everyone has a lonely existence in their hearts."

"Isn't there still people alive, and you are all in one place after being frozen and entering the virtual network. How can there be so much loneliness when you are accompanied by so many people. And you don't think about future generations, and Shouldn't the company and the characters be the most important thing for pioneering figures like you?" Chen Qiang asked directly, he has completely lost his mind now.

Ma Yun smiled at this time and then said: "Games can never replace reality, and they can't smooth out the tiredness in people's hearts. Moreover, the empire is now thriving and there is no need for us old guys. We have to believe in those young people. People will do better and surpass us. His Majesty Chen Lu is such a person now, and you are not a qualified monarch."

"Hahaha, yes, I am not a qualified monarch, but I am indeed a qualified son, father and husband. But I am worthy of everyone, that's what I said." Chen Qiang actually had some domineering at this time.

Lin Bin also touched Chen Qiang with his wine glass and said: "No one will veto you on this point. It can be said that you should be able to rank among the top three, or even the first among all the emperors in the history of Huaguo. Of course, this kind of thing Leave it to the judging of the literate historians."

The three chatted for a long time, and Chen Qiang didn't leave until late at night. And Ma Yun and Lin Bin also went home accordingly, as for all the things they talked about during the whole process, they both forgot completely. But the scene of the three drinking was seen by many people, and some photos were also posted on the Internet, which aroused many people's wild imaginations. After all, the overlord of the empire is still very powerful in deterrence, and many people live under his shadow.

"I'm back. There is rice on the table and your favorite crystal pig's trotters." Mu Bing was sitting in the living room idly flipping through the TV channels. on television. So when she saw her husband coming back, she immediately took the shoes as if she had a backbone. Take off your coat and serve dinner.

After drinking for almost a day, although with the current strength of King Chen Qiangwu at its peak, this amount of wine can't do any harm at all, but the hunger in his belly is very clear. When people are in a bad mood, they will behave in two ways, that is, lethargy and binge eating. This is the case with him now, and his body at the level of King Wu has a strong digestion ability, so Mou Bing steamed a pot of rice that he ate up.

"Are you full? If not, I'll steam it again." Mu Bing asked with concern.

Chen Qiang put down the bowl, wiped his mouth and said, "We're full, let's talk about our parents and father-in-law. If you have any ideas, please persuade them first."

Hearing Chen Qiang say this, Mou Bing burst into tears. Even though she is now more than a hundred years old, she is still a little uncertain about her parents. After all, she is the only daughter in the entire Mou family. If the parents left like this, there would be no hope of returning to their natal family in the future.

"Well, tell your father-in-law and mother-in-law to let them live for decades. Now that the technology is so advanced, let them make a test-tube baby. At least let the Mou family stand up. Then you won't have to be alone in the future. As for the siblings They don’t need to worry about their age,” Chen Qiang said after thinking about it for a while. In fact, after talking with Ma Yun and Lin Bin, he also understood that if life is really meaningless, then life is also a waste of time. The walking dead.

So he looked away, but he had some opinions on the involvement of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. That's why I came up with this idea. The current science and technology are quite developed, and since Chen Lu came to power, many medical technologies that he ordered to ban before have also been opened up. Test-tube babies are one of them, for those who cannot have children. Provide some services.

"Okay, I'll go and tell my parents, if they don't want to, then I'll take care of the child." Mu Bing also didn't understand her parents' sudden idea, but the two old people insisted that she had nothing to do . Therefore, this compromise method became her life-saving straw, so she went out to tell her parents about it without even cleaning the bowl.

The empire has a special law on fertility, because people currently live up to 150 years, and some people even live longer than 200 years. According to some surveys and studies conducted by Xingkong Hospital now, it is found that the age of conception of warriors who have undergone vitality training can reach 130 years old, while women's childbearing age is after 25 years old, that is to say, there will be a period of one hundred years. Every woman has the potential to conceive.

Therefore, in order to limit the explosive growth of the empire's population, the "Birth Law" came into being. Women in all families who can conceive are not allowed to have children after the age of sixty. If they are born, there will be a huge fine. , and the amount of this fine will be changed according to the situation of the person involved, but the minimum amount cannot be less than one hundred million star coins, and this penalty is to make those people feel sorry.

However, this law also stipulates some special circumstances. For example, if all the children of the parties are sacrificed, they can conceive again or undergo IVF after approval by relevant departments. Although Mou Bing's parents were not satisfied with these special circumstances, Chen Qiang still had some rights as the Supreme Emperor. As for being criticized by others, who would care about it.

Of course, Mou Jianguo and Tang Li didn't agree with this bad idea at first, but after Mu Bing's persuasion, they finally agreed, but they didn't promise to live for a few years, but only agreed to provide corresponding items.

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