Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 689 Problem

The Huaxia Chamber of Commerce and the European and American Chamber of Commerce were originally established to better promote business development. For example, the banks under the two chambers of commerce were more active in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises than the Empire at the beginning. It is said that the commercial development of the empire at the beginning was supported by these two chambers of commerce. But once a force expands to a limit, they will expand to other aspects.

The Adventurer's Guild is controlled by these two guilds. At this time, the two guilds want money, money, and force, but they lack power. Therefore, they began to infiltrate all aspects silently. If it weren't for the empire's Academy of Sciences, major educational institutions and a "state-owned enterprise" starry sky creature, I am afraid that the empire's Ministry of Commerce would not have any say in business.

But in the face of absolute power, everything is scum, and the destruction of the two major chambers of commerce should be said to have been doomed long ago. Chen Qiang had seen all this a long time ago, but at that time the empire needed such a force to ensure the supply of all aspects and gather all the strength together, and the two guilds actually did a good job in many aspects. So he left the two guilds and left them to his successors. Just like when Qianlong left He Shen to Jiaqing, he not only left a lot of money to Qi, but also gave him a chance to secure the throne.

"Old Chu, how did you go to register? Did you pass the test?" A very strong man asked another equally strong man.

"Oh, not yet. The assessment this time is really too difficult. Not only the relevant safety knowledge must be assessed, but even some pilot knowledge must be tested. We are space workers and not space pilots." The man complained Said.

"Isn't this for our safety? This time the empire has made some plans for various occupations, in order to prevent some people with insufficient strength from going to some dangerous positions and reduce casualties?" The man comforted, but looked at him With a smile on his face, he knew he had passed the test.

After the merger of the three major guilds and the arena, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the empire was formed. This Ministry of Civil Affairs is completely different from the previous Ministry of Civil Affairs. The former Ministry of Civil Affairs was a department that managed various affairs of the people, such as weddings and funerals. Some regulations, the issuance of benefits and subsidies, etc., all these jobs are now replaced by artificial intelligence, and some jobs are assigned to other departments. The current Ministry of Civil Affairs has only one thing to do, which is to manage warriors and formulate laws related to the management of warriors.

For example, standardize the positions that require warriors in space now, and formulate relevant assessment plans to ensure that every person who takes up the post is qualified. In the past, many space occupations did not require the strength of warriors, so various mistakes would cause a large number of casualties, but now the formulation of these regulations directly says that some unqualified people will be kicked out, so as to achieve The purpose of reducing casualties can also urge those who are not strong enough or fail to pass the assessment to study and practice, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs also has a big job that is recruitment. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has a special recruitment website. All company recruitment must be done from this website. Sign the relevant contract. This is also to ensure the interests of all job seekers and to reduce the exploitation of employees by some companies engaged in the space industry.

The development of these tasks is actually very beneficial to the warriors, but what the warriors hate the most is the set of assessment mechanisms. If there is no systematic study, it is impossible to pass. This has also brought about a learning boom in the society. However, because many people are working, this set of position system is still slowly being constructed, but this also means that the empire has slowly entered the field of people's livelihood.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?" Coster said while sitting on the sofa with some restraint.

The Minister of Civil Affairs finally fell on Coster's head. This was something that even Chen Qiang did not expect, but after comprehensive consideration of all aspects, it was found that Coster was the most suitable, and finally Chen Lu made the appointment. As a newly established department, it has been a large department of the empire since its birth, and it is possible for its ministers to enter the cabinet after a while.

"I just want to ask if there are any problems with you. After all, the civil affairs department is newly established, and some responsibilities have also undergone some changes." Chen Lu took out a cup of tea from the plate brought by the secretary and handed it to Coster road. She is not a so-called corporal, but this one is really worthy of her. The arena has always been respected by the royal family. It can be said that this is the imperial courtier. According to her seniority, she will be called uncle.

"Your Majesty, let me just say it?" Coster was still a little cautious. After all, this one used force to disband the two major chambers of commerce. He has been trembling all these years, so he is also very careful at this moment.

"Let's talk, the cabinet will help you solve it at that time. I have also seen some of your work, which is very good. It is a good thing for our empire to standardize the job market system and increase the assessment process. Things. And now is also an opportunity, I hope you can push forward this good thing that benefits the country and the people as soon as possible." In order to reassure this person, Chen Lu specially praised it. She had already heard about this small and cautious uncle.

Coster actually didn't want to do this either, but Chen Qiang had left a shadow on his mentality, so now she would involuntarily speak weakly whenever she saw the royal family or people surnamed Chen, so during the years when he was in charge of the arena None of the staff who came close to me was named Chen.

He took a sip of tea, calmed himself down and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, many services of the three major guilds have been completely taken over, but there are some problems with the arenas, that is, these arenas are In the name of the government or in the private sector."

"The arena? Didn't you think of banning it directly? It's a bloody place?" Chen Lu once went to a match in the arena, and it was a life-and-death battle, so the impact on the arena was not very good.

"Your Majesty, this cannot be banned. The reason why the Supreme Emperor established the arena was to prepare for those warriors. When warriors want to break through a certain realm, there are two ways. Layer dam. Another one is to break through the battle through the arena. The latter is a good opportunity for warriors. If the arena is cancelled, I am afraid that there will be some problems in the entire warrior system." Coster quickly explained .

Although Chen Lu didn't have a good impression of the arena, she also understood that a warrior who grew up in battle is far more powerful than a warrior cultivated in a greenhouse, so she thought for a while and said: "Then The Ministry of Civil Affairs has set up a special organization to manage this matter, but some rules of life-and-death battles need to be corrected so that warriors can challenge at higher levels, so that the death rate of warriors will be greatly reduced."

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