Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 701: Beheading

In fact, this time the empire has developed a total of four types of power armor, namely 'Qinglong', 'Xuanwu', 'Suzaku', and 'White Tiger'. Among them, the "Blue Dragon" is a type of vitality-output power armor, which is equipped with a large number of weapons from the pre-national era, and has been improved in power. 'Xuanwu' is a type of defensive power armor, which can be transformed into a fortress after the key point, and the main weapon is a shield and a long knife. 'Suzaku' is a dedicated airborne power armor that plays the role of the air force in the human army. It is a type specially developed for high-gravity environments. The 'White Tiger' is mainly the role of the special forces, because the military found that satellites could not be released on the periphery of the planet, so an effective battlefield situation could not be formed, so a special force was needed to spy on intelligence at this time.

In fact, there is no way for the military to do this. That planet is really strange, and the high-gravity environment means that there will be a lot of consumption in the future. Therefore, after the first batch of troops are deployed, they need to make a difference in a short period of time. . The military's staff department was inspired by the previous cold weapon era, and then combined with the previous gunpowder and war methods of the era to form a new type of combat thinking.

That is to organize each platoon into an assault squad, equipped with two types of mechas, 'Qinglong' and 'Xuanwu'. Then equip the regiment-level troops with a 'White Tiger' mech troop specially used for spying on intelligence. Equip a brigade-level unit with a 'Suzaku' mech unit, and equip a fire support unit. Equip a brigade of tank units at the division level. All troops are mechanized and armored. This is a huge investment, and the newly developed equipment is very different from the previous ones.

When fighting the Zerg, it is usually carried out with division-level troops, but it does not rule out the case of small groups of troops fighting, so this time the empire paid almost all to kill all the Zerg on that planet.

Just as various types of mechas were furiously equipping Brother's troops on the earth, a huge fleet finally arrived at its destination after a trek one-tenth of a light-year away from the earth. At this time, Chen Hai, who was the frontline commander, went out to meet the fleet very excitedly.

"Uncle Clan, I didn't expect you to always lead the team." Chen Hai was a little surprised when he saw the people walking in front.

"Commander Chen, it's wartime now, and I'm just one of your soldiers, so please call me by my name." The man said seriously.

Seeing the appearance of the uncle and nephew of the Chen family, everyone present understood why the Chen family was so large and had great prestige in the hearts of the people. You must know that the man is an admiral, and Chen Hai is just the admiral mentioned just now, and in terms of strength, it is even more different. The man is the captain of the advance team of the legendary 'Dragon' Legion, and his strength must be above the peak of Wu Zong. But now he is willing to obey the orders of a junior, which can be regarded as the rules have gone deep into his bones.

"General Chen Xuan, please let all your troops rest and start working in three days. This time our task is very serious." Chen Hai also said seriously, he has been looking forward to these people for a long time. These days, the military has sent out many, many robots to inquire about the news, but these robots were torn into pieces by the Zerg the moment they landed, and ate them.

Yes, just eat it. This made the military's understanding of these Zergs even more, but later detection found that these Zergs that were robot fragments also died slowly, and then the Zergs ate the corpses of these dead companions, and then the cycle continued. Afterwards, these reorganizations also understood that the pieces of these robots could not be eaten. But the Zerg still tore up these robots one by one. According to the judgment of the military, the other party may have discovered them.

Chen Hai was a little annoyed that he hadn't caught a Zerg for such a long time. In his opinion, even catching a dead one is fine, so after thinking for a long time, he sent a powerful team composed of ten Wu Zongs into the planet, and snatched a robot as fast as possible. Shards of dead Zerg. The process was not that simple. These Wuzong-level masters were discovered by the Zerg the moment they landed. If these people hadn't brought quite a lot of weapons and equipment, they probably wouldn't be able to come back.

Even then, three of the ten Wuzong-level masters were injured, and one of them even had his arm hanged directly. However, the arm was snatched back, and it was attached immediately after returning to the station. The current medical technology is quite developed, so it will not affect the future life and cultivation of Wu Zong.

After this battle, Chen Hai and others also gradually figured out the situation of these Zerg, that is, a small group of troops is invincible. But it's still possible to fight a wave of legion battles. Because the second time, in order to verify this conjecture, a regiment of soldiers was directly sent, and they fought with the Zerg for ten hours in accordance with the combat thinking of the military headquarters. This battle proved the maturity of the military's combat thinking, but the casualties were huge. A reinforced group of 5,000 people ended up with more than 500 people dying on the spot. You must know that all the weapons were over-equipped this time, and the ammunition consumption was carried according to the base number of ten per person. With such a powerful vitality, more than 500 people died in the end, which Chen Hai and the military did not expect.

After investigation, it was found that all of these dead people were soldiers below the middle rank of generals, and several of them belonged to middle ranks of generals, but they had only entered this level not long ago. Therefore, the military has conducted some screening and raised the requirements for conscription.

This time, the team of Wuzong strong men brought by Chen Xuan was for a surprise battle. After some investigations these days, it was found that these Zergs are actually hierarchical. The information detected so far is that the Zergs on the entire planet are divided into two camps, and the nest of one of the camps was discovered by the military. It is located on this planet. On the highest mountain above, in the eyes of the military, this is naked death.

Therefore, Chen Hai and other front-line officers formulated a raid plan after discussion, in order to kill the emperor of the Zerg race who lived on the top of the mountain, which would cause chaos on the planet's Zerg race and take over the military. Down the action will be very beneficial. So he reported the plan to the headquarters, and the headquarters also agreed to the plan and sent five hundred members of the 'Dragon' Legion to carry out the plan,

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