Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 705: Strategic Change

"Old Chen, there is news from the assault force, and the situation is very bad." While Chen Hai was anxiously waiting for the news, Wang Ruofeng, the chief of staff at the station, reported with a very bad expression.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hai has been very anxious since the assault force left, so he asked anxiously after hearing the news about this force.

"The mission failed. The team led by General Chen Xuan sacrificed hundreds of people, and the general was also seriously injured. The battleship also consumed a lot of energy to rescue the general. Now they are unable to leave the planet at all. They can only stand still at high altitude and wait for our rescue." Wang Ruofeng said with grief on his face at this moment.

When Chen Hai heard the news, he suddenly felt dizzy. This also confirmed why he felt very nervous after the assault troops left. But at this time, he didn't think about it at all, but he was thinking about the hundreds of Wuzong powerhouses who sacrificed. These people were cultivated by the empire and the royal family with great effort. It is a means to deter those big families and large commercial companies. Now hundreds of people have been sacrificed at once, and his uncle was also seriously injured. As the instigator of this incident, he can hardly escape the blame.

"Send warships to rescue them. When they come back, describe all the process and submit it to the general headquarters. During this time, you will do the work. I will rest and wait for the military to deal with it. "Chen Hai said decadently, he no longer has any reason to sit in this position. In order to increase his qualifications, regardless of the incomplete information, so many high-ranking fighters were killed or injured, which is enough for him to go to the military court, and he is still a member of the Chen clan, which is the last thing he can forgive himself.

The military headquarters has been very busy during this period. With the completion of the supply of troops, group training has begun. What the military has to do is not only to supply relevant weapons and equipment, but also to prepare for the current situation. Many, many grassroots officers instilled some command skills in cold weapon combat. There is also the upgrading and research and development of related weapons and equipment, which can be described as a myriad of things.

However, in the general headquarters of the military, many members of the staff department were conducting a battle simulation, and this battle was the battle that Chen Xuan and the others fought, but the final results were completely inconsistent. Because the final result from many drills is that human beings will win a big victory with very small casualties.

Chen Qiang and Chen Jun were also watching the deduction of these staff officers in this command room. They were very concerned about the progress of this battle. After all, it was the first human aggression battle in name. Just after the new round of human victory came out, and when everyone was full of confidence, a staff officer hurried in and reported to Chen Junhui: "Commander, the battle report from the camp on the Zerg planet is here."

"Did you win?" Lei Yuan said directly, he was full of confidence at this moment.

Hearing the chief of staff's question, the staff member pondered for a while before saying: "The mission failed, hundreds of troops led by Chen Xuan died, and the general himself was seriously injured."

This made everyone present take a deep breath, and then they all said a little crazy: "Is there any detailed battle report? We need to re-deduce." This is related to the reputation of the military. You must know that for this war, the empire That is a powerful contribution, someone's contribution. Now such a result is obtained, which is unacceptable to the military. They need to re-deduce the battle, overturn the battle report, and then send Chen Hai to a military court to comfort those cabinet members who didn't like the military's approach. After all, the military now needs the support of the cabinet.

But after they saw the battle report, everyone was stunned, even Chen Qiang was a little stunned. Because they saw the description of "powerful existence" from this battle report, there is only one possibility for this statement, that is, there are warriors or energy practitioners on that planet, and their strength is far higher than that of Chen Xuan Those who are at the peak of Wuzong may be stronger than the level of Wuhuang.

"Xiaojun, I think we should take a long-term view now. The existence of warriors will add a level to all our battles. And from this battle report, we can see the existence of flying Zerg. This is all information about your military. This is your negligence. As for Chen Hai, he is no longer suitable for that position. Let Qi Lin go.” Chen Qiang said, this matter is not just a matter of occupation, Compared with that planet, human beings need a method that can break through to the Martial Emperor.

Chen Jun was also silent at this time, Chen Hai was indeed not suitable for that position, because this time hundreds of strong men at the peak of Wu Zong died, and behind them were all families, and it was impossible for the military to protect them of. So he said: "I think it is possible to expand the current station and build it into a large living base and a bridgehead for humans to understand the Zerg."

"Okay, but I think a supply line can be established. Maybe this time we need to let adventurers and hunters enter. Now that the other party has noticed it, there will be no one on the planet before we deploy our absolute forces. The opportunity to establish a base, so it is also good for those hunters and adventurers to sneak in to obtain some other information, and the military alone is not enough." Chen Qiang suggested, in his opinion, hunters and adventurers are more important in this regard fit.

Chen Hai hadn't spoken yet, but Lei Yuan objected: "This is completely unworkable. The current Zerg planet has a very strong gravity, and if the spaceship is not specially made, it will not be able to travel freely in it. Hunters and adventurers If you go, you will die, so I think it is better to use the stupid method experimented by the military, and use the miracle man to pile up all the information, so that although the capital consumption is a bit larger, the sacrifice will be very small."

Since Lei Yuan became the chief of staff now, his previous violent temper has changed a lot, and he has become more careful. However, there are still some flaws in many aspects. If the previous chief of staff had not reached his age, he would not have been able to take the position. In short, Lei Yuan is a transition. As long as Chen Jun steps down, Lei Yuan should retire.

Chen Qiang did not directly refute the chief of staff, but said with a smile: "We can just publish the relevant information on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and increase the conditions for accepting tasks. Basically, those who will be able to go will be strong." Or, maybe these people will bring us some surprises."

The Supreme Emperor said it twice, so no one objected, but they all made up their minds that they would not let people close to them take up this task.

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