Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 726: Issuing Additional Currency

The operation was over, and 9,922 of the 10,300 Wuzong experts finally came back, and the remaining 378 remained on the Zerg planet. Not only because of the butterfly Zerg, many of them died because of being besieged by a large number of Zerg. Chen Qiang couldn't help but sighed after receiving the information, and when the military posted the list of dead on the official website, the entire human race was in an uproar. Many Wu Zong who had already signed agreements with those big companies all terminated the contracts one after another. After all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

However, the purpose of the military has been fully achieved. As for the next action, the military headquarters stopped it, because there were too many sacrifices this time, and the people were somewhat anti-war. Therefore, after discussion, Chen Hai decided to stop the follow-up actions, wait for the fermentation of the results of this action, and see if there are any major results. As for continuing to release the virus, it is simply impossible, unless Liu Jie's laboratory can extend the survival time of the virus in the air of the Zerg planet to an hour or a day, so that the military can release it unmanned.

But at present, this proposal is completely useless, so all actions can only be stopped. As for the function of the "Expedition" service center, it has also changed from a military central organization to a border detection organization. As for the supply channel to the Zerg planet, the construction did not stop, but continued. All or living Wuzong strongmen who participated in this operation began to evacuate to the earth one after another, and of course some directly joined the military.

Under the cold treatment of the military, the "Expedition" service center gradually faded out of people's sight. Commander Qilin's idea of ​​promoting the entire 'expedition' service center was shattered in this way.

Of course, the only ones who were evacuated were those who were strong in Wuzong, as well as analysts and various researchers recruited from the earth. Other personnel who belonged to the military or joined the military did not evacuate but were integrated to become part of the service center. . Their task is to pay attention to the changes of the entire Zerg group here all the time, and provide some detailed analysis data for the military through these changes.

Chen Lu also knew that the 'Expedition' service center might remain silent for a period of time in the future, so she planned to transfer Qi Lin back. However, he was rejected. From Qilin's point of view, even if he is not in this position and going to other places, there is no big move. Therefore, it is better to wait here and wait for the top.

The major companies and major families strongly resisted the military's evacuation. After Chen Qiang explained all the information in detail, these talents slowly stopped. Although the military's approach will lengthen the investment recovery period of these companies and families, there is no way. After all, the military has clearly explained to them that they will not see any benefits at all in the future.

Of course, it’s not that there is no benefit at all. After all, the various materials and equipment needed to build a supply line across a distance of 0.1 light-years are massive, and the only companies that can get these orders are the major companies that have dispatched personnel. This part is also very profitable, and this supply line is not only supplying Zerg planets. There are many undetected places along the way. With the existence of this supply line, this airspace will be visited by many mining hunting teams. There will be a lot of income coming and going.

At present, the operation of supply lines in the empire is entrusted to larger private enterprises. However, the construction is planned by the cabinet. After the construction is completed, no supply point will be auctioned. Of course, if the company is strong enough, it can be contracted. Construction of a supply point. The supply points planned and constructed by the cabinet will distribute dividends to the cabinet after the proceeds. As for the supply points built by themselves, everything except the necessary taxation is owned by the operator.

This is a pioneering operation plan, and it takes much less money than operating a supply line alone. Moreover, although various major companies are constantly at odds, they can still let go of hatred in the face of interests. Therefore, half of this supply line has been built, and now the half that can be built has started operation. Many hunters are looking for minerals on this line.

In fact, the actions of the empire this time were a bit anticlimactic when the people came to see them. At the beginning, all kinds of actions were very fierce. Not only the military and the cabinet took action, but also the major families and enterprises. From the very beginning, tens of thousands of Wuzong powerhouses were recruited, but this time a lot of money was spent. The circulating funds in the market instantly began to increase a lot, but the product is still the same number. Therefore, the Reichsbank had to adjust the deposit rate to cope with the inflation that had not occurred for many years.

Moreover, the number of vitality blocks on the market is also increasing at present, and the price has also dropped somewhat. Although the empire is also balancing these prices, compared with the number of vitality blocks on the market, the funds of the cabinet are simply insufficient. Although this is a scene that Chen Lu is very willing to see, if the price of the vitality block is lowered at present, the empire will go bankrupt in an instant. You must know that the bottom of the state treasury is the vitality block, and the price of the vitality block will drop. It also means that the assets of the empire have shrunk, which is quite bad news for the empire that is currently very flawed.

"Your Majesty, some time ago, in order to obtain enough funds to recruit Wuzong strongmen, all the major families sold a batch of vitality blocks one after another. Now the number of vitality blocks on the market is far greater than the demand, and the price will continue to fall." Hu Shengli, the dean of the School of Economics at Xingkong University, is also one of Chen Lu's staff.

Chen Lu still understands the economy very well, so he said directly: "The empire can't spend much money to buy it now. Is there anyone hoarding goods in the market?"

"No, this is also a strange thing for me. The vitality block is just needed, and someone should buy a batch at this time. But according to the data, it has not happened at all. According to my analysis, the companies that have the strength to buy a large number of vitality blocks are now I can’t afford that money at all, as for ordinary people, they can only buy one for cultivation at most, and for them to stock up, it will be a bit of a hardship.” Hu Shengli said his guess.

Chen Lu had a headache. Since the market couldn't digest those vitality blocks, the cabinet had to come forward to stabilize the price of the vitality blocks. If they couldn't be downloaded, they would fall. So she asked, "Professor Hu, is there anything you can do?"

"There is a way, that is to issue one trillion star coins, and use this money to buy vitality blocks. According to our calculations, if the empire circulates this money in batches, there will be no problem for the current empire's economy. "Hu Shengli handed Chen Lu a document.

"I'll think about it again." Chen Lu didn't immediately agree.

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