Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 728 Liu Chengyin

Star Hospital, this is the top medical institution in the empire, there is no one. The top doctors of mankind are gathered here, each of them is the strongest in the field of human research, and at this time they are all gathered in a ward to operate various instruments, and these instruments are linked to those already in the hospital bed. Wu Jing, who had been lying on it for almost half a year.

"My God, Wu Jing's cell strength has increased by a full ten times." A researcher using a scanning electron microscope exclaimed in surprise.

"What, let me see?" In an instant, many gray-haired old people began to rush to the monitor of the scanning electron microscope, even forgetting that they could log in to the hospital's internal website to access the monitor through their virtual wristbands data of.

Of course, some scientific researchers have already obtained relevant information from their bracelets and began to slowly observe and analyze it. After seeing the data and performing a simple analysis on it, many people couldn't believe it. , Many people even shed tears involuntarily. Because the problem that has plagued mankind for two hundred years is solved at this moment.

"Immediately conduct a comprehensive examination of Wu Jing's body. This is our best research data." Although George is no longer the director of Xingkong Hospital, as the founder, he has the prestige to issue orders. All are his disciples and grandchildren. As for him going out to report to Chen Qiang after finishing his orders, you must know that he thought he would never see this moment in his life.

Chen Qiang was a little dazed after receiving the information from George, because the military was in a stalemate. He didn't expect that there would be flowers blooming inside the wall, and there would be a dawn on Wujing's side, so he took the Wu Wudi immediately rushed over to the earth.

Because many people present saw it with their own eyes and analyzed the corresponding results by themselves, because the news spread quite quickly. Soon relevant information appeared on the Internet, and those big companies and big families knew more details. They all sent relevant personnel to Starry Sky City, in order to get relevant information about breaking through the Martial Emperor as soon as possible.

Because of this news, the price of vitality blocks on the market has risen, and some people have begun to hoard vitality blocks to cope with the next great improvement in the strength of all human beings. This is something that Chen Lu did not expect, and the impact of the additional issuance of one trillion star coins also disappeared without a trace in this acquisition.

"How about it, when will Wu Jing wake up?" Chen Qiang did not go home after arriving on Earth, but went directly to Xingkong Hospital. At present, the hospital has been blocked by the 'Dragon' army sent by the royal family. Anyone without a certificate cannot enter. If they break in, they will be killed immediately. This is the most hopeful time for mankind at present. Neither the military, the royal family nor the cabinet want to be shattered by external factors.

George already had a thick stack of test reports in his hand at this time, he adjusted his glasses and said: "Your Majesty, we don't know this yet, his whole body is undergoing a reconstruction, and according to the current speed, there will be about three more The construction was completed in an hour. But you also know that the human brain is a very miraculous organ. If Wu Jing does not have the will to wake up, then we will not be able to help. And we also have concerns, if his mind is also in this reconstruction. changes, then everything that follows is a fantasy.”

Chen Qiang understood George's reminder, but he didn't make a decision immediately, because if he took precautionary measures now, if Wu Jing woke up and saw all this, he would definitely be chilled. Now this is the hope of mankind, so he hesitates. But after a while, he showed firm eyes and said: "Immediately evacuate all the personnel in the Starry Sky Hospital, let the Zilong of the 'Dragon' Legion come over, and build a new line of defense in this hospital building. The garrison of the Starry Sky City is also there. Get moving, load all weapons and wait for orders."

The destructive power of a person who loses his mind is astonishing, not to mention that Wu Jing is already preparing to break through the Wuhuang level at this time. No one can guarantee that there will be no accidents during this process. The current empire is very clear about the strength of the Martial Emperor, so these preventive measures did not make Wu Wudi feel uncomfortable. Moreover, Chen Qiang never doubted the old man's loyalty, so he didn't ask for his opinion.

"Yes." One of Chen Qiang's guards replied and went down to convey the order. At the same time, many staff members of Xingkong Hospital slowly began to evacuate under the command of the current director. Doctors like them have the most respect for life, so many orders were executed meticulously, and many important figures recuperating in Xingkong Hospital were also directly invited out, even though they are very opposed to it.

The actions of Xingkong Hospital quickly alarmed the core personnel of the major families, who did not understand this phenomenon. But when the old people behind these people heard the news, they understood why Xingkong Hospital did this. War syndrome, this is an emotion that everyone will have after fighting, especially when the wounded recover from serious injuries, the incidence rate is quite high. In the battle with mutant beasts, a small number of people were killed in the hospital because they got sick and killed many, many doctors and nurses.

"Old Wu, are you nervous? It seems that Wu Jing is about to wake up." Chen Qiang sensed that Wu Jing's aura was getting stronger and stronger with his mental power, so he asked Wu Wudi who was next to him who was heavily armed.

Wu Wudi said without any hesitation: "Look at this kid's name, I don't mind fighting with the first martial emperor of mankind." The underlying meaning of this sentence is that if Wu Jing breaks through, everything will be easy But if the breakthrough fails and becomes a killing, he doesn't mind killing the people.

Of course, the other warriors present were also ready to attack, even Chen Qiang was ready to leave his current position at this time. Everything about Wuhuang's breakthrough is unknown, and he still had some communication with the Zerg. Chen Qiang and the others had to be on guard. After all, who knows whether the current Wujing is the previous Wujing. These days the Zerg has brought too many surprises to humans.

According to the military's calculations, the kind of mental power that can invade the spacecraft can easily destroy the human brain center, and it is still silent, which is also an important reason for the military to stop operations. You must know that the Zerg only used this method on the spaceship this time. No one can guarantee that the Zerg will not use this method on the Wuzong strong next time. If this happens, how many Wuzong strong will be included? They will all be killed immediately.

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