Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 736 The Benefits of Competition

The 'Expedition' service center has now been expanded three times, forming a gathering area for 13 million people. This is the largest living quarter that humans have built in deep space. Next to it, the greatest engineering moon in the history of human engineering is maneuvering. This time, the purpose of the moon is to become a satellite of the Zerg planet. This is also determined by the military after a long period of research. The service center is now completely unsuitable for the military. After all, there are too many people pouring into it, and many confidential matters cannot be carried out at all. If a little news is revealed, it means that the whole project has been figured out by many people.

At this time, many cities have been gradually established on the Zerg planet. These cities are built by many companies and families, but they do not have the right to control the city, but they have the right to benefit from the city. This is also the preferential treatment given by the empire to these families and companies. After all, two years ago, scientists from the military proved that there is no problem with the vitality block. These families and companies came here for the vitality block. At present, the price of vitality blocks on the market has dropped to a price of 100 million star coins. Of course, this is the price of vitality blocks produced on the earth, and the price of vitality blocks from Zerg planets is 10 billion star coins. If it weren't for the cabinet's lower price, I'm afraid the market would raise the price of this vitality block to tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of stars. After all, solid vitality blocks contain far more vitality than liquid ones.

"Your Majesty, the current 'expedition' service center can no longer meet the needs of hunters. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, there are more than one billion people who intend to go to the Zerg planet. We need to establish a service center." Cage, as the cabinet assistant As Chen Lu's confidant, he is in charge of the service center, which now brings the cabinet an annual income of more than 100 billion star coins, which has greatly eased the cabinet's somewhat stretched financial situation. The good news is that Cage certainly needs to catch up with the heat and is building a service center to enrich the somewhat hungry market.

However, his suggestion was directly vetoed by Mr. Lei. He said: "Our cabinet is in charge of managing the entire country, not a businessman. Therefore, I think this matter can be handed over to the people, and according to our current situation It won’t take long for the entire Zerg planet to become another planet of the empire to undergo transformation, so the cabinet’s investment may not be able to recover.”

"I agree with Lei Shoufu's opinion. At present, our economy is growing rapidly, but it has not recovered. If we can put this project down, it will greatly stimulate the economy of the empire. And the most important thing is , we are not suitable for management at all, if it is not because the 'Expedition' service center is controlled by the empire, then I am afraid that the entire service center will directly fall into a loss when collecting taxes and leaving funds for related operations." The finance minister also said, He is the one who has the most say on the empire's economy and this matter. After all, he directly manages finances and is very clear about these matters.

At this time, Chen Lu was very serious about summarizing the opinions of everyone present, and finally concluded after everyone had spoken: "The service center must be built, and more people are needed to explore on the Zerg planet. Since many people are If you don't agree that the service center should be controlled by the empire, then leave this matter to the private sector. However, there is a requirement that you should select a group of qualified and self-motivated small and medium-sized enterprises as much as possible. Let them do it. As for those big companies and families, let them not get involved in this matter, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, you have to supervise and make the best possible staffing.”

"Yes." Chen Yang, the current Minister of Civil Affairs, got up and agreed. This person came out of the army. The position of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is quite special. He was formed by the merger of the three previous guilds and arenas. Ministers are demanding. Not only must there be relevant combat experience, but also the strength must at least overwhelm most of the warriors and become among the top warriors. The previous minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was from the Wu family, mainly for transition purposes, but Chen Yang was the real first minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Born as a soldier, he was very sensitive to orders, so he got up to answer immediately after Chen Lu finished speaking.

Lei Jun's heart sank after hearing Chen Lu's order. It seems that the empire is still at ease with these big commercial companies and big families, and is still on guard everywhere. He proposed this proposal not to endorse big families and companies, but since this matter is urgent, it is necessary to quickly gather funds in a short period of time and start work in a short period of time. At present, besides the empire, only these big companies have this technology and ability. After all, they have also participated in many such factories and have quite a lot of experience. But now that Chen Lu has handed over this task to small and medium-sized enterprises, the process will be quite tortuous. After all, it is not easy to gather a large number of enterprises and unify their opinions and actions. things.

In fact, if a person who has been working in the business world for a long time can quickly understand the idea of ​​the empire after knowing this plan, it's just that Lei Jun has been away from the business world for too long now, so the relevant sensitivity has also weakened a bit. Sure enough, after the news was released, many big companies did not take any action, not even resisting. Because they are very happy to see this scene, the empire is raising Gu, and a top company has been cultivated through this project. This top company will become a catfish after it appears, and then stir up the entire top business circle, which of course makes those old people very happy. When a company has no threats, it means that the company has begun to decline.

A total of 1.6 million companies participated in the bidding for this project, and these small and medium-sized enterprises began to slowly form several circles through many alliances, and these circles also began to slowly integrate. The Ministry of Commerce of the Empire is very happy to see this scene. As long as this project is successful, it means that several top companies have appeared in the current business circle, and it will still be of great help to the promotion of the economy. It will also greatly weaken the ability of established large enterprises to interfere with the empire's economy.

Of course, all of this is carried out bit by bit, and the waves created are not very big, and many people don't care much about this. Now all the people are most concerned about the Zerg planet. After many people's publicity over the past few years, the Zerg planet is a place full of gold mines. As long as you go out once and come back alive, you will make a lot of money. Therefore, many people who are ready to move have started to buy equipment and carry out corresponding training, trying to grab a ticket to the Zerg planet after the next arrival of the Imperial Miracle.

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