Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 749 Big Move

"Commander, these are a hundred hydrogen bombs. If they are used all at once, will the crust of the Zerg planet change, and the spaceship we are launching may be blocked by the Zerg's Martial Emperor? These are all a series of problems. So My suggestion is to release them in batches. It will take about ten days for a hundred hydrogen bombs to be released. At present, we have caused large-scale damage to the Zerg, and there are many larvae among many attacking Zerg.” Yang Xingguo After hearing Qilin's plan, he immediately persuaded him. If this person's plan is followed, I'm afraid there will be additional casualties at that time. The power of a hundred hydrogen bombs is huge. The area of ​​the entire Linxing Basin is only 300,000 square kilometers. Even if so many hydrogen bombs are dropped at a relatively long distance, the aftermath generated can still cover the entire basin.

Qilin couldn't bear the aggrieved feeling in his heart following the arrival of the first batch of supplies. He now has only one goal, which is to kill all the Zerg besieging the Linxing Basin, and send all these ugly bugs to God. But what he didn't expect was that his plan was directly rejected by the chief of staff. Although he is now the supreme officer, all military orders need to pass through the staff. Without the unity of the staff, his order would have no effect. So after hearing the rejection, he glared at Yang Xingguo and said word by word: "I've made up my mind, those ugly bugs should have died a long time ago." After speaking, let everyone prepare immediately. As for Yang Xingguo, the chief of staff, was left there.

Regarding this situation, Yang Xingguo just smiled wryly, and then returned to his office to report the situation. He has only been here for half a year, so he doesn't have many confidants. And although the officers and soldiers here respect him very much, he can see a sense of alienation in the eyes of these people. He tried very hard to integrate into this group but has not yet done so. It's not surprising that the chief of staff was emptied. Now he can only use the order from the commander-in-chief of the military to change Qilin.

"Nonsense, is this Qilin just messing around like this just because he is His Majesty's confidant? I gave him the right to use hydrogen bombs so that he can use one or two when he can't keep it. Now he actually plans to use all the hydrogen bombs. Use them all. When the transmission is destroyed, I will send him to a court-martial." Chen Jun has always been very elegant, but now he is spouting obscenities. Obviously, he was very angry at this time, if Qilin was in front of him at this time, he would be shot dead immediately.

Hearing the commander-in-chief's anger, everyone in the command room was terrified. They didn't dare to make a sound and even lowered their breathing as much as possible. As the chief of staff, Lei Yuan asked curiously: "Commander, Qi Lin plans to release a hundred hydrogen bombs at a time?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it's too late to stop it now." Chen Junxin was very regretful why he had been assigned that position, and also annoyed why Yang Xingguo, a coward, had been placed in the position of chief of staff.

"Yes, if you use the 'worm' warship to jump, you can basically reach the moon in six hours. If Qi Lin wants to start the hydrogen bomb, he must prepare for at least sixteen hours, otherwise he will not be able to use it at all." Lei Yuan After silently calculating in his heart, he said immediately.

"Well, I'll leave the headquarters to you, and I'll set off immediately. This matter can only be resolved by me. The 'Expedition' headquarters is already red-eyed, and it doesn't work for ordinary people." Chen Jun said After finishing, he left the command room directly, prepared to go to the bridge and then take the "worm" battleship that was being unsealed.

And Yang Xingguo, the 'expedition' headquarters on the Zerg planet, is still trying to dissuade Qilin from rescinding the order, otherwise everyone present will be court-martialed. But the only answer to him was indifferent eyes, and even all the soldiers on the entire planet pointed at him with a look of disdain. This feeling made him very bad, but no matter how he tried to explain it, it was of no use. Now he can only pin his hopes on the military headquarters, otherwise it will be too late when all the hundred hydrogen bombs are dropped. Although he may escape the punishment of a military court, he will not be able to get along in the military, and he can only be an ordinary person in the future. After all, no organization is willing to cooperate with people who have betrayed the team.

"I said the military is crazy, planning to transport all the supplies to the Zerg planet at one time?" People in the service center watched the spaceships rising above the mooring port of the moon, and then There is a lot of discussion about the formation of a huge transport fleet on the periphery of the moon.

"Maybe, I heard that the military has wiped out many troops this time, and the current casualties exceed 8 million. I said why not let us go. Although we are not as organized as the soldiers, we can still kill a lot of people." Zerg." A very tall man said with some regret that he had been preparing for the military recruitment during the days when the war broke out, and even wrote the suicide note, but there was no news until now. There are many people like him in the service center, but they are very disappointed.

A man next to him said after thinking for a while: "Actually, we are not suitable for large-scale defensive operations at all. Facing waves of Zerg like waves requires a well-trained team that can cooperate with each other. Obviously we There is no way to do all of this, and you found out that the military has not sent a strong Martial Emperor to participate in the battle these days, this is the best proof."

After the huge fleet left, many people in the service center went to do their own things, and of course some people were still standing there chatting about this war. There is an internal service system on the service center, as long as you have the relevant authority, you can see what you want to see. As for this authority, it depends on each person's strength and record. Many hunters with high authority watched the whole process of the battle between humans and Zerg through Skynet, which made many people feel a little uncomfortable. Because in addition to the sound of guns and guns, the rest of the screen is the sound of those Zergs chewing their own people and human corpses. This is also an important reason why Qilin wants to destroy the Zergs crazily. After all, these Zergs make many soldiers unable to return to their roots. .

But at this time, a very strange spaceship appeared in the field of vision of these people, and many old hunters exclaimed: "The 'worm'-type battleship, isn't it already closed, why is it used again? , it seems that the military has made a big move this time."

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