Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 755 The Third Batch

"Hu Yuanji, you don't want to lead the team this time, okay, your age and physical condition are really inappropriate." Looking at this man who was younger than himself but looked older than himself, Chen Qiang was a little dumbfounded. The situation here has completely stabilized, so he plans to go back. But when he was about to board the battleship and leave, a figure stopped in front of him and yelled loudly, so he could only postpone his return and go back to the office to ask the whole story. road.

Hu Yuan was originally on the list of the third batch of teleporters, and there was no way to do that, because he was the only one who could reach the top in the space field at that time. At that time, the military and the cabinet had already made a decision to temporarily drop the project if this batch of personnel failed, but they did not expect that some of the second batch and the first batch of teleportation personnel would come back. Therefore, in order to protect the national treasure of the empire, the military intends to remove it from the list after careful consideration, and replace the team leader with Tang Caiyan.

This made Hu Yuanji very unhappy, but the military directly colluded with each other and ignored the old man at all. In the end, he could only report his grievances to Chen Qiang, the Supreme Emperor of the empire who was about to return.

"Your Majesty, you must listen to me on this matter. Tang Caiyan is currently the chief engineer of the space shuttle device. The empire's need for this device is more urgent than the space gate. So she can no longer take such risks, and during this time She has been here all this time and has never been to the laboratory of the space shuttle device. I heard Lao Bai say that the research and development there seems to have stagnated, and he, the chief ship designer, has ships but no equipment." Hu Yuanji at this time He explained with emotion, as if everyone would become sinners of the empire if his disciple Tang Caiyan was sent out at this time.

After hearing this situation, Chen Qiang was also a little silent, although he couldn't believe all of Hu Yuanji's words. But some still believe it, and the space shuttle device is indeed more attractive than the space door. After all, if there is a space shuttle device, the empire can explore all directions of the universe, but the space gate is fixed and can only go to one piece of the universe.

So he turned on the virtual screen and dialed Chen Jun's phone number: "Xiaojun, replace the leader of the third batch of teleporters with Xiang Yang, and send a few more experts in the space field. The channel, so there is no need to send top scientists there. Their current task is to understand all the settings and theories of the space gate, which will take a long time. Top talents like Professor Tang need to go to other places. "

Hu Yuanji was filled with excitement when he saw the Supreme Emperor turn on the virtual screen and dial the phone number of Chen Jun, the general manager of Yuanzheng Star. He had racked his brains for this moment. His research these years seems to have entered a bottleneck period, so he wants to go outside to see if he can find some inspiration to break through this bottleneck. But when he heard the following words, he was immediately dumbfounded, because it was not him who led the team this time, but his disciple Xiang Yang. Although this disciple is not as talented as Tang Caiyan, he is quite down-to-earth and has solid basic knowledge.

"Dean, you can't do this, but you promised me to be the leader of the third batch of teleportation personnel." Hu Yuanji was also a little anxious at this time, and directly used all the titles from a long time ago.

Chen Qiang felt a little nostalgic when he heard this voice. It had been a long time since anyone called him that. At that time, the first three batches of talents from the Starry Sky Academy have now become the top talents in various fields, and it can be said that they have worked hard for the development of the empire over the years. Thinking of this, he looked at Hu Yuanji a lot more kindly, then hung up the phone and said, "I know what you want to do, basically all the top technologies of the empire have reached the bottleneck, although there are still some needs for improvement in the biological field. , but it can no longer pull other disciplines to go further. The other side of the space gate will not have the opportunity to contact aliens in a short period of time, so you should do research here and wait for when you have contact with aliens Alien civilization, I will let you go there."

"Alright Your Majesty, but I won't do the space gate. I want to help out with the space shuttle device." Hu Yuanji put forward his own request.

"Okay, just take a break and raise your strength to the level of the Martial Emperor. When you go back, someone will contact you to provide resources, and then you can receive the breakthrough. You see, you are younger than me, but you look older than me It looks like several rounds." Chen Qiang said with a smile, he actually understands the reason why this Ji Liu has retreated bravely, that is, there is no place for him to display in the field of space, because there are too few people who study this field before, so he can have a lot. Now with the follow-up of education, more and more people enter this field, so he needs to make room for latecomers.

This is the reason why many top personnel in the field retire bravely in their later years. The first reason is that their energy cannot keep up, and the second is to make room for latecomers. However, it is not a problem to put the first one in the empire, because the existence of cell activation agents is completely sufficient for the energy of scientists, so the reason why many scientists are currently sleeping and leaving their research positions is the second reason. The current Hu Yuanji is also facing this problem, so he wants to go to the other side of the space gate, so that the relevant positions here can be vacated.

Chen Qiang didn't think of this at first, but when he heard Hu Yuanji's eloquent speech, he suddenly thought of this question, so he added the resources to allow him to break through the Martial Emperor. It is also to compensate these conscientious scientific researchers. After all, without these people, it would take a long, long time for human beings to reach the bottleneck of science and technology.

On the third day when the third batch of teleporters were about to leave, the order to suddenly change the leader was conveyed. What everyone didn't expect was that the new teleporter team was not Hu Yuanji, but his disciple Xiang Yang. Many people have never heard of this name, but after checking it through the internal network, they found that Xiang Yang is actually a big boss, but he is quite low-key. In addition, many of the people sent this time are scientists and soldiers, so they have no objection to the military's order.

A beam of light rose, whether it was the workers who were building on the Zerg planet, the hunters who were carrying the Zerg corpses, and the personnel in the service center and the moon, they all prayed in their hearts that these people could return safely.

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