Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 774: The Heluo Tribe

Ren Fei took two warships out of the expedition trade fleet and started to return, because the entire fleet was already near the third jumping point, so they turned on the jumping device after traveling at full speed for less than five million kilometers . Of course, everyone knew about the hidden story. After knowing this, no one was noisy, and no one was happy. Everyone on the two battleships fell into a kind of sadness.

Many of them are soldiers, and the kind of soldiers who have participated in wars. So they are very familiar with death, and also understand the purpose of doing so above.

As for Ma Yun, after the departure of Honghu and Lin'an, she ordered all the high-power equipment in the fleet to be turned off except for the radar ship to continue to monitor the alien fleet, and it was enough to keep the basic power consumption. This is also to ensure that the returning fleet led by Ren Fei will not be noticed by other warships. As for the radar ship, there will be no news that he is in charge at this time.

A week is actually very fast. Ma Yun has been on the radar ship during this time, and he has been paying attention to the route of the alien fleet all the time. After the analysis of the fleet staff department, this fleet must have also discovered the long-distance trading fleet, and came straight to their location.

When the alien fleet was still more than ten hours away from the long-distance trading fleet, Ma Yun issued a combat order: "All warships are ready for battle, and the radar ship opens the communication contact device, and uses the common language of the universe to try to contact the other party. Ask about the person's background."

In fact, this is also a test, but Ma Yun seems to be a bit late in contacting. If he can contact earlier, the possibility of finding the accidental fleet escape will be greater, but he also has his own considerations.

In this situation, their fleet has only two situations, that is, they can either live or be killed. As for the return journey through the third jump point, it is simply impossible. This will expose the position of the third jumping point, which will be quite a terrible thing for human beings. You must know that he has experienced the shadow of the wandering merchant Carlo and the mechanical clan. Although he does not recognize the empire very much, he is quite loyal to the human beings he meets. Such things are simply impossible.

That's why he will contact the other party at this time. First, he can take a look at the attitude of this alien fleet. If it starts to attack directly, it means that the alien fleet is not for business. The second is to show your sincerity. If the other party is a businessman, you will definitely accept this. He is a businessman, and it is impossible for businessmen in the universe to be against their own interests. This is a universal truth.

Following Ma Yun's order, the entire long-distance trading fleet began to move, especially those warships equipped with the most powerful laser cannons and attack methods in the military, which were directly lined up for energy storage, in order to Can counterattack at the first time. Although the people on these fleets also know that the attack may be useless, they will still do it. As for the reason, it is very simple, that is, the gap between human technological strength and this alien race can be tested.

This is very important for human beings. At present, human beings do not have a clear understanding of their own strength. Even though Carlo and Tong have given some information, the credibility of these information is not high. According to the information of those two people, the current human civilization should be at a stage of third to third advanced, but many human scientists have raised doubts that human beings have just mastered the technology of jumping space, which is a second advanced sign.

Therefore, in addition to more knowledge, human beings now need a benchmark for preparation as the direction of progress, otherwise it may go astray.

The universal language of the universe is actually an incorrect term, because the universe is so vast that there is no such thing as a universal language. At present, there are only two lingua francas mastered by humans. One comes from the wandering merchant Carlo. Of course, this is also the lingua franca in Chen Qiang's memory, and the other comes from the mechanical clan. Of course, the common language obtained from Tong cannot be used, because the machine race is currently wanted in the universe, maybe this is also false news. But humans can't afford to gamble at all, so it's better to be cautious.

Fortunately, the lingua franca left behind by Carlo was usable, so the opposing fleet replied directly less than a minute after the communication started.

"Hello, we are the Heluo tribe from the Changzu Star Field. May I ask where you are from?"

The other party's reply was very simple, but it also made Ma Yun quite happy, because he saw the hope of communicating with the other party from this reply. So he directly ordered the staff in charge of communication: "Tell them that we are a human race from the solar system, and then ask them if they are a caravan to trade."

The universal language is actually completely different from the way humans pronounce it. It requires a strong mental force to wave the surrounding particles to produce the syllables of the universal language. Therefore, at present, humans cannot speak such a language at all, and can only rely on machine translation. So after Ma Yun gave the order, the staff began to use the keyboard to input the language into text, and finally the machine translated it into the universal language, and then passed it through the communication channel.

"We have completed all the transactions and are now on our way back. It seems that you may be entering the universe for the first time to conduct transactions." A sentence appeared on the big screen of the radar ship.

Ma Yun said without hesitation: "Yes, this is the first time our civilization has come to this place, and we hope to have relevant exchanges with other civilizations. Maybe you can show us a way." He doesn't have any According to the analysis of the advancing route of the Heluo people, the long-distance trading fleet has deviated from the correct track, and now the entire fleet needs the correct route in the trading area.

"Okay, but what can you exchange with us?" The other party's reply was even faster, and they put forward the transaction request without the slightest consideration.

This made Ma Yun breathe a sigh of relief, because since the other party is willing to sell this route, no matter how high the price is, it is okay. Maybe you will be severely slaughtered in the middle, but this is the price.

"Well, maybe we can hold a trading meeting here, do you think it's okay?" Ma Yun directly suggested that he has reached the most nervous time now.

"Okay, our spaceship is a bit small, so it's better to put the exchange trading party on our spaceship. I also hope that your firepower aimed at our fleet can stop gathering energy. Rest assured that we are a peaceful race, not like space pirates Just as brutal."

This sentence made Ma Yun and the entire fleet feel relieved, because from this sentence they knew that the firepower of the long-distance trading fleet could threaten this civilization. In this way, the safety of these people will be guaranteed, which is quite good news.

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