U.S. White House.

Inside the President's Office, several senior officials of the FBI stood still and did not dare to move. Obama is very angry now.

"My gentlemen, what do you want me to do? Tell me!"

The angry roar was heard by some clerks outside the office.

"After the incident, you told me that according to intelligence, it was a Russian hacker organization, so the government decided to hold a press conference to support the British platform. As a result, halfway through, your agents came to tell me that the terrorists were Americans! Authentic Americans! Do you want me to hand over my own citizens to be judged by other countries?!"

"Mr. President, we..." A senior official suggested weakly, "We can set up a joint court with the UK to try together, so that we can explain to the people!"

It's okay not to mention this suggestion, but Obama is even more angry when he mentions it. Grabbing the documents on the table, Obama threw them directly in the face of senior officials.

"Show me what this is!"

The high-ranking official quickly took the document, and the rest of the people came over to watch it. Seeing this, all the high-ranking officials were extremely surprised.

"How is it possible? Is there a mistake?" "How could an 11-year-old do it?!"

"Boom!" Obama slapped the table suddenly, stood up and shouted, "This is the document sent by your director half an hour ago, do you think it might be mistaken?!"

"This this……"

"It's fine if I'm an adult. Now you want me to hand over a child? In the two hundred years of history of the United States of America, has there ever been a child handed over? Has there been?"

"This... this..." Several high-ranking officials couldn't even speak clearly at this moment, with fine sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Just then, the Secretary of State knocked on the door and broke in.

"Mr. President, the British Prime Minister called again. Their Nighthawk agents have arrived at the White House. They hope that we will hand over the suspect to their agents and bring them back to the UK. We can send someone together..."

"Reject him!" Obama said decisively, directly interrupting the Secretary of State.

As soon as this remark came out, the Secretary of State was stunned.

According to the agreement with the British government, the FBI and MI6 jointly operated. Once the suspect was captured, MI6 took over and the two sides tried together.

This is an agreement reached between you and Prime Minister Cameron. Why are you changing your mind in a blink of an eye?

Damn, I'm the Secretary of State in charge of foreign affairs, I'm not just kidding you.

In the United States, the Secretary of State has very great authority. According to the Constitution, when the president resigns, he must submit a resignation report to the Secretary of State.

Sensing the complaints from his colleagues, Obama was extremely depressed, and signaled the senior officials of the FBI to pass the documents to Mr. Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State took a look at the document and blurted out words of disbelief in an instant.

"How could this be? How could a child do it?"

As an elite figure in the political world, the Secretary of State immediately realized why President Obama would rather not show his face than make a slip of the tongue.

This is a child, and there is no way to go to diplomacy. There is no such precedent in American history.

If President Obama dares to do this, once it is exposed, he will have no choice but to step down, and he may even go to prison.

In today's world, is there any country that has handed over its own children? No, not a single one!

Even a small East Asian country has never done this, let alone us in the United States. As the most powerful country in the world, if the government can't even keep its own children, the people will be turned upside down, and no one will be able to resist it.

It is right not to hand over, now the top priority...

"Mr. President!" The Secretary of State yelled solemnly, and then said quickly, "We should immediately hold another press conference to reverse the characterization of this case, and it can no longer be identified as an anti-terrorism case."

President Obama nodded, this matter must be done before the media reacts, otherwise the government will face a crisis of confidence.

I actually characterized an 11-year-old child as a terrorist, who would agree? !

Obama glared bitterly at several senior FBI officials, and then called his assistants in to prepare for another press conference.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just after giving the order, the phone rang. It was the FBI Director. When Obama answered the phone, his face changed drastically.

"What? What did you say? The suspect was taken away? Seattle Police Department?!"

Seattle Police Department.

Founded on June 2, 1886, it is the largest municipal law enforcement agency in Washington State.

At this time, in the director's office, a woman was sitting on a chair and waiting patiently. She is the new chief of the Seattle Police Department, O'Toole, Ms. A on the phone.

As the first female chief of the Seattle Police Department, gender is her advantage, and of course this advantage is useless in many cases. However, if one more huge achievement is added to this advantage, then the next promotion will be just around the corner.

So, when the president of The Wall Street Journal called, I immediately made a choice and decided to join the other party's camp.

Currently this camp has:

News Corporation, the capital predators behind them, are operating in all directions for profit.

Mr. Governor, the political forces they represent are resisting pressure from the FBI for approval ratings.

As for himself, he is working as a thug for his political achievements.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and the assistant walked in.

"Boss, they'll be here in seven minutes."

"Very good!" The female director immediately stood up and walked out of the office, "Start now!"

"But Director, if Mr. President blames it..."

"Heh! We are sure to win this time!" The female bureau chief was extremely confident, she chuckled and walked quickly outside.


"Start immediately!"

Following an order from the News Corporation headquarters, the programs of all its TV stations were suspended.

"This is Fox TV in the United States. We will broadcast an exclusive report in 1 minute. The watermelon that attacked Leeds in the United Kingdom has been arrested..."

"This is British Sky TV. We will broadcast an exclusive report in 1 minute. The watermelon who attacked Leeds has been arrested..."

"This is Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV. We will broadcast an exclusive report in 1 minute. The watermelon that attacked Leeds, England has been arrested..."

The shocking news spread across the world in an instant.

The watermelon was caught? Which country and what is its name? What does it look like? Is it some well-known network engineer?

Within 1 minute, hundreds of millions of people around the world were tuned to TV stations under News Corporation. At this moment, the stocks of News Corporation all rose by several percentage points.

1 minute countdown!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

The TV stations all changed their screens, and a huge police building instantly appeared on the screen.

"Hi everyone, I'm a reporter from Fox TV. I'm currently in the Seattle Police Department. According to the information we have received, the Seattle Police Department has just captured 'Watermelon' and is on its way to the police station."

"Is this true? Let's interview the first female chief of the Seattle Police Department, Ms. O'Toole."

In front of the police building, a woman in high-end police uniform nodded solemnly to the camera.

"Yes, we have found the suspect who attacked Leeds, UK. However, Mr. Reporter, please pay attention to your wording. It is to find, not to arrest."

"Director O'Toole, according to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States, the other party is a terrorist. Why do you use the word 'find' instead of 'capture'?"

The female director made an angry look, and retorted loudly: "No, the other party is not a terrorist, although the damage he caused is a bit too serious. But, I repeat here: the other party is not a terrorist."

The British people who are watching TV are all angry, especially the residents of Leeds. His own city suffered such a serious loss, that female cousin actually said that the other party was not a terrorist.

Protest, serious protest!

"Director O'Toole, can you elaborate?"

The female director on TV nodded again, and said solemnly: "This morning, a detective reported to me that he received a report that the FBI abused its power and abused a minor child by tracking down the suspect. Then I Let the police rescue the child from the FBI. According to the investigation, he is the suspect 'Watermelon' in the Leeds incident."

"What? Director O'Toole, are you saying that Watermelon is an underage child?"

"Yes! Now my subordinate is taking him to the police station, and he will arrive in about 3 minutes!"

"Okay, thank you, Director O'Toole! Let's wait for 3 minutes, and now we have an advertisement, please don't go away, the advertisement is equally exciting!"

Guang Nima's advertisement, get out of the advertisement, we need to watch the interview. At this moment, at least hundreds of millions of viewers are cursing News Corporation.

This news is so shocking, the suspect who paralyzed the whole city turned out to be an 11-year-old child? How did he do it? That is a city system, with a financial system, a transportation system, and a medical system...

No company has withstood his attack!

That kid is too monstrous, how could he do this? Even a well-known hacker who has been immersed in the Internet for decades can't do it!

Does anyone know the kid's name? Can someone post a photo to see!

While watching the TV, netizens logged onto various chat software, frantically expressing their inner shock.

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