Super Black Technology

Chapter 14 Requesting Special Police Support

Seattle Hospital.

Received a special patient today.

How special is it?

It's so special that even world-class stars can't compare to it, and it's so special that even the president's hospitalization doesn't get such a high degree of attention.

What? you do not believe?

look outside! Those reporters outside are crazy!

The entire Seattle hospital has been cordoned off by the police and the FBI. Except for patients and their families, no outsiders are allowed to enter.

"Freedom of the press! Freedom of the press!" American journalists shouted in unison.

"We want the truth! We want the truth!" British journalists stormed the blockade angrily.

"I'm a patient, I want to go in to see a doctor! Yes, I have a headache!" A middle-aged man in a coat desperately squeezed in, but as soon as he got close to the detector, the alarm sounded.

Several police officers immediately surrounded him and found a miniature camera from him.

"I'm also a patient, I want to go in to see a doctor too! My stomach hurts!"


The media all over the world are going crazy. They haven't encountered such a big news in many years. This news is not only big, but also extremely hype.

For this incident, not to mention those journalists in Europe and the United States who want news and life, even China Central Television has sent special reporters.

"I am a reporter from CCTV, and we are now at the Seattle Hospital. From here we can see that this Seattle Hospital has been surrounded by people. Everyone wants to go inside, especially the American people, who are so enthusiastic Ruhuo. Why is this so, let us interview."

"Hello, are you a resident nearby?" The camera focused on a young man.

"No, I came from Washington. I heard that we have a genius child prodigy in the United States. I want to come and see for myself. We have never had such a genius child prodigy in the United States. I am so happy. God bless America! God bless America!"

As soon as this remark came out, people around also shouted "God Bless America".

"I also came from other places to see the child prodigy!"

"I also came from other places to see the child prodigy!"

"Long live the prodigy, long live the prodigy!"


"Hello, sir. It is reported that this kid named 'Ike' is a suspect in the attack on Leeds. Do you think his actions are correct?"

"This, of course, is not quite correct, but we can understand it. A child prodigy must not be the same as a normal child."

"Yes, you are right! Our child prodigy is not a terrorist, Obama needs to apologize, and the British Prime Minister also needs to apologize!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, a few tourists who seemed to be of British nationality next to him became angry.

"He is a terrorist!"

"He is not!"

"He is! Selfish and disregarding the consequences of doing things, the consequences are worse than those caused by extremist organizations! Trial him and imprison him!"

"What did you say?"

"Trial him, imprison him!"

"Fuck! Hit him!" Relying on his own weight, a strong man punched him, and the tourist's friend immediately fought back.

Seeing such a situation, the friend of the strong man was also angry, and joined the battlefield without saying a word.

There are more people and more chaos.

The beautiful reporter's face turned pale. The riot came so suddenly that it swept in all the people around in an instant, and then, like a wave, it rushed to the four directions and swallowed everyone.

The scene was completely chaotic...

"Headquarters, headquarters, call for riot police support! Headquarters, headquarters, call for riot police support!"

Audiences across the globe watched in amazement once again.

Didn't it mean that the American people are all peace-loving? Why are they so crazy now?


After the chaos, a post on the Internet spread instantly.

"The Conspiracy of the American Government":

It's all fake, it's all a conspiracy.

The U.S. government wants to cover up terrorists, so it finds a child to act as a scapegoat. We all know that according to the laws of various countries, minors do not have to bear heavy criminal responsibility.

So they deliberately introduced a little guy named "Ike". This is fake, they want to escape, they want to incorporate that real criminal organization.

I'm a hacker myself, I swear to God. Even if a child hacked into our country's official website, a large scientific research institution, or even a space agency, I would believe it.

Because technically speaking, this is possible.

But no matter how talented that Ike is, he can't paralyze the entire city. Because of a modern city you can attack him from the Internet, but what about those that are not connected to the Internet?

For example, the medical device system, which is a system that is physically isolated from the Internet. Even a clever hacker can't do it unless someone enters the hospital and implants a Trojan horse to cooperate.

How can an American kid from an ordinary family ask others to help? How many people can he order to assist?

It's a city, it's a metropolis!


This post is very long, not only from the technical analysis, but also from the force analysis, and finally concluded: This is a conspiracy, this is a script deliberately prepared by the US government.

The public reposted this post spontaneously, especially the netizens in Leeds were the most active.

Every company in their city has suffered huge losses, financial companies have suffered losses, Internet companies have suffered losses, media groups have suffered losses...

The economic loss of the entire city of Leeds is as high as 30 billion, which is still a direct economic loss. If you count the losses in the stock market, it will be even more terrifying.

Several companies in the city that develop cybersecurity software are preparing to declare bankruptcy.

Because many companies in Leeds have their security software installed, even a multinational company like Kaspersky cannot afford compensation.

Just half an hour later, the entire Internet was a sensation.

A certain TV station dedicated a column to report on this post, and invited a well-known network engineer to analyze it.

In the TV, the well-known network engineer seriously pointed out that from the current technology, the internal network that is physically isolated cannot be attacked through the external network.

Once it was broadcast on TV, the whole of Britain was shaken.

The chaos outside the Seattle hospital, the conspiracy theory posts, and the TV media fueled the flames, and the British people were completely outraged.

The city of Leeds began to appear in tandem with people, and people gathered in groups, holding flags, and took to the streets. Then came Preston, Plymouth, York...

protest! protest!

Protest the watermelon attack in the UK!

Protest that the US government harbors terrorists!

Protest the inaction of the Cameron government!


In the society of the information age, this kind of big news is transmitted all over the world in an instant.

"Have you heard? The government decided to hand over Ike and let Britain go to trial! I heard that he will be sentenced to life imprisonment!"

"What? Ike is just a kid, and he's our American prodigy!"

"No handover, no imprisonment! Who dares to hand over our once-in-a-century child prodigy?"

"Protest! Protest against the betrayal of the people by the government!"

"Obama is weak! Obama is down!"

I don't know what force is behind the scenes, and the American people also took to the streets, heading for the White House in droves.


It has to be said that throughout human history, child prodigies are highly sought after no matter what period or country they are in.

Speaking far away, such as the ancient eastern country, every time a child prodigy appeared in ancient times, the local officials would regard it as auspicious, and even the emperor would be alarmed.

More recently, even Mao's era was very fond of child prodigies.

Besides, in the United States, even a pseudo child prodigy of Hollywood acting will be blown and blown by the public, blown and blown...

As the world's most powerful country, Americans are proud, but they are not arrogant in many ways. Because the United States is a country of immigrants, the history of the whole country is only more than 200 years.

than history? The 5,000-year history of China in the Far East is as far away as one solar system from the United States.

than art? Leonardo da Vinci in Italy, Picasso in Spain, Van Gogh in the Netherlands... a lot of artists are famous all over the world.

than noble? Many wealthy people in the United States dream of obtaining British titles.

The tragic United States worked hard to climb the technology tree, well, finally climbed to the number one in the world. As a result, if you look carefully, you will find that there are very few well-known scientists who are really born and bred.

Now, with great difficulty, a child prodigy has emerged. This is not a 'false prodigy', this is a frightening prodigy who paralyzes the city at the touch of a keyboard.

The government actually wants to hand it over? Still want to imprison him?

Britain still doubts? A child in your country who can solve the Rubik's Cube in 49.4 seconds can be blown to the sky.

Now it's our turn, you doubt and protest? Nima, are you the only ones who will protest? We will too!

protest! protest! The government is weak!

protest! protest! Obama resigns!

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