Super Black Technology

Chapter 3 Where is the Imperial Fleet

8:13. 10 Downing Street. Prime Minister's Office.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was an urgent knock on the door.

Prime Minister Cameron had not had time to speak in the future, but hearing a "bang", the secretary broke in sweating profusely.

"Your Excellency, Red Emergency!" The secretary unfolded the document in his hand and said hastily, "At eight o'clock this morning, the largest cyber terrorist attack in history occurred in Leeds. All computers, TVs and other electronic devices that can be connected to the Internet were completely paralyzed , has not yet recovered. The following is the reported loss that has been counted:

International airport, railway station, Leeds TV station, 23 schools, 4 multinational groups, more than 700 small and medium-sized enterprises, including but not limited to: media companies, transportation companies, financial companies, IT companies, manufacturing companies...

Among them, agricultural and animal husbandry companies suffered the least, and media companies suffered the most, and they were completely unable to operate at this time. The traffic in the urban area can barely maintain operation, except for the car TV and computer.

The most dangerous situation is in the two hospitals in the urban area, where there is a serious shortage of medical staff..."

"Okay!" The Prime Minister waved his hand violently, interrupting the secretary, "Let the Ministry of Health urgently dispatch manpower to support the major hospitals in Leeds. In the name of the Prime Minister's Office, let all the police officers in Leeds go to patrol the streets ;

In addition, call the quick response department and rush to Leeds to deal with possible real terrorist attacks. "

"Yes!" The secretary turned and left quickly. Another staff member came in, "Your Excellency, the Director of the Security Bureau is waiting outside and has brought a cyber security working group."

"Ask them to Hall 3, I'll be right over."


Hall 3, Temporary Emergency Processing Center.

At this time, not only people from the Security Service and the Cyber ​​Security Working Group have arrived, but also many more people: important officials from the British Government Communications Headquarters, important officials from the Secret Intelligence Service, the London Police Chief and the Minister of Defense.

"Everyone, please sit down! Let the Security Bureau briefly explain the situation."

"Yes!" The chief of the Security Bureau waited for everyone to sit down, then stood up, holding a document in his hand, and quickly introduced it to everyone. The whole process lasted only 3 minutes.

"Probably this is the case. Regarding the name of cake and Alice, my colleagues are still looking for clues. There is no news yet. Please give us some time."

"I'm sorry, gentlemen!" After the director of the Security Bureau sat down, a staff member of the network security team stood up and continued, "The terrorists are very cunning. Our colleagues in Leeds searched for many computers. There are hospitals Yes, a financial company, a media company, found an IP address. However, this IP address is fake."

"Did you use the springboard?" an important official asked.

IP springboard attack is a professional term for network attack and defense. That is, use other people's machines as relay stations to attack other machines, thereby hiding your real IP.

For example, use your own computer A to control another B computer at the far end, and then use B computer to control another C computer, then D, E, F, G..., and finally use the last computer to attack the target.

"No." The staff of the security team denied the person's guess, and then said, "According to our investigation, this IP address did not use any springboard, and we also restored the logs on the computer, and found that the logs were not deleted. Signs of erasure."

"Then what are you waiting for? Just check this IP and catch that bastard. Whether it's domestic or foreign, our Royal Navy fleet is already on standby in the Mediterranean. For any terrorist act against the British Empire, no matter which country or organization , we will never compromise." Minister of Defense Tie Xue said.

"There's no need to check!" The staff of the security team said helplessly.

"Crack!" The Minister of Defense slapped the table angrily, "What did you say?"

"Because this IP is fake without checking. This IP is like this: 300.300.300.300."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

How can it be? The IP address is 8 bits per segment, and 2 to the 8th power is 256, which is represented by 0-255, so the maximum value is 255, how can there be such a strange number as 300.

The upper limit of IP can be broken, how did he (they) do it?

"I'm sorry, my colleagues and I also want to know about this." The staff of the security team said in shame.

As an elite in network security in the UK, and a well-known hacker in the past, he knew nothing about the means used by this terrorist or terrorist organization.

Some cases encountered before, no matter how outrageous, at least I and my colleagues can deduce the general principle.

But what is the situation this time, even the upper limit of the physical address can be modified?

"Okay, gentlemen, we're running out of time!" The Prime Minister coughed, interrupted everyone's discussion, and looked at the staff, "Is there any video or picture of that cake?"

"Yes!" The staff of the security team took out a stack of photos from the bag and were about to distribute them to the gentlemen.

At this time, there was a thud, the door opened, and the Prime Minister's secretary rushed in again.

"Gentlemen, please watch TV."

The secretary pressed the remote control and turned on the huge LCD TV on the side of the hall:

"Hi everyone, this is the British Broadcasting Corporation, and I'm Lisa, a reporter from the BBC." On the TV, a beautiful blonde reporter said quickly to the camera, her beautiful face with an appropriate expression of anxiety and concern.

"According to our news, at 8 o'clock this morning, the city of Leeds in the Yorkshire-Wanbeside area was hit by the most powerful cyber terrorist attack in history. So far, the city's network has been completely paralyzed, and everyone with The electronics of the display are all replaced by a mysterious cake.

This time Lisa was able to report for everyone here with the help of satellite communication. I am now in one of the two largest hospitals in Leeds: Leeds General Hospital.

From here, we can see that the hospital is about to fall into chaos now, and seven ambulance tents have been set up even at the door, and medical staff are anxiously busy.

Because all the electronic systems of the hospital have been paralyzed, the medicine dispensing system can't print out the medicine list at all, and every medicine needs to be manually searched by medical staff, so there is a serious shortage of medical staff majoring in pharmacology.

Please, I hope they don't take the wrong medicine. "

Speaking of this, the camera passed the blonde reporter and extended to the entrance of the hospital. The gate was overcrowded and chaotic, medical staff in white anxiously shuttled through the crowd, and voices calling for help could be heard from time to time:

"Help! Helpme!"

"God, help me! Come help me!"

At this time, an ambulance drove in, and then left quickly after some people got into the car.

The camera turned on the beautiful reporter again.

"What we saw just now is that the ambulance of the hospital in the neighboring city is transferring seriously ill patients. It is also because the damn hacker paralyzed the hospital's medical system, causing the hospital's nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, DR system equipment and other large medical equipment to fail to operate, so Some seriously ill patients must be transferred to hospital immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Now, let's turn the picture to the culprit of this terrorist attack - that damned cake."

On the big screen at the entrance of the hospital that usually promotes health knowledge, a big cake filled with candles is lying quietly at this time, and above it are a few lines of cute blessings:

Happy birthday sister Alice! Sister, I like you very much, can you be my girlfriend?

"Seeing this cake, I want to ask angrily: Our British cities are being destroyed, our people are crying, where is our government? Where is our fleet?"

"The above is the report brought to you by Lisa, a front-line reporter from the BBC. We will keep following the latest developments of this terrorist attack. Thank you for watching, goodbye."


"Crack!" The Prime Minister stood up angrily, turned off the TV, took a deep breath, and said, "Inform the media and all embassies in London that we will hold an emergency press conference later."

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