Super Black Technology

Chapter 44 The Kind Girl

(Today, there are fewer collections, fewer votes, and fewer big talkers. Could it be that after the plot enters a calm period, the big guys ignore me? Tragedy!)

Because the previous actions of the US military almost triggered a world war, the wave of protests by all British citizens slowed down a little. Now it is peaceful again, no, the people of Leeds have started to protest again.

Anyway, being idle is idle, and citizens held banners and held up Ike's head and gathered in front of the city hall to protest, and gathered in front of the police station to protest.

Leeds Police Station.

Police officers are working one by one. From time to time, some female police officers would raise their heads and look into the innermost small room with sympathy in their eyes.

There was a girl imprisoned there, a girl who was just 18 years old.

"She's so pitiful!" A young female police officer whispered to a colleague next to her.

"Yes!" The colleague nodded, and then sighed, "It's been several days! I heard that her 18th birthday was also celebrated at our police station, and no one came to see her."

"You said, why didn't the director let her out? Didn't it all prove that she was not really involved in the attack? According to the law, the detention period should not exceed 48 hours!"

When the colleague heard what the female police officer said, he quickly looked up and looked around, and when no one noticed them, he explained again in a low voice: "If it is an ordinary person, the detention period is indeed too early. But, hey, who Let her be involved in such a big event. 30 billion pounds, you can't afford to sell her 10,000 times."

"Do you know? It's not our police who want to detain her, but the Military Intelligence Bureau! No, look, their people are here again!"

The female police officer turned her head to look at the gate of the police station. At this moment, the door opened, and a couple dressed as MI6 agents walked in.

It's Mr. and Mrs. Smith from the Nighthawks team.

Without even looking at the police officers, the two of them went straight through the case handling hall and walked into the innermost detention room.

"Boom boom boom!"

After knocking on the door, Mrs. Smith pushed the door open and walked in. Mr. Smith stood at the door and would not let anyone come near him.

As soon as she entered the detention room, Mrs. Smith saw a girl with a pale face and bloodless face.

She is Alice!

At this time, Alice's eyes were blank, and she looked very haggard. Although her white dress was still clean, the corners were already wrinkled. The experience of the past few days has hit her hard, and she can't even take a good rest.

"Oh! Poor child," Mrs. Smith sighed silently in her heart, and then asked sympathetically, "Alice, are you all right?"

Alice looked blankly at the ceiling as if she didn't hear it.

"Alice, are you all right?"

Mrs. Smith repeated again, and Alice finally turned her head to look at the door.

Seeing that the person who came in was Mrs. Smith, Alice opened her mouth to answer, but what came out was a hoarse voice.

"I..." I couldn't say anything, so Alice nodded to show that she was fine.

really okay? Mrs. Smith knew it all.

Alice took a deep breath, and her voice became less hoarse: "Mrs. Smith, is there anything else you want to ask today?"

Mrs. Smith shook her head, took out a new mobile phone from her bag, and handed it to Alice.

Alice didn't understand.

"For you! Your mobile phone is broken and can't be repaired anymore."

Alice shook her head quickly. Although her family was not well off, she didn't want to accept other people's things at will.

"Hold it! This mobile phone is very cheap and worthless!" Mrs. Smith forced the mobile phone into Alice's hand, and said at the same time, "You can leave with the mobile phone, and your classmates are here too."

"Really?" Alice stood up all of a sudden, feeling much more energetic.

"Well! Let's go, I'll drive you off!"

Maybe it was because she could leave, or maybe she could finally see her classmates, Alice finally accepted this "worthless" new phone.

"Thank you, Mrs. Smith!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Smith rarely felt guilty. This is a kind girl, but it is a pity that she meets someone who is not kind...


Police station back door.

Lucy waited anxiously, and when she saw Alice coming out, Lucy jumped up excitedly and hugged her best friend.

"God, Alice, how did you get so emaciated? Did they abuse you? I'm going to sue them, I'm going to expose them to the media!"

"No, they just asked me some questions!" Alice forced a smile to herself, not wanting to worry her best friend. It's just why the smile looks so forced and helpless.

Perhaps for Alice, it would be nice to be able to leave this hellish police station. They are just two ordinary girls, how can they get into the country's violent institutions?

At this time, the car of the Smiths came, and the two girls had to get in the car. The vehicle moved away from the police station and headed towards Leeds Metropolitan University.

Not long after, the vehicle stopped at the gate of the university, and then the two women got out of the car.

Looking at this familiar university, Alice suddenly felt sad.

Today may be the last time I walked into this university! After so many years of hard work, I did not expect this result. Maybe in the future I will be a shopping guide in a certain supermarket, or maybe I will be a waiter in a certain restaurant...

That's it for the rest of my life. All happiness, all dreams will leave me from today...

Alice's nose was a little sour, and there was a slight mist in her eye sockets.

Do you hate watermelon yourself? Hate that kid?

Alice really wanted to hate, but couldn't. He should be unintentional, after all, Xigua is just an 11-year-old child. An 11-year-old child wishes himself a happy birthday, so what bad intentions can he have?

Oh, maybe God is punishing me!

"Alice, don't cry, don't cry!" Lucy comforted her girlfriend with a crying voice. Because she also knew that Alice was expelled from school. However, she is just a girl from an ordinary family and cannot change the school's decision.

Hearing her best friend's comforting words, Alice blinked to remove the fog in her eyes.

Life has to go on, doesn't it?

"Lucy, let's go in!"

The two women walked into the school hand in hand. They have to go to the administrative office to sign, and then go back to the dormitory to pack Alice's personal belongings...

In the car, the Smiths watched the two girls go away quietly until they disappeared in the school.

"Well, she's actually quite poor," sighed Mrs. Smith.

"The word sympathy is not in the agent's dictionary!" replied Mr. Smith grimly.

"You...why are you so sympathetic?" Mrs. Smith asked her husband angrily.

Hearing this, Mr. Smith was indifferent and didn't want to pay attention to his wife.

After adjusting his headset a little, Mr. Smith then ordered, "Turn on the chip immediately!"


At this moment, inside Alice's "cheap" mobile phone, a slight red light flickered...

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