Super Black Technology

Chapter 47 Sister is cute

The Vice-Chancellor of Leeds Metropolitan University led the applause, followed by others.

Thunderous applause!

Alice was dumbfounded, what's going on?

The vice-principal turned to Alice and said loudly, "Student Alice, you are the pride of our school. I hope you will never forget your alma mater."

When the sound fell, there was another burst of applause.

Alice said timidly: "Sir, I... I have dropped out of school!"

"Who said that?" The vice-principal waved his hand indifferently, and replied firmly, "You will always be an outstanding student of our Leeds Metropolitan University."

When the sound fell, everyone burst into thunderous applause.

This strange scene has made Alice puzzled until now. How is this going? Are the schools not afraid of capitalists?

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Mr. Vice President, what happened?"

Alice and Lucy both asked suspiciously.

The vice principal smiled mysteriously, and then made an invitation gesture to Alice, saying: "Student Alice, someone wants to see you! Please follow me!"

Someone wants to meet me? who is it? I only have Lucy as my best friend in school, who else wants to see me?

Alice followed the vice principal into the school building in bewilderment and reached the top floor. Lucy, on the other hand, stayed outside.

"Boom boom boom!"

On the top floor of the building, there was a knock on the principal's office door. In an instant, the voice of "please come in" came from inside.

The vice-principal led Alice through the door.

As the door was pushed open, Alice suddenly saw many strangers. They were men and women, some in suits, some in casual clothes...

Who are they?

Seeing Alice enter the door, all the strangers stood up and looked at Alice with smiles on their faces.

Their gazes were as hot as fire, as if they were looking at a peerless treasure.

At this moment, the principal with gray hair came over from behind the desk, and said with a smile, "Student Alice, you are here!"

"Hi principal!" Alice greeted the old principal quickly.

Hearing this, the old principal was very happy, and his smile became wider: "Student Alice, come here, let me introduce you!"

The old principal grabbed Alice's hand and walked towards a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Alice, this is Mr. Michael Artin, a world-renowned mathematician, an honorary professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has won the National Medal of Science and was personally awarded by President Bush..."

Alice's mouth was slightly open, but she didn't hear the words that followed. At this moment, she was stunned.

Why would a world-renowned university professor come to me?

"Student Alice! Classmate Alice!"

The old principal's continuous calls finally brought Alice back to her senses. Alice quickly stretched out her right hand towards the middle-aged man.

"Hello Professor, I'm Alice, nice to meet you!"

Professor Arting smiled heartily, and gently shook Alice's hand: "Hello, student Alice. Nice to meet you too!"

With one hand, you can share.

At this time, two more white men in casual clothes walked in. The old headmaster hurriedly introduced Alice.

"This is Professor Lewis from Carnegie Mellon University, a world-renowned mathematician and computer scientist..."

"This is Professor Campbell of Yale University, a computer scientist who is currently chairing Yale University's artificial intelligence laboratory..."

Alice didn't dare to be distracted, and quickly reached out to say hello to the two awesome professors.

The two professors did not have the slightest arrogance, and their words were very gentle, which made Alice feel like a spring breeze. However, at this moment, Alice's doubts intensified. What did the three world-renowned professors come to ask her for?

"Ahem!" The old headmaster coughed slightly, interrupting the temporary communication between the three of them.

This action surprised Alice, could there be a bigger person behind?

"Student Alice, come, let me introduce you again!"

The old headmaster led Alice to the other side. There was a man and a woman here, who looked a little older.

"This is Professor David Pulitzer from Caltech, a physicist who won the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics..."

"This is the vice president of Harvard University—Ms. Leah Rosowski!"

Nobel Prize? Vice President of Harvard University?

Alice was completely numb, and numbly reached out to shake hands and say hello to them.

what on earth is it? How could these big cows come to me, an ordinary student? Although I usually study very hard, my grades are very average, and I major in art design.

Each of them is either a physicist, a mathematician, or a computer scientist. I have nothing to do with them!

What did they come to me for?


At this time, the vice president of Harvard University smiled and spoke.

"Student Alice, I read your personal information and found that you are excellent in all aspects. Here, in the name of the vice president of Harvard University, I extend a sincere invitation to you, and hope that you can come to our Harvard University to study."

What? Harvard University invited me to study at their school? My God, this is one of the top three universities in the world. It is not at the same level as Leeds Metropolitan University.

The sudden surprise left Alice speechless.

Can I go to Harvard University to study? So good, so good! I want to tell Lucy the good news, and tell Mom and Dad...

I will promise her, I will promise this kind lady.

Alice was overjoyed, and was about to nod in agreement with the vice president of Harvard University...


"No, absolutely not!"

"That's right! Alice can't go to Harvard!"

"Don't go to Harvard!"


It was the professors I just introduced who were speaking.

Alice was stunned by the refusal. Do they all disapprove of themselves? Was the surprise just now a dream?

of course not!

But see, a professor from Carnegie Mellon University stepped forward and said loudly: "Student Alice, with your qualifications, you should study computer science at our Carnegie Mellon University. I am entrusted by the school board to come here." , I would like to sincerely invite you to study computer science at our Carnegie Mellon University, and the tuition is free!"

Before Alice could react, the professor from Yale University also walked over.

"Student Alice, Yale University also sincerely invites you to study in our school. The tuition fee is free, and you will get a scholarship of 100,000 US dollars per year."

The MIT professor was in a hurry, and rushed over: "I can't promise them! Our MIT is a world-class university. Alice, here I sincerely invite you to study at our MIT. Tuition is free, A scholarship of 200,000 yuan per year, and a teaching assistant single dormitory will be arranged for you.”

"No! Absolutely not!"

The professor of the Caltech pushed away the people standing in front of him and shouted, "Student Alice, we at the Caltech sincerely invite you to study in our school. The treatment of our school is..."

"Free tuition, free board and lodging, a scholarship of 300,000 yuan per year, and an on-campus professor's villa."

Hearing such conditions, everyone was extremely surprised, and Alice opened her mouth wide, unable to say anything.

However, it's not over yet!

At this time, Ms. Rosovsky, the vice president of Harvard University, clapped her hands and drew everyone's attention to her.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, I haven't finished my words yet!" Ms. Rosovsky walked towards Alice with a smile. In the eyes of everyone, she said, "Our treatment at Harvard University is——"

"Free tuition, free board and lodging, a scholarship of 300,000 yuan per year, and a professor's villa on campus. And, after Alice finishes her studies, Harvard University will hire her as an honorary professor."

"At the same time, we have reached a strategic cooperation with the Microsoft Group. At that time, Microsoft will hire Alice as a network security consultant for the Microsoft Group. The salary is 7 million US dollars per year, and a mansion in the suburbs of Seattle will be given away, worth 12 million."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

Nima, is your Harvard University going against the sky? Robbers don't bring such indiscriminate prices, do they? If you quote indiscriminately like this, if you can't do it by then, wouldn't it be a joke?

Sensing the suspicion of many well-known professors, Ms. Rosovsky chuckled, and her voice suddenly became higher:

"Everyone, let us now invite Mr. Bill Gates to come in!"

What? The former richest man in the world, the former president of Microsoft Group, Mr. Bill Gates actually came in person?

Following the words of the vice president of Harvard University, a series of footsteps sounded in the corridor outside...

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