Super Black Technology

Chapter 458: A New Era of Human Education

(The name of the fetus is: Apollo Henry. Today is the Lantern Festival, and Yuewu is here to wish everyone a happy New Year. I wish you all a happy family and good luck.)

"Son, you are so smart, now we learn multiplication: 1 times 1=1, 1 times 2=2, 1 times 3=3..."

"1 times 1=1, 1 times 2=2, 1 times 3=3..."

"Continue: 7x9=63, 8x9=72, 9x9=81!"

"7x9=63, 8x9=72, 9x9=81!"

"Then we study chemistry, um, chemistry, this, this..."

At this moment, Mrs. Henry was dumbfounded.

"This" has been going on for a long time, but there is no reason for this.

why? Because she is a scumbag! In addition to being beautiful, I failed in other subjects!

"Mom, mom, I want more, I want more!"

"Um, well, we don't study chemistry, we study physics. Well, physics, this, this..."

Mrs. Henry was dumbfounded again!

After such a delay, a minute is up.

Mrs. Henry's consciousness became more and more illusory and weak...

Feeling this kind of weakness from the spiritual level, Mrs. Henry was in a hurry: "My child, mother is leaving, and I will come to see you tomorrow. You have to be obedient and stop setting fires, you understand?"

"Okay, Mom!"

"Goodbye, kid!"

"Goodbye, Mom!"

Endless suction came from nowhere, pulled Mrs. Henry's consciousness away, and then quickly returned to her body.

Mrs. Henry opened her eyes with difficulty, feeling extremely exhausted.

Everyone rushed over and surrounded her.

"Madame, how is it? How is the talk with your child?" This is the question of the French President.

"Ma'am, has it promised you that it will stop setting fires casually?" This is the vice president's question.

"Madam, can I lend you its power?" This is the question from the Minister of Defense.

As soon as these words came out, the scene was instantly silent.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and endless expectations filled their hearts.

That's right, if the power to manipulate the flames can be controlled by Mrs. Henry herself. Doesn't France have power beyond the world? She alone is worth an army!

Moreover, it is still the kind of army that can ignore logistical supplies.

What is this concept?

If she is used as a special soldier to go deep behind enemy lines, she can burn down a country by herself.

What? You said the big wax gourd can stop her?

It's a joke, that's because she didn't master the mecha technology of the big winter melon. If she also controls the big wax gourd mech to penetrate behind enemy lines, who can stop it?

"My God, our French Republic is about to rise!"

"Thank God, thank God, thank you for everything!"

Amid the endless joy of everyone, Mrs. Henry spoke weakly.

"'Apollo' won't set fires indiscriminately! But sir, can you promise me a request?"

Apollo? Who is Apollo?

Mr. President was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted instantly.

Apollo should be her child's name. It seems that she has high expectations for this child, and she actually named it the sun god.

In ancient Greek mythology, the sun god was called Apollo.

"Madam, please tell me that as long as the request is reasonable and legal, the government will agree. Even if you want the stars in the sky, we will find a way to pick them for you."

Mr. President readily promised.

Mrs. Henry struggled to get up and bowed to the French President: "Thank you, sir! I would like to invite some private teachers to teach me some knowledge. I need knowledge in various subjects."

When the sound fell, everyone was extremely surprised.

What's happening here? Why are you looking for a private teacher? Could it be that you didn't study hard when you were young, but now that your conscience has discovered it, you plan to study hard again?

"Gentlemen, here's the thing..."

With incomparable pride, Mrs. Henry slowly told these big men what happened in the space of consciousness.

Time is anomalous in the space of consciousness.

Although Mrs. Henry's consciousness only stayed inside for a minute, in that short minute, that magical fetus had already learned French, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division...

"Sir, I don't know what to teach him now. I wanted to teach him physics, chemistry, biology and other scientific knowledge, but I don't understand anything! I have forgotten all the knowledge I learned in school! "

"So, sir, can I get some private teachers to teach me? When I have learned it, I will teach my child. My child is very smart. He is very talented..."

At this moment, everyone can no longer hear the following words. Everyone was stunned by the story told by Mrs. Henry.

God, what an amazing educational model is this? What an astonishing speed of education is this?

Just one minute of education is almost equivalent to three years of primary school. If it weren't for Mrs. Henry's limited knowledge, it is estimated that the magical fetus has already learned advanced mathematics...


France is going to rise, it really is going to rise!

"Come on, come on!"

The French President roared frantically.

Hearing his shout, several officers quickly rushed in from the outside.

"Call the Minister of Education immediately and ask him to come right away."

"Yes, Mr. President!"

The officer promised, turned and ran out.


"Wait!" The Minister of Defense stopped them.

Immediately, the Minister of Defense ran up quickly and ordered in a low voice: "Tell the Minister of Education in private, patriotic education comes first!"



Amid the doubts of intelligence personnel from various countries, the French government suddenly made a big move.

In France, many well-known scholars and top scientists in various fields received calls from the government one after another, and then disappeared.

This action has left the intelligence agencies of various countries at a loss.

what's the situation? What the hell is France doing? Could it be that they have made a new breakthrough in the big pumpkin space technology?

But, this is wrong!

Among the scientists they "kidnapped", why are there network experts, biology experts, music masters, and architects...

Fuck, what the hell is that music master?

British Prime Minister Cameron made an urgent call to the French government.

"Has the power of 'it' been mastered by you?"

The French president quickly denied: "No! Absolutely not!"

"Then why have all the top talents in various fields in your country disappeared?"

"This, this..." The French President was trying to think of an excuse to deal with the nosy British Prime Minister.

However, before he could think of a reason, Prime Minister Cameron's voice sounded again.

"Mr. President, I want to remind you of one thing: Our English rose—Miss Alice, owns 25% of all technology. I'll give you 1 minute, and you can think carefully before replying to me!"

As soon as this remark came out, the French President was shocked.

25% of pumpkin technology is shared by the EU.

25% of wax gourd technology is shared by the EU.

Although Cucumber Technology has not been distributed yet, it is estimated that Miss Alice will have a lot. Miss Alice's is the EU's. This was the price paid for the EU's great assistance to Britain during the Anglo-American war a few years ago.

How could it be possible for France to leave the EU and stand on its own? Even if they fully grasped the power of the fetus, they would not dare.

Because, the power of the fetus comes from the technology of the big cucumber.

It was created by Ike, the greatest super scientist in human history.

Brexit means that all technology will not be part of France.

This loss is too great, too big to imagine.

At this moment, the French President spoke anxiously.

"Your Excellency Cameron, please come to France! We have made an amazing discovery! Oh, no, no, it's not amazing, but..."


As soon as this adjective came out, Prime Minister Cameron gasped, his face horrified.

"I'll be right there, I'll be in France in 10 minutes!"

Immediately, he immediately hung up the phone and went out urgently...

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